theredpill2016 7-9-19… “Finally White Hats Control Earth! Exciting Moment. Share Freely”

Good Saturdaymorning , Beloved Collegues , Friends & Cocreators .May We All Enjoy a Wonderfull Weekend & Awaken To The Great Possiblities of this TIME of GREAT TRANSITION, From FEAR TO LOVE , from SEPARATION TO UNITY , from LIMITS Imposed on us by Ourselves, through our Lack of Faith in our Own Power, Our Greed for Money & Status, our Dependency on Others Opinions, our Dependency on Techology Firms & Social Media for Truthfull Communication, our Dependency on Drugs for a Life Lived in Health & Happiness, in An Abundance of Joy & Peace from Within. U get the picture 🙂 Lets Cocreate a NEW EARTH as ONE Humanity, Living on ONE Beautifull Planet , Sharing All of Her Natural Resources as ONE CARING WORLD, in Equality & Freedom as ONE Brother/Sistarhood, as Unique Soulfull , Conscious Evolving , Sovereign Human Beings , Each of us Taking our Individual Responsabiity for Cocreating a World of Integrity, Infinite Compassion & Unconditional Love in the Light of TRUTH as Our Sole Paradigm. I Am All That I AM.


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Thank U Dears for Sharing . If I Could get a Loan of €2000 Now , I could have the Lords Plan for me Fulfilled . Trust The Lord Through Me. We Are All Brothers & Sistars ♥ ƸӜƷ WeUMeAll need to get together as ONE ♥ SMALL IS BEAUTIFULL ♥ ƸӜƷ Together in Action for Freedom of Fear, Greed, Hunger, Poverty & War • ƸӜƷ ✰ LOVE Is Our Religion & the Earth Is Our Church ♥ ◠‿◠) ☼ We Are The Family of Divine Love & Light ღ☆☼⋰ ⋮ ⋱ ƸӜƷ I Am. See,

July 13th 2019, on Daily Seal”RED MAGNETIC DRAGON”, KIN 1, is also the 1st Day in a New Wavespell, called the RED DRAGON WAVESPELL “, and the 17e Day in the last of 13 Mayan Moon Months , the 13th Mayan Dreamspell- Month , called the “COSMIC TURTLE MOON” ,
which is the Last Month of 28 days in


Everything now happening in Washington, D.C. points to a rapidly evolving sft coup 7/29/17

  • Everything now happening in Washington, D.C. points to a rapidly evolving sft coup 7/29/17

Gary Larabee , 30 minutes . On “STATE OF THE NATION”, Revealing the True State of the Nation”

Deep State Determined to Take Out Trump, Only the American People Can Stop It.

Posted on July 27, 2017 by State of the Nation

This Soros-sponsored,Clinton-inaugurated, Obama-led, Podesta-instigated, DNC-supported, MSM-facilitated, Purple Revolution Will Not End, Until Donald Trump Is Removed From Office.

Everything in Washington, D.C. now points to a rapidly evolving soft coup.

SEDITION: U.S. Intelligence Community Conducting Soft Coup in Washington, D.C

A well-known pastor, who recently met with the POTUS in the Oval Office, has even been told of a coordinated plot to “take out” Trump by a senior Republican. Pastor: Senior Republican Told Me of Plan to ‘Take Out’ Trump

Clearly, the same seditious perps will not hesitate to conduct a violent coup d’état to overthrow the president, should that be the only way to remove him from power.

Even former CIA Director John Brennan has recently called for a coup if Trump dumps Mueller. Former CIA Director ‘Calls For A Coup’ If Trump Fires Mueller

  • The American Republic is in grave danger


The critical issue here is what Trump MUST do for the good of the Republic.  He cannot allow these CIA-directed Bolsheviks to pull off another “Kiev coup”.  Perhaps this criminal conspiracy will develop more like the failed Ankara coup whereby President Recep Erdoğan used the insurrection as a means to identify all the perpetrators throughout Turkey.  Trump himself has referred to the possibility of a coup here similar to that recent decisive episode in Turkish coup history.

Trump’s days are numbered by Deep State, but then so are Deep State’s

Under no circumstances will Deep State permit Trump to continue as POTUS beyond a certain date.  The U.S. Intelligence Community and un-named Secret Services have a well-planned schedule of events ready to orchestrate to take him out one way or another. There’s not a week that goes by when former intelligence agency heads do not appear on major MSM platforms to subtly promote and coordinate their soft coup.

KEY POINT: President Trump has already proven to everyone concerned that he will not play by the rules of Deep State.  He has demonstrated repeatedly — like no other national leader in modern history — that he will not hesitate to break those rules whenever he so chooses.  However, the strict adherence to the rules are crucial to the running of the Global Control Matrix, as they are to the management of the Anglo-American Axis and administration of U.S. Federal Government.  For these, and many other significant reasons, the World Shadow Government is quite determined to terminate the Trump presidency.

That is, of course, if the American people permit this ongoing coup to proceed unimpeded.

  • The Conspiracy


The Mainstream Media has been collaborating with the U.S. Intelligence Community to soften up the American people since Election Day 2016.  Each month brings another   treasonous plot to the forefront; as well as new traitors to the crime scenes of this unfolding conspiracy of sedition.  As follows:

Former Spooks John Brennan & James Clapper Reveal Just How Desperate Traitors Can Be (Video)

Never in American history has the establishment been so transparent about their subversive intentions to carry out a coup in broad daylight.  It appears that Deep State is so confident about their eventual success that they even telegraph many of their schemes well in advance of their execution.  While some of these stratagems may be red herrings, many are not.

The most threatening of these schemes was the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller.  That highly contrived maneuver was set into motion to put Trump’s presidency under a dark ominous cloud before the agents of Deep State methodically unleash a D.C. superstorm centered on the White House.

The actual plot to topple Trump involves every major political institution in the USA.  That especially includes the Democratic Party and DNC, Republican Party and RNC, numerous think tanks and brain trusts inside the Beltway, as well as countless Deep State operatives strategically positioned throughout the US government.

“You can add to this list of traitors most of the sultans of Silicon Valley, many Hollywood moguls and actors, the East Coast intelligentsia, the Mainstream Media magnates, among many other wealthy elites.”[1]

  • The Co-Conspirators. You name them; they’re in on it.


This highly organized coup has conscripted just about every power-player inside the Beltway. For example, the most obvious are those former heads of the intelligence agencies who have audaciously outed themselves at every opportunity:

Former CIA Director John Brennan

Former DNI James Clapper

Former NSA Director Michael Hayden

Former CIA Acting Director John McLaughlin

Former CIA Deputy Director and Acting Director Michael Morell 

These primo agents of Deep State are greatly assisted in this coup by many Obama-era appointees, Clinton loyalists, Soros-funded PACs, Congressional RINOs, MIC lobbyists, and political operatives of every stripe who owe their allegiance to the shadow government.*  Then there are those hidden government employees and well-placed politicos who have been compromised and/or coerced by the Pizzagate control mechanism.

Because the Global Control Matrix is maintained by the criminal control mechanism now known as Pedogate, just about any power broker can be drafted as a purple revolutionary. Pizzagate represents but a single American franchise within the global Pedogate child trafficking and exploitation crime syndicate.

Every major western power has external and internal intelligence services which clock Pedogate crimes with extraordinary monitoring and recording. This covert spying and surveillance regime has been in place for as long as the elite ruling class has chosen the leading politicians based on their vulnerability to blackmail and bribery, extortion and coercion related to child exploitation crimes. (Source: Nothing Will Ever Change In Washington Until This Happens)

While the true depth and breadth of this treasonous cabal is unknowable, it wields considerable power and influence over every state apparatus.  Deep State will ultimately attempt to enlist the help of every American who dislikes Trump.  By constantly inflaming the public’s sentiments against the administration, the agitators are confident that a large number of U.S. citizens will support a coup, both soft and violent.  The real problem is that the true political calculus confirms this critical data point.

This state of affairs is exactly why AG Jeff Sessions must be replaced asap.  Heretofore, he has neglected to go after the worst criminals from the Obama Administration.  These are the same agents provocateur who are openly and furtively leading the Purple Revolution.  Until these traitors are investigated and tried, they will continue to act with impunity.   More significantly, they will feel empowered to take Trump down as well as his entire administration.  Each of the co-conspirators mentioned below is integral to the implementation of George Soros’s quickly unfolding Purple Revolution.

“Sessions needs to go if only so Trump can appoint a legal pit bull into the critical AG post.  Surely Trump has in mind a pitbull who will not let go of any agent of Deep State who has already proven to be a traitor to the American Republic (e.g. Clintons, Obama, Podesta,McCain, Graham, Ryan, McConnell, McCarthy, Corker, Portman,Flake, Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Waters, Comey, Lynch, Mueller, Rice,Rosenstein, Holder, Brennan, Clapper, Hayden, Morell, Powers, et al.)These enemies of the state must be arrested post-haste before they inflict any more damage on the nation.  They ALL must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and punished accordingly for all to witness.”[2]

  • Trump vs. Deep State


The upshot of this discussion is that there is no stopping the Trump Titanic from hitting the Deep State iceberg.  With each passing day the final collision looms larger and larger. The level of outright madness that has come to define the mainstream media circus, the chronic felony leaking by Obama loyalists, and the serial lawbreaking by the U.S. Intelligence Community can go on for only so long.  In fact, this ever-intensifying predicament is not far from hitting the proverbial wall.

The NWO globalists now work overtime to scuttle Trump’s “Titanic” before it hits the Deep State iceberg.  The globalists know that, with Trump at the helm of the ship of state, the USS Titanic luxury ocean liner might just be an icebreaker in disguise.  And everyone knows that the Russians make the world’s best icebreakers! (Source: Soft Coup in the Works: Deep State Setting Up Trump for Impeachment)

Whether Trump is on his own Titanic or really at the helm of an enormous icebreaker remains to be seen.  Regardless, the covert leaders of Deep State will not tolerate much more wrecking of their multi-decade party.  Trump has quite remarkably taken a massive wrecking ball to every part of their overt and covert operations.  Not only can he never be trusted by TPTB, Deep State always gets even one way or another.

Trump’s personal plight is such that he cannot lose this war since such a fall from power will translate to the slo-mo devastation of his estate, his businesses, his family and his future. Likewise, Deep State knows that it cannot lose the upcoming final battle against Team Trump.  Most importantly, the USA is the Military Arm of their New World Order.  Were the US Constitution to be fully restored and “rule of law” re-established throughout the land, Deep State would be forced to relinquish its complete command and control over the military juggernaut that roles across the planet.

There are some major indicators that point to August through October of 2017 as a time of epochal conflict in the USA.  As a matter of fact, the treasonous Congress has taken legislative action that is purposeful in setting up Trump for impeachment.  The same group of traitors has been writing legislation to compel Trump to go after Russia, thereby undermining his peace initiatives and overtures made to President Putin.

Catastrophic Move By Congress—It’s time to drain the congressional swamp!

The bottom line is that these heightening tensions can only go on for so long.  Too much is breaking out into the open and Deep State will not stand for much more.  Each day brings unprecedented revelations about how the world really works.  The Global Control Matrix is literally cracking up.  The “enforcement by terrorism” paradigm is also dissolving in real time. The normally effective fear factor is slowly losing its grip.  For Donald Trump has presented to the world community of nations — wittingly or unwittingly — himself as an unparalleled role model of how to speak truth to power.

Not only does Deep State want Trump out of the White House, they want war with Russia in the worst way.[3] Had Hillary Clinton won the election, there might already be a nuclear war with tactical nukes…in Syria, in the Ukraine, in Iran, or wherever the next color revolution is planned for.  Clearly, the perpetual war economy is in full swing and only a Trump-Putin accord can stop it, once and for all.  Which is precisely why the NWO globalists do everything possible to sabotage their relationship.


In an effort to completely poison their good rapport, agents of Deep State are feverishly working to kill the relationship between Putin’s Russia and Trump’s USA.  Not only are agents of the Military-Industrial Complex looking to start the hot phase of World War III in Russia’s back yard, they’re attempting to push the American body politic into a full-blown civil war.  That brewing civil war is being falsely contextualized as the 2017 Purple Revolution, which is essentially an American version of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. The Purple Revolution Must Be Exposed

  • Conclusion


2017 will undoubtedly go down in history as the year that the world really changed.

That profound and fundamental transformation will likely precipitate from the epic battle now raging between the American patriot movement and globalist Deep State.  Just as 2016 marked the beginning of the Second American Revolution, Donald Trump is the commanding general of the nationalists.  Just like General George Washington, he finds himself retreating again and again, but with great effect and awesome consequence to the New World Order agenda.

This historic war is unlike any in history; there are no precedents that are even close.  The Internet era has replaced muskets and bullets with smartphones and tweets.  The Alt Media has emerged as a formidable and fierce force of the light.  The cyber-warriors on this 21st century battleground are every bit as battle-hardened and wily as the Minutemen guerrillas of 1776.  The darkness of Deep State can’t even believe they have been exposed as they were in 2016 via the Pizzagate scandal.  PEDOGATE: Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened for Deep State   

President Trump has entered uncharted territory.  Similarly, Deep State is way out of its depth having never been challenged in the USA by a justifiably angry patriot movement. However, it’s not incumbent on Donald Trump to take back the country from those who have stolen it.  His AG can prosecute those public servants who are guilty of every sort of theft and larceny.  But, it is the solemn responsibility of the American people to take back their nation from the globalist usurpers.  And, to finish the job of wrecking the Deep State that Candidate Trump so earnestly started in June of 2015.

Let’s get busy!

State of the Nation July 26, 2017

Footnote ___ *The United States of America was, in fact, stealthily taken over by the British Empire the very day the Brits lost the American Revolutionary War.  Since there were also many clandestine and traitorous loyalists living in the Thirteen Colonies back then, they have had well over 200 years to systematically hardwire the United States as the flagship of Deep State.   The same perfidious forces have co-opted and compromised many government officials and political leaders, military commanders and corporate execs, university presidents and think tank directors, civic leaders and heads of state & local governments throughout America in 2017.  In this way, the whole place has been surreptitiously set up for the Purple Revolution.


When will Team Trump terminate the ongoing coup d’état?


[1] Deep State will not stop their stealthy Purple Revolution until Trump is gone

[2] It’s time for Jeff Sessions to go! Trump needs a pit bull AG.

[3] Former Democrat Insider Goes Rogue—Exposes Plot To Falsely Blame Russia




What You Aren’t Being Told About The World You Live In

How The “Conspiracy Theory” Label Was Conceived To Derail The Truth Movement

How Covert American Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

July 26, 2017

Russia-EU Unite Against America As Trump Becomes Prisoner Of Mass Hysteria

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An truly grim Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that both Federation and European Union diplomats are furiously working to prevent the greatest transatlantic crisis since before World War II as the “mass hysteria” that has overtaken America, and left President Donald Trump a virtual prisoner in his own White House, means that he is unable to stop a new US law that is, in fact, a declaration of war against Russia.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

MASS HYSTERIA and what its is

According to this report (and as we reported on in our 23 July article New US Law To Remove Trump From Power And Declare War On Russia “Will Be Met By Force”), a new US law deceptively named Countering Iran’s Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017 has been overwhelmingly passed by the US Congress—but whose essence calls for the complete destruction of Russia’s mining, transportation, railway, natural gas and oil industries through a Western economic embargo—that not only seeks to destroy Russia, but the European Union too.

The European Union is Russia`s largest trading partner etc

The only time in recorded history that the United States moved with such brutal force to destroy another nation, this report notes, was in the 1930’s-1940’s when the entire President Franklin D. Roosevelt administration was overcome with “mass hysteria” that the Empire of Japan was going to capture the legendary inner-earth region known as Shangri-La (aka Lost World of Agharta or Shambhala)—and in order to stop this from happening, in 1939 began imposing embargos on the Japanese that culminated on 26 July 1941 when Roosevelt froze all of Japan’s assests in the United States—and that resulted, 5 months later, in Japan destroying the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December 1941

 Agartha Land of Advanced Nations

 As astonishing as it is to believe, this report continues, the Shangri-La “mass hysteria” that infected the entire Roosevelt Administration in the years leading up to World War II began with President Roosevelt’s Secretary of Agriculture (and 33rd Vice President of the United States) Henry Wallace—who was a self described mystic who believed he could “contact God”—and in 1929 introduced the Russian mystic Nicholas Roerich to Franklin Roosevelt and his wife Eleanor

Nicholas Roerich, this report explains, was a famous collaborator in Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring, a colleague of the impresario Diaghilev and a highly talented and respected member of the League of Nations—and who was, also, influential in the Roosevelt Administration becoming the pivotal force behind placing the Great Seal of the United States on the US one dollar bill.


Want to know more? Click HERE.

After the 1931 invasion of China (Manchuria) by the Empire of Japan, this report continues, Franklin Roosevelt began his ascent to US presidency taking office on 4 March 1933—with his new Secretary of Agriculture, Henry Wallace, then planning for Nicolas Roerich’s expedition to China to find Shangri-La before the Japanese did—and which lasted from 1934-1935—and that President Roosevelt had first proposed.

Greatly alarming the Roosevelt Administration, this report notes, was Nazi Germany joining in the search for Shangri-La too in 1938—and that was led by the famed, and feared, Nazi SS officer Ernst Schäfer who had been searching for this legendary region since 1931—and who had partnered with the famed American explorer and OSS operative Brooke Dolan II.

The Roosevelt Administration, this report continues, had believed that the Nazi Germany discoveries regarding Shangri-La made by SS officer Ernst Schäfer and OSS operative Brooke Dolan II would remain between the United States and Germany—but who were shocked, on 27 September 1940, when Germany and the Empire of Japan signed an alliance against America and its Western allies

Bookcover , NAZIS IN TIBET , Das Ratsel Um Die SS-Expedition by Ernst Schafer

Want to know more? Click HERE.

As to what Nazi Germany discovered in their search for Shangri-La, however, this report says, remains one of the highest classified subjects among all world governments today—but with it bearing to note, that after Soviet forces had taken Berlin, in 1945, they discovered hundreds of Tibetan Buddhist monks in swastika decorated Nazi SS uniforms who had committed mass suicide.

What Does the Buddhist Swastika Mean. The word derives from Sanskrit

Shortly after the American’s entered World War II, this report says it’s, also, important to note, President Roosevelt (supposedly jokingly) told reporters that the US warplanes that struck Tokyo (Doolittle Raid) in early 1942 were launched from a secret US airbase in Shangri-La—and who named his wartime mountain fortress Shangri-La (now known as Camp David) and, likewise, commissioned the USS aircraft carrier Shangri-La.

 Pres.Franklin D.Roosevelt`s wartime Mountain Bunker Shangri-La , now Camp David


As America continues its descent into madness today like it did in the years leading up to World War II, this report says, Foreign Minister Lavrov has only been able to state that he is astonished by the “mass hysteria” overcoming US politicians—and whose present wartime actions against Russia they claim are in response to their presidential election being interfered with.

The “main/central” problem with this claim, however, this report continues, is that it is a completely made up falsehood—and as just confirmed by the esteemed US organization known as Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)—who in their memorandum to President Trump released this week stated:

“Forensic studies of “Russian hacking” into Democratic National Committee computers last year reveal that on July 5, 2016, data was leaked (not hacked) by a person with physical access to DNC computers, and then doctored to incriminate Russia.”

hmhm8Made up of former US intelligence officials from the CIA, NSA, FBI, etc., this report notes, this is only the second time in this organizations history they have sent such a warning memorandum to a US president—with their first being in 2003 when they warned President George W. Bush against invading Iraq because the intelligence he was using was completely made up and had no basis in reality.

With America now being “ruled by the big lie” method of propaganda that (for instance) blames Russia for invading Ukraine while at the same time that nations president is facing charges for high treason, this report grimly concludes, there still exists no evidence that the people of that nation realize the grave danger that they’re in—and whose near total ignorance of their own history, and the insanity of their leaders, will, most assuredly, leave them in terror when the world finally unites to (hopefully) bring them back to sanity—at least those who are left alive after the bombs stop falling.  

 History is a vast early warning system

Posted with Love & Gratitude to ,










Other reports in this series include:

Frightening Endgame Begins In America As Final Takedown Of Trump Begins

New US Law To Remove Trump From Power And Declare War On Russia “Will Be Met By Force”

July 26, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]

American Today: “It HAS Come To Blood” (And Why JFK REALLY Had To Die!)

“Deep State” In Disarray As Trump’s “Fathomless Federation” Gains Ground


Americans Free At Last – The Ties Have Been Permanently Broke.

Americans Free At Last – The Ties Have Been Permanently Broke.


Are Americans finally free from the control of the Crowns of the Vatican or more accurately the Holy Roman Empire? Personally, I feel that we are not free yet because there are many high level members of secret societies controlled by the Vatican that refuse to free Americans and the people of the world.To learn all you need know about NATURAL LAW watch the following Natural Law seminar by Mark Passio: Natural Law Seminar – FULL version .

For Americans and the people of the world to really be free, they need to learn how to defend their natural rights and be responsible living men and women. Furthermore, they need to learn how to live in harmony with Natural Law. Until these things happen, we as a collective can only experience the illusion of real freedom. – Pao Chang

May 27, 2017 by Edward Morgan ,

For those just now waking up—-In March, the IMF’s governmental services corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES (INC.) went insolvent. It was entered into Chapter 11 without naming a Successor to Contract. That left the “federal” side of the Constitution vacant and flapping in the wind.So, what to do?We had already entered a properly constructed claim in commerce to claim back all the assets naturally belonging to the American people.The Constitution was saved and a new foundation begun.The united States of America and the free, sovereign and independent people living on the land of the organic states have regained their sovereignty in the international jurisdiction of the sea.We are finally whole!This “split” the jurisdiction owed to American states and people and created two different populations of people from the outset—- the free sovereign and independent people of the United States and the British Subject inhabitants who remained to provide these services under the Constitution.So long as the British King remained honest and honored his obligation to us to act as our Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, the future remained safe— but almost immediately the “Troubles” began, as King George wiggled like a fish on a hook and sought to regain his position over the Americans.Within 15 years members of the American Bar Association loyal to the British King had elected Abraham Lincoln, a lawyer, to the Office of President of the United States — CEO of the commercial trading company deceptively called the United States (Trading Company) —not the land, not the country, not the organic states, and not the people. The actual Constitution already had provisions denying any member of the Bar any public office, so in Lincoln’s case the only “Presidency” he could occupy was as the CEO of the trading company doing business as the “United States”.Though loudly proclaiming the abolishment of slavery, the 13th Amendment of this federal corporation document (which is actually a corporate by-law) goes on to enshrine slavery as a permanent part of the newly formed federal corporation doing business as The United States of America, Incorporated’s form of law. It makes criminals slaves and leaves the corporate “Congress”— an elected Board of Directors—free to define who the criminals are.This is why it does no good for anyone mischaracterized as a “United States Citizen” to claim the guarantees of the actual Constitution, and why these courts do not hear any of the laws or the facts of any case and also the reason that their own court rules for judges admonish them to provide “an appearance” of Justice where there is none. All that is really going on is a determination of how much these criminals will charge you for their “service” and whether or not you will be “impounded” as cargo or held ransom as chattel backing the debts of their corporation.The very mechanism they hoped to use to finish us off was turned against them. We slipped in, invoked our true standing, formed the new federal alliance, issued the new Sovereign Letters Patent, issued the new Declaration of Joint Sovereignty— and booted both the British and the French off our shores once and for all.A few weeks later Jacob Rothschild showed up. He assumed he could just cut a deal with the IMF and move into place as the Successor to Contract and begin the long-planned seizure of our land and other assets via the use of commercial mercenaries disguised as employees of our lawful government—– just like what is going on in Oregon now with the Uranium land-grab and the fake “FBI”.That thing is Washington, DC that you were misled to believe was “your” government and which you trusted accordingly was never your government. It has always been an abusive and criminally mismanaged foreign government perched on our shores, here under contract to provide “essential governmental services”.It was our distinct pleasure to inform Mr. Rothschild that other arrangements have been made and his offer to act as Successor to Contract was accordingly refused.The drive is on to reclaim and repatriate all American assets to America and to Americans. The Bank of International Settlements has already agreed, the World Court has already alerted all six branches, and an initial brief has been filed. The American Armed Forces have been alerted and true Americans from every walk of life and corner of the globe as well as friends from around the world are rallying to our assistance.Please do your part to support this mighty effort to restore the peace, prosperity, and health of the whole Earth and the people living on it. Together, we are all the True Sovereigns— born to learn who we are, born to learn how to rule ourselves, born to be caretakers of each other and our beloved planet.DO NOT FOLLOW ANY “ORDERS” TO HARM AMERICANS. THOSE WHO DO WILL BE TRIED FOR WAR CRIMES AND FACE THE DEATH PENALTY JUST LIKE THE NAZIS AT NUREMBURG.It is either criminally stupid or a purposeful malignant circumstance when all a country’s major news organs are owned by foreigners. Now that you know that fact, turn the knob. Take everything these talking heads say with two grains of salt, use your own brain and common sense.Believe in the Magnum Mysterium, the True God, the Great Spirit that shares One Life with all of us with One Love that is truly Divine.By, Judge Anna Maria Riezinger Anna von Reitz <> Alaska State Superior CourtSource 1:

  • Walk forward now, together, hand in hand, and fear no evil. When the Truth comes what is False must pass away.
  • Trust in yourself, your abilities, your skills, your friends, your families, your communities, your most cherished ideals, your fondests hopes. If you are like most Americans you will feel panic and anger and confusion when you realize just how close we have come to total disaster.
  • If you have resources, knowledge, or skills to offer, please stand by. There will be needs aplenty in the days to come. There may be possible disruptions of public services, possible disruptions of supply chains, possible confusion and very probably misinformation spewed by the Mainstream Media which is owned entirely by international corporations that have benefited from the fraud and very obviously failed to do their real job.
  • Please print, post, send, carry, do whatever it takes to inform every American. Especially inform all members of the police, the military, the so-called “law enforcement agencies”, the clergy, the community leaders, school officials, everyone who needs to know.
  • The world is waking up, led by tiny Iceland, and now by the Americans. We have lived for a long time under the thrall of criminals, as have many other nations. The British and the French, the Germans, the Japanese, the Canadians, and the Aussies—- all direct victims of this same fraud and criminality, while the rest of the world has suffered both directly and indirectly from this plague of dishonest politicians, corrupt judges and the banks which have functioned as crime syndicates.
  • We will be providing our own services and taking care of our own business and our own people from now on.
  • We are not responsible for the debts of this foreign entity and we have repudiated them accordingly. All we ever owed the UNITED STATES were reasonable fees for nineteen services– most of which we never received.
  • The “FBI” like the “BLM” are just brand names of old used-to-be units of other governmental services corporations long gone. They’ve been run under color of law for years as private security and property management subcontractors of the IMF dba UNITED STATES and its corporate municipal franchises. Those men shooting and threatening people in Oregon are private commercial mercenaries acting under color of law, impersonating government employees.
  • Our answer came by Divine Providence, even as representatives of the Wells Fargo Bank (owned by the US Attorney General) were claiming that the united States of America no longer existed, that we no longer had a national currency in circulation, that all the Americans had “voluntarily” given up their birthright and accepted the slave status of “United States Citizens”, that our land was “abandoned property” and the Secondary Creditors of the bankrupt UNITED STATES governmental services corporation should be allowed to come in under color of law and claim our land, our homes, our businesses and everything else to pay the debts run up under conditions of fraud by the IMF doing business as the UNITED STATES.
  • This heinous crime, duplicity, Breach of Trust, enslavement, and merciless abuse of the American people has gone on for 150 years and since the 1930’s things have only gotten worse. Until now.
  • A close reading of the 14th Amendment shows that they made everyone who was a United States Citizen (Federal Citizen) a criminal by definition, a slave by definition, and a debtor, too. To this day, when these vermin bring innocent Americans into their private corporate tribunals (which are misrepresented as public courts) the charges are addressed to “persons” named after the victims. These “persons” are legal fiction entities defined as public trusts and more recently as public transmitting utilities—and they are already guilty by definition.
  • It is not a mistake that Abraham Lincoln led our country into a vicious Civil War, the results of which we are still dealing with 150 years later. The Civil War was not about ending slavery, as you can see by closely reading the 13th Amendment of the corporate “Constitution” called the “Constitution of the United States of America” adopted by the perpetrators of all this criminality, betrayal, and fraud in 1868.
  • Things appeared to settle down after the War of 1812, but by 1845, the then-Pope and the British King sealed a secret pact agreeing that the egalitarian American Republic was incompatible with the idea of Papal Supremacy and the Divine Right of Kings. The Secret Treaty of Verona was a grotesque, criminal, and highly secret Breach of Trust by both the British Monarch and the Holy See.
  • The so-called “Federal Government” was never a sovereign government. It was always an association of sovereign nation-states. And it was never our government though it was under contract to serve us. It was always a foreign government operating under the foreign jurisdiction of the sea and the equally foreign Law of the Sea.
  • Those who have read our affidavit of probable cause, “You Know Something Is Wrong When….An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” know that the Founders cut a deal with the British King allowing him to retain control of nineteen enumerated essential governmental services, all in the jurisdiction of the sea.
  • For the first time since 1789 Americans are in full control of both their natural land and sea jurisdictions.
  • The Native Americans are now free to come home to land that they were “removed from”, no longer POW’s, they have regained their sovereignty as free, sovereign and independent people living on the land.
  • We formed an alliance with the Lakota and the Athabasca, two of the largest Native American nations—-which are “federal” and which have internationally recognized tribal governments, and we filed Sovereign Letters Patent and a Declaration of Joint Sovereignty.
  • We had already delivered Due Process to the IMF dba UNITED STATES and its franchises, resulting in a proper Judgment of Commercial and Administrative Default.
  • The intention of the perpetrators is obvious. They meant to void the Constitution once and for all.
  • The END of 400 Years of European Meddling and Predation in America

Federal Reserve to New US Republic via a Global Currency Reset

In AllChaos there si a Cosmos In All Disorder a Secret Order

Trust in the Divinity of Real Men.

CO-RV Prayer

Divine Creator, father, mother, son as one…If I, my family, relatives, and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness…Let this cleanse, purify, re-lease , cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies and vibrations and transmute these unwanted energies to pure light….And it is done. Repeat during 15 minutes, visualizing the RV already manifested in our reality and all humanity rejoicing in peace and abundance: I’m sorry! Please forgive! I love you! Thank you!


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WINGIT – Sunday Call Notes – Special Edition – 4.24.16


Monday, April 4, 2016

Federal Reserve to New Republic via a Global Currency Reset

4/04/2016 08:27:00 AM  Emailed, Intel, News

Emailed to Dinar Chronicles:

Federal Reserve to New US Republic via a Global Currency Reset

The Global Currency Reset is a complicated process about a global reset of currencies, removal of the Khazarian mafia and restoration of the US Republic and the original US Constitution. At present the process is playing out with no holds and is expected to be completed within days. Below is a history of that process, including forming of the US New Republic, integration of the Federal Reserve into the new US Treasury in Reno, expected changes in the US tax system, expected release of the 800 numbers and relationship of Humanitarian Projects to $800 trillion in US taxpayer monies gained from a 1992 audit of the Federal Reserve. The higher Contract Rates are available, especially if you are dedicating a good percentage of your monies to Humanitarian Projects. Those higher rates are said to be funded out of $800 trillion in US taxpayer monies that were illegally taken by the Federal Reserve during the Bush Administration, then confiscated during the 1992 Federal Reserve audit. At present the monies are in European bank accounts awaiting the GCR. History of the New Republic and Global Currency Reset Process: 1. Please refer to a short trailer of the to-be-released documentary “Eagle One to Wanta.” The major film documentary covers how President Reagan’s secret agent Ambassador Lee Emil Wanta amassed 3.8 trillion through a negotiated agreement with Soviet Secretary General Mikhail Gorbachev during the fall of the Soviet Union. The 3.8 trillion was designed to go back to the American people but was stolen by the Federal Reserve System. Wanta has pledged to eliminate our national debt overnight after a 2006 US District Court mandate is honored that would return the money. The documentary is scheduled to be released upon announcement of the New Republic around July 4 2016: 2. Since it’s inception the US monetary system has been owned and run by the Cabal known as the Khazarian mafia, North American Union and U.S. Incorporated (Corporation of the United States), which is simply a privately owned Maritime Corporation out of Puerto Rico. 3. The US Federal Reserve is not connected to the US government. The Cabal owners are membered by influential world powers like the Vatican, European Royality and private families such as George Soros, Rothchilds, Carnagies and Rockefellers. Cabal monies are commonly laundered through the Vatican Bank. 4. The current version of the privately owned Federal Reserve system started around 450 years ago at the creation of the Vatican Trust by ancient Royal Families. One of the major Royal funding streams reached it’s term and was cut off at the start of Dec. 2015, opening the door for closure of the Federal Reserve and implimentation of the new US Treasury. 5. The Federal Reserve Bank is composed of a group of private Central Banks whose main interest is serving the Cabal. 6. The Global Currency Reset has become part of the take-down of this illegal US corporate government through formation of the US New Republic, new US Treasury and new US currency notes backed by natural resources and gold of the Royal Dragon Families. The Dragon Families are based in the Phillipines and are not connected to, nor claim to be influenced by the Chinese government. 7. US Federal Reserve Notes are backed by gold (borrowed from the Royal Dragon Families after World War II), but only used for government and trade purposes. This monetary system functions under the non-US government owned North American Union. 8. The Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) that are used by US citizens have no backing at all and is referred to as fiat currency. 9. The United States is the only country on the planet that does not have its own national currency. One of the purposes of the Global Currency Reset is for the US to secure our own asset-backed currency. 10. For years the Cabal has fought implimentation of the GCR since it takes away a lot of their power and monetary gain including closure of their privately owned Federal Reserve. 11. Since inception of the US, citizens have been forced to buy their Federal Reserve Note currency, along with paying interest on it, from the privately owned Federal Reserve. 12. The US Internal Revenue Service came on shore as a Delaware Corporation back in 1934 and was immediately purchased by an attorney firm which then incorporated the Delaware Corporation. 13. Eventually the IRS ended up in a holding company known as the Northern Trust Company which also owns the state and US Bar Associations. For all intents and purposes the IRS and US Bar Association are essentially the same entity. 14. The Federal Reserve Note had interest attached to it which helped to create our nation’s well over 17 trillion dollar national debt (some say we are actually over 100 trillion in debt). 15. The Dragon Families excused that debt when their gold was placed in the new US Treasury in Reno last week. This included excusing debt and derivites of the Wells Fargo Bank, which is owned by the Dragon Families, plus the derivities of certain other banks. (There is question about excusing debt and derivities of Bank of America since it is heavily used by the Cabal). 16. In 1991 Roy Schwasinger went before a senate committee to present evidence of the international bankers and government criminal activity through the Federal Reserve. He informed them how the Corporation of the United States was tied to the establishment of a New World Order which intended to bring about a fascist One World Government ruled by the international bankers. 17. In 1992 a task force was put together consisting of over 300 retired and 35 active US military officers who strongly supported Constitutional Law. This task force was responsible for investigating governmental officials, Congressional officers, judges, and the Federal Reserve. 18. The task force included Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jeremy Boorda, General David McCloud and Former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby. They uncovered the common practice of bribery and extortion committed by both senators and judges. The criminal activity was so rampant that only two out of 535 members of Congress were deemed honest. More importantly, they ordered and carried out the first-ever (and only) audit of the Federal Reserve. 19. The Federal Reserve was accustomed to giving orders to politicians and had no intentions of being audited. However, after they were informed their offices would be raided under military gunpoint if necessary, they complied with the investigation. After reviewing their files the military officers found $800 trillion dollars sitting in accounts which should have been applied to the national debt. Contrary to federal government propaganda, they also discovered that most nations owed money to the United States instead of the other way around. 20. These hidden trillions were then confiscated and placed into European bank accounts in order to generate the enormous funds needed to pay a successful Farmers Claims class action lawsuit that helped to instigate the 1992 Federal Reserve audit. Later this money would become the basis of the GCR Prosperity Programs fulfilling Humanitarian needs across the planet. 21. Despite these death blows, President George H.W. Bush and the Illuminati continued on with their plans of global enslavement. In August 1992 the military officers confronted President Bush and demanded he sign an agreement that he would return the United States to Constitutional Law and ordered him to never use the term New World Order again. 22. Bush pretended to cooperate, but secretly planned to bring about the New World Order anyway. He set out to sign an Executive Order on December 25, 1992 that would have indefinitely closed all banks, giving Bush an excuse to declare martial law. Under the chaos of martial law, Bush intended to install a new Constitution which would have kept everyone currently in office in their same position for 25 years, plus it would have removed all rights to elect new officials. The military intervened and stopped Bush from signing that Executive order. 23. In 1993 members of the Supreme Court, certain members of Congress and representatives from the Clinton government met with high ranking US military officers who were demanding a return to Constitutional Law, reforms of the banking system and financial redress. Clinton, however, was a proponant of the New World Order and as a result, nothing of substance was done. 24. NESARA – National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act – is the most ground breaking reformation to sweep the US. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the shadow government, and implements the following changes: A. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt. B. Abolishes the US income tax. C. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area. D. Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed, nor will used items such as old homes. E. Increases benefits to senior citizens. F. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters. G. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment. H. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to Constitutional Law. I. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups. J. Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933. K. Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation. L. Initiates a new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law. M. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the new U.S. Treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply. N. Restores financial privacy. O. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law. P. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide. Q. Establishes peace throughout the world. R. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes. S. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines. 25. Late one evening on March 9, 2000, a written quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the US Senate and the US House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. They were immediately escorted by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers where they passed this National Economic Security and Reformation Act. 26. These 15 members of Congress were the only people lawfully allowed to hold office in accordance with the original 13th Amendment. Remember British soldiers destroyed copies of the Titles of Nobility Amendment (TONA) in the war of 1812 because it prevented anyone who had ties to the crown of England from holding public office. 27. President Clinton had no interest in signing NESARA into law. On October 10, 2000 and under orders from U.S. military generals, the elite Naval Seals and Delta Force stormed the White House. Under gunpoint, they forced Bill Clinton to sign NESARA. During this time Secret Service and White House security personnel were ordered to stand down, were disarmed, and allowed to witness this event under a gag order. President Clinton also relinquished his bar registry. 28. From its very inception Bush Sr., Clinton, the corporate government, major bank houses, and the Carlyle group have opposed NESARA. To maintain secrecy, the case details and the docket number were sealed and revised within the official Congressional registry to reflect a commemorative coin. It was again revised even more recently. This is why there are no public Congressional Records about NESARA and why a search for this law will not yield the correct details until after the reformations are made public. 29. Members of Congress will not reveal NESARA because they have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to deny its existence, or face charges of treason punishable by death. Some members of Congress have actually been charged with obstruction. When Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone was about to break the gag order, his small passenger plane crashed, killing his wife, daughter and himself.If fear isn’t enough to keep Washington in line, money is. Routine bribes are offered to governmental/military officials by the power elite/secret government. 30. Not surprisingly, much disinformation about NESARA can be found on the Internet. Wikipedia’s article is total disinformation. Dr. Harvey Francis Barnard’s NESARA bill was rejected by Congress in the 1990s. Dr. Barnard was a systems philosopher and had tried for years to interest Congress in his monetary reform suggestions. A testimony and articles by Dr. Barnard’s close friend, Darrell Anderson, are shown below. 31. The next step was to announce NESARA to the world, but it’s was not an easy task. Many powerful groups have tried to prevent the implementation of NESARA. The NESARA law requires that at least once a year, an effort be made to announce the law to the public. Three current US Supreme Court judges control the committee in charge of NESARA’s announcement. These Judges have used their overall authority to secretly sabotage NESARA’s announcement. 32. In 2001 after much negotiation, the Supreme Court justices ordered the 107th Congress to pass resolutions approving NESARA. This took place on September 9, 2001, eighteen months after NESARA became law. 33. The next day on September 10, 2001, George Bush Sr. moved into the White house to steer his son on how to block the announcement. The next day, on September 11, 2001, at 10 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Alan Greenspan was scheduled to announce the new US Treasury Bank system, debt forgiveness for all U.S. citizens, and abolishment of the IRS as the first part of the public announcements of NESARA. 34. It is alleged that just before the announcement at 9 am, Bush Sr. ordered the demolition of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers to stop the international banking computers on Floors 1 and 2 in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury Bank system. Explosives in the World Trade Center were said to be planted by operatives and detonated remotely in Building 7, which was demolished later that day it is alleged, in order to cover-up their crime. It also was said that remote pilot technology was used in a flyover event to deliver a payload of explosives into the Pentagon at the exact location of the White Knights in their new Naval Command Center who were coordinating activities supporting NESARA’s implementation nationwide. With the announcement of NESARA stopped dead in its tracks, George Bush Sr. was said to have decapitated any hopes of returning the government back to the people. See this documentary to be released after the GCR: 35. By 2008 another proponant of the New World Order, the Obama Administration, was in charge. Obama refused to work under a budget while ballooning the national debt with a stimulus package that didn’t stimulate the economy, but more than tripled the national debt. 36. The US fast began loosing their influence as the main world reserve currency due to it’s uncontrollable monetary policies, ever-growing debt and use of fiat currency. 37. Also in 2008 the Royal Dragon families became very concerned when the US could not even pay the interest on it’s debt. They called in their loan on Lehman Brothers, thus causing the 2008 Mortgage Crisis. 38. By now nations of the global monetary system had alarming concern about the US national debt and US currency which had no backing, yet was being used as the main world reserve currency. 39. The Royal Dragon Families then stepped in to form BRICS, backing the currencies of nations who joined the BRICS system with their own natural resources and gold reserves of the Dragon Families. 40. Brazil, Russia, Indonesia, China and South African formed BRICS to correct the situation, and backed the world’s individual currencies with gold and natural resources to conform to Basil III of the IMF. They revalued all of the world currencies and worked toward a Global Currency Reset, using revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar as a kingpin for the other world currencies to revalue. 41. By 2015 all the nations of the world except for the US and Japan had joined BRICS. Japan joined in the Fall of 2015, leaving the US as the loan holdout. 42. Around the same time that BRICS was formed (7-8 years ago) the United States Army created an interim government called the New Republic and stationed it in West Virginia. The Royal Dragon Families had demanded formation of this New Republic as a necessary step before they would back US currency with their gold in the BRICS system. 43. A New Republic interim government was formed by concerned Congress people because the Obama Administration refused to join BRICS, thus creating a dangerous situation of fiat currency where the US economy could easily collapse. 44. The New Republic went into operation near the start of 2015. 45. The New Republic had to construct a national currency but they didn’t have the gold by which they could comply with the IMF’s Basil III. In April 2015 the Chinese Elders leased 100 billion in gold to the New Republic. 46. US Treasury Reserve Notes [TRNs] were created by the New Republic for use at the government level, but they’re not used on the street. Since 2015 they have been trading the new TRNs internationally, in Europe and in the Japanese Market. 47. For a monetary system that could be used by the general US public, the New Republic created what’s known as United States Notes [USNs]. 48. The only difference between the new US Notes currency and the Federal Reserve Notes is that the new currency will not be charged interest. 49. The new US Note currency is like what President Kennedy had created way back in 1963 when he tried to shut down the Federal Reserve right before he was killed. 50. Kennedy’s cost of trying to take down the Federal Reserve using new US Notes is explained in this documentary to be released July 4 2016 as an introduction of the New Republic: 51. In 2012 as the Settler on a Econo Trust Lein against the Federal Reserve Bank and to prevent them from rechartering, the Federal Reserve was melded into the new United States Treasury now located in Reno Nevada. 52. Patriots like Winston Strout helped the Federal Reserve to be absorbed into the US Treasury. A recent interview with Winston Strout discussing the process is here: 53. There was a 2011 Treaty White Paper that informed finance ministers of the economical conditions of the world. As a result, Ireland challenged the banks. They said, “If you can prove that you loaned us any money, we will gladly pay you. But If you can’t, basically ‘go pound sand’!” And they held to it. They had that same thing going on with Greece. It was believed that if the right one had gotten elected in Greece they would have done this same thing as did Ireland. 54. In 2015 the New Republic (charged with protecting the Royal Dragon Family gold that backed the new US currency) located the new US Treasury in Nevada on an Indian Reservation because Indian Reservations have free trade zones. 55. In 2015 Marine Corp. General Dunford was selected to be the interim President of the New Republic because he had recently been appointed by Congress to be the Joint Chief of Staff at the Pentagon. 56. Also in 2015 when Paul Ryan replaced John Boehner as Senate Majority Leader and Speaker of the House, he did so knowing he would eventually replace Dunford as the interim President of the New Republic. 57. On Jan.1 2016 Paul Ryan replaced Dunford as interim President of the New Republic. He will remain in place as the interim US President until the Nov. 2016 elections. 58. Dunford stepped down to fill the slot as Vice President of the New Republic. 59. On March 31 2016 the US finally joined BRICS, opening the door for the New Republic to take over and dictate US monetary policy under rules as outlined in the original US Constitution. 60. The New Republic of United States government and Treasury were restored at 6:30 pm Wednesday, March 30, 2016 when the Dragon Family released funding for the New Republic (the real reason for the Chinese visit to the White House that day). 61. The Dragon Family 100 billion in gold that was leased to the new US Treasury and temporarily stored in Texas, was shipped to the new US Treasury in Reno. 62. As of March 29 2016 the USA Inc government cabal membership was being legally arrested. This was expected to continue until all known “dark agents” were rounded up. 63. Also as of March 30 2016, redemption 800#s were released to the New Republic leadership for final implementation at some unknown time. These 800#s could be released anytime per internal discretion. 64. The GCR is about to take place, along with the release of 800 numbers. The New Republic will be announced some time after the GCR has taken place, suspected to be around July 4 2016. 65. Under the New Republic the Federal Reserve is closed. 66. Under the New Republic the IRS and corrupt judges will be dealth with. 67. Under the New Republic the Bar Association and all US attorneys will have to renounce their Bar Oath to the Temple Bar of London and become lawyers, but they can’t be considered attorneys anymore. 68. The individual governments of the 50 states will remain in place. 69. The North American Union is now done. Washington D.C. has been dis-incorporated. 70. Pope Francis has fired five of the Cardinals out of the Vatican Bank which controlled the world currency before instigation of BRICS. 71. The New Republic Military is in the process of reclaiming all military installations. 72. The purpose of the New US Republic is to function as a restored Constitutional Government as established pre-Civil War.

  1. Announcement of the New Republic is pending, but some say it will be done on July 4 2016, along with forgiveness of bank and individual debt, plus release of this documentary:


Updates & Love around The World “

There is a dawn inside You waiting to burst open into Light .RumiA Video “Love around The World”  by Rab Adamson on YouTube,


The Rainbowwarriors

  uploaded in 2008, with my comment Today , Sept 3rd 2016 , 8 years later.  Pls  read the included links below .Thank U. I Love U & Always will  ROSE & ROBERT & All Reading this  Lets Come Together, Right Now, In Sweet Harmony. Make the World Your Priority We All Want to Come Together with Our Twinflames  Thank U for Understanding that this World Needs Us to Be ONE & With & Think about All of our Brothers & Sistars Worldwide RV/GCR/Nesara/Gesara & New Governance Are Needed to Make That Happen All for Ascencion Now Follow The Real News Thank U. I Love U All Equally.  I Am All That I AM

For important Updates concerning the RV & GCR :   global%20currency%202

 & on the Struggle & Fight For Freedom & Abundance for All       !cid_image002_jpg@01D0A24D


Kerry Cassidy and Simon Parks | Prepare for World War III, a financial reset, planet X or…?

A very revealing & interesting interview from Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot with Simon Parker. Well worth listening too. Pls.also read the background from Simon Parker to understand why he is so well informed. Greatly enjoyed listening in & shared with Love & Gratitude. Kerry Cassidy and Simon Parks | Prepare for World War III, a financial reset, planet X or…?     003O054gBsG



Benjamin Fulford — August 1st 2016: Israel, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, France, Italy and Germany next on list of countries to be freed from Khazarian mafia

Benjamin Fulford Geo-Political Updates

Monday, August 1, 2016

Benjamin Fulford — August 1st 2016: Israel, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, France, Italy and Germany next on list of countries to be freed from Khazarian mafia

– Justin

SourceBenjamin Fulford The battle to liberate humanity from the grips of the genocidal Khazarian mafia is proceeding well with major victories on multiple fronts amidst increasing global chaos as the post-war world order continues to collapse.

The biggest moves are now taking place in the Middle-East where, now that Turkey has thrown off Khazarian (Sabbatean) mafia rule, a Russian, Pentagon, Syrian, Turkish, Iranian and Egyptian alliance is preparing to liberate the people of Israel, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. This will cut off all supplies of Middle-Eastern oil money to the Bush/Rockefeller/Clinton faction of the Khazarian mafia.

The other place where huge developments are taking place is Europe. There, officials in Germany, France and Italy are now openly calling for a military alliance with Russia to free Europe from the grip of the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller (BCR) faction of the Khazarian mafia that still controls Washington DC and New York. The European moves are taking place in preparation for a collapse of the banking system there that could break into the open as early as this month.

Related Central Banks Are In A Lose-Lose Situation: Low-Rate-Policy “Has Rendered The System Profoundly Fragile” There is also a major battle taking between thieves taking place in Malaysia as BCR operatives try to seize funds embezzled from the Malaysian people by Rothschild flunky Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak (see below for details). Then of course the battle for the United States of America continues to rage as BCR candidate Hillary Clinton blatantly stole the Democratic Party presidential nomination last week in a move that fatally ruined her reputation and that of the Khazarian mafia backing her. This battle has only begun and will intensify towards November with the very real possibility of open civil war breaking out in the United States, multiple sources agree.

Related Wikileaks Emails Proves Primary Was Rigged for Clinton: DNC Undermined Democracy Let us start with a closer look at the situation in Turkey where top US General Joseph Dunford flew on July 31st for an emergency meeting with his Turkish counter-parts. The meeting took place as Turkish government officials openly accused the US of trying to overthrow its government and Turkish troops surrounded the nuclear-armed US Incirlik Airbase. At the meeting, according to Pentagon sources, Dunford told the Turks the attempt to overthrow the Turkish government was carried out by CIA agents of the Khazarian CBR faction working under the cover of the Jamestown Foundation. Dunford told his counterparts that cutting off the flow of Afghan heroin and drug money going through Incirlik, would help in the battle to liberate the United States and Israel from Khazarian mafia control, the sources said. Dunford had no choice but to be conciliatory because the latest opinion surveys say only 17% of Turks support a US presence in their country.

Related US Cabal Failed to Overthrow Turkey | Putin Warned Erdogan of Coup — Subsequent “Purge” of Turkey Nationals May Not Have Been What We Think Dunford also explained to his Turkish counterparts that the Pentagon was allying itself with the Russians to liberate the United States and the rest of the world from the Khazarians, the Pentagon sources said. As evidence of this, the Pentagon ordered a state of the art US spy plane to land in central Russia, the sources said. They are also allowing Russian spy planes to fly over US territory to confirm the US is planning no military moves or preemptive nuclear strike against Russia. The Russians, who now hold the upper hand in the Middle-East, told the Turks to cut off all oil income to Israel as a part of a major move against that rogue state. Other moves including providing state of the art ground attack planes and other advanced weaponry to Syria, Iran and Hezbollah plus supplying S-300 air defense missiles to Iran. Russia is also sending in Drones to get detailed intelligence of Israeli military dispositions. There has also been intensive Syrian shelling all along its Golan Heights border with Israel, Israeli intelligence sources say.

Related Turkey Coup Erdogan Conspiracy? | The Counter-Coup Begins: Erdogan Purges 2,745 Judges, Prosecutors; Arrests Hundreds This is all a prelude to seizing territory illegally occupied by the Israeli rogue state, the Pentagon sources say. The end game is for Israel to become a Jewish autonomous zone within a restored moderate Sufi/Sunni/Shia Caliphate, White Dragon Society sources say. The pseudo-Muslim Satan worshipping Salafist heretics will have no place in this loose confederation of Muslim states, they say.

[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]

Speaking about Salafist heretics, the situation in the pseudo-Muslim Khazarian colony of Saudi Arabia is also getting critical. The latest evidence of this is that India has been providing emergency food aid to 10,000 starving Indian citizens stranded in bankrupt Saudi Arabia. It won’t be long before the Saudis will be asking for food aid for their own starving citizens unless the regime there capitulates.

There are also reports of Saudi Princesses being offered as sex slaves to Israeli government agents. These reports coincide with statements by an Italian woman who says she was drugged and kidnapped by a Saudi Prince and forced to be a sex slave for the likes of Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld. The Italian woman, who fled after 10 years as a sex slave in Saudi Arabia, is now under the protection of the Vatican.

Related The Bush Crime Family History | Prescott Bush Helped Nazis, Kennedy Assassination, Vietnam, Reagan Assassination Attempt, and more

The Saudis are running out of money because their funds are all being funneled to the BCR campaign to remain in control in the United States. This is also what is apparently behind the recent attempt by the Justice Department to seize US assets owned by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak. Loretta Lynch, the US Attorney General who refused to indict Hitlery Clinton, is almost certainly not going to return any of Najib’s assets she seizes to the people of Malaysia, according to CIA sources in East Asia. Instead, it is just a part of an attempt by the BCR (Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller) faction of the Khazarian mafia to incriminate their Rothschild rivals and seize the assets of the Rothschilds and their flunkies in the US and South East Asia. This is what they already accomplished in Libya where they took about $150 billion worth from the Libyan people after overthrowing Muammar Gaddafi, the sources say.

As reported by us in a news flash on July 31st, Najib is negotiating now to keep at least part of his fortune and have protection from Khazarian assassins in exchange for testifying about Malaysian Airlines flight 370 and other things, the Asian CIA sources say. In any event, the situation in Malaysia is certain to become increasingly turbulent as the BRC fight with the Rothschilds to loot that country.

Related Benjamin Fulford — July 30th 2016: News Flash: Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak indicted in multi-billion dollar embezzlement scandal, is seeking immunity in exchange for testimony against the Rothschilds There is also an unusual situation emerging in Thailand, according to a CIA source there. The Thai government has just ordered all foreign (Western) owned gold mines in the country to cease operations, he says. “The economy in all of Thailand is in ruins… Even the local Thais selling produce at the market are complaining that business is almost at a standstill,” the source says. The move to shut foreign gold operations may be part of an ongoing move to ensure the Khazarian mafia is cut off from any possible physical backing for their fiat US Dollar and Euro currencies. The Indonesian and Philippine governments are making similar moves to shut down Khazarian mob linked gold operations, several sources agree.

Related Chinese bank to buy $90bn gold vault in London In what is almost certainly a related move, the Tokyo Commodity Exchange has started trading in gold for physical delivery in tandem with the Shanghai Gold Exchange. The other sign that some sort of major change is imminent has come from Europe where Monte Paschi Bank just got a 5 billion Euro bail out that was worth 5.6 times its entire market capitalization. This means it did not become the first domino that took down the Italian and then the French banking systems with it. It is no coincidence that in tandem with the bail out, a group of French lawmakers visited the Crimean Peninsula and spoke in support of Russia’s annexation of the Peninsula. It is also certainly no coincidence that a French general publicly called for a French alliance with Russia and an end to NATO. Many influential Germans are also calling for a European alliance with Russia to replace the criminally degenerate NATO. It is no wonder then that the Khazarian Nazi coup d’etat government in the Ukraine is looking like it is in trouble. There, a major peace demonstration organized by the Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox Churches in tandem with the Catholic Church took place as most leaders of the Nazi Ukrainian government had left the country.

The final collapse of Khazarian mob rule will come when their hold outs, now circling their wagons around Hillary Clinton, are removed from all positions of power inside the United States. Since it has been widely reported elsewhere, we will only summarize some highlights of what happened when Hillary Clinton stole the Democratic Presidential mandate last week. As a result of leaked e-mails showing she stole the nomination, Hillary was booed and more than half the delegates at the convention walked out on her.

Related Mainstream Soft Disclosure | New Work Times: Yes, There Have Been Aliens Since the Justice Department backed out on filing charges against her, now it is the IRS and the FBI who are investigating the criminal activities of the Clinton Foundation. When Hillary and crew tried to blame the hacking of Democratic Party e-mails on the “Russians,” it was none other than Director of National Intelligence James Clapper who told the Senate Intelligence committee he was “taken aback” by the “hyperventilation” about Russia.

Related You Know Those Missing Hillary Emails? Russia Might Leak 20,000 of Them It is not the Russians but rather patriotic Americans who are hacking the Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller criminals. Stepping back a bit to look at the big picture, even without European allies, the BRICS alliance now accounts for 85% of the world’s population, 60% of its GDP and 80% of economic growth. A White Dragon Society representative recently told an Asian secret society representative that the Khazarian mafia was like a dying lion and that rather than pick a fight with it, the best policy was to just stay away and wait for nature to take its course.

Related Analysis of BRICS, Putin, the IMF, The Chinese Yuan and much more | The Fall Of America Signals The Rise Of The New World Order

[The preceding text was the full update from Benjamin Fulford for this week]

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Updates From Fulford Last Week:

Benjamin Fulford — July 25th 2016: Rothschild game plan was to reverse the results of World War I Benjamin Fulford — July 26th 2016: Rothschild Bounty Hunters Given Green Light Benjamin Fulford — July 30th 2016: News Flash: Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak indicted in multi-billion dollar embezzlement scandal, is seeking immunity in exchange for testimony against the Rothschilds

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Khazarian mafia defeat certain as rebellion spreads in the EU the US and elsewhere


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Khazarian mafia defeat certain as rebellion spreads in the EU the US and elsewhere

July 5, 2016

The end of Khazarian mafia tyranny on the planet earth is getting very close indeed. The Rothschilds and other top Khazarian Mafiosi families like the Borgia, the Medici, the Del Banco (Warburg) the Rockefellers (including the Clintons) the Bushes (Pecce) have been given until July 10th to reach a peace agreement with the people of the planet. After that a bounty of $100 million each, payable in gold, will be handed over to anybody who can arrest, and if they resist arrest, kill, members of these genocidal families.

We are hearing there is vicious infighting and arguing going on within the “family,” about what to do about this situation. As this newsletter was about to go online, we were contacted by one faction of the Rothschilds and a meeting with a White Dragon Society representative is now being arranged for this week. The meeting will discuss how to create a financial system that is good for both humanity and nature. It will also discuss creating a new meritocratic, democratic and transparent system for planning the future of our species and this planet.

To remind these families of what is at stake here is a message sent to them by a senior Pentagon official:

“I have been told from multiple sources that there is a multitude of people, (men and women) who are waiting for the RKM (Rothchilds/Bauers) to not cooperate, these people are eager to end the lives of the RKM criminals at every level. You may want to let the representative know, that this is for real and they cannot run or hide, their time is up. It is time to fold or they will all die, including their families, to the furthest distant cousins; effectively ending the evil bloodlines who have bedeviled mankind for so long. Again good luck with the negotiations. If they renege there will be consequences, major ones. That being said, have a great day.”

In the past week, the Chinese government has also contacted the leaders of other Asian countries as well as the heads of the G20 group of nations to inform them that they expect a deal to be reached between the White Dragon Society and the Rothschild family group. The Chinese are too polite to make threats but this is a statement issued by the Chinese Freemasons:

“We will cooperate with any religion, any society, any faction, any political party or any country that agrees with the principles of co-existence and co-prosperity and world peace. However, we will cut off relations with anyone who fails to agree on the goal of world peace.”

Yet another group, claiming to represent a coalition of 172 sovereign nations, also threw in its support last week for a new, inclusive financial system.

Pentagon sources are saying that German Chancellor Angela Merkel (a member of the Saxe Gotha Rothschild family) already reached a deal with the Chinese when she visited China on June 13th. According to that deal Merkel promised to resign after Greece exits the EU and, in exchange, the Chinese agreed to rescue Deutschebank. Deutschebank would not otherwise survive a Greek exit from the EU (71% of Greeks are against the EU and only 27% support it) because it would mean a default on Greek debt which has been used by Deutschebank (and others) to create derivative mountains. These mountains would collapse once the sand of Greek debt they are built on is removed.

The other EU country where a crisis is quickly coming to a head is Italy. There Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi promised a 150 billion Euro government bail-out for Italian banks only to be publicly scolded by the Germans who said no to such a deal because they would end up paying for it. The Italians then told the Germans it was up to the Italians to decide. This degenerated into a public spat that is likely to end up with Italy reverting to the Lira and Renzi resigning, CIA sources in Europe say.

Then of course President Francois Hollande will also be forced to resign as when Italy leaves, France will also be forced by financial reality to leave the Euro and revert to Francs.

Also, Austria’s highest court ruled last week that the recent Presidential election held there was marred by fraud and needed to be held again. This is almost certain to result in the election of “far right” (i.e. anti EU totalitarianism) Freedom Party presidential candidate Norbert Hofer.

The pro-EU factions have tried to stop this disintegration by proposing an even tighter, more centrally controlled EU. They are even proposing expanding the EU into the Middle East and Africa.

Of course, given their unpleasant colonial history, you can be pretty safe in betting the peoples of Africa and the Middle East will say “thanks but no thanks.” Clearly the EU project envisioned as evolving into a Soviet Union style world government is doomed.

In this situation EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, who is apparently daily getting drunker, told the EU Parliament he had discussions with leaders of “other planets” about the situation in the EU. You can be sure the exo-politics and galactic folk had a field day with this.

In the United States as well, the Khazarian mafia is in deep trouble. The widespread uproar over Hillary and Bill Clinton’s activities is the clearest sign of this. As has been widely publicized in multiple media platforms, Bill Clinton basically barged into an airplane where US Attorney General Loretta Lynch was and had a 20 minute private talk with her. Needless to say, with his wife the subject of a criminal investigation, this meeting was widely lambasted as blatant interference in the legal system. The assumption most people are making is that Clinton threatened Lynch on behalf of Hillary.

In any case, Lynch later issued a public statement saying she would go along with what FBI career officials decide. These career officials have long made it known that if Hillary was anybody else, she would have gone to jail a long time ago. CIA sources in Washington DC say the most likely scenario now is for Hillary to be found guilty and then be pardoned by President Obama.

However, neither Hillary nor any other members of her mafia are going to be allowed to run the US again.

Multiple lawsuits about stolen elections are also making it very clear the American people are now in open revolt against brazen election stealing by the Khazarian mafia.

Pentagon sources are now saying this is part of an open, wholesale revolution going on against the tyranny of the Federal Reserve Board. One source says “Brexit inspires Texodus and Califexit” and then other states will also bail out. There will also be “Amexit from Nato, the UN and globalist free trade agreements like Nafta, TPP and TTIP,” the Pentagon source predicts.

There has also been a complete turnaround in the Middle East. As we reported last week, Egypt and Israel are now applying to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a group that their supposed long term arch-enemy Iran is joining.

Now Turkey has suddenly made a 180 degree turn and is now re-establishing friendly relations with Russia, Israel and soon even Egypt. It looks like peace is finally about to come to that long tormented region.

The faction of the Khazarian mafia that still stubbornly wants to start World War 3 and trigger “Armageddon,” has not completely given up though.

On that front, there was some action in Moscow last week of the sort that would make for a great spy movie. Sources in the FSB as well as reports in news outlets like the Washington Post and the official Russian Tass news agency all agree there was some sort of shooting incident near the US embassy in Moscow last week. They also agree that a seriously injured US “diplomat” was flown out for emergency treatment.

The Sorcha Faal news site run by US Naval Intelligence says the Russians seized some sort of electronic device containing information about personnel in the Russian Baltic Fleet.

Immediately after this incident, the head of the Russian Baltic fleet and many of his sub-commanders were relieved of their duties.

The Russians also immediately made a public offer to provide exact transponder coordinates to neighbouring countries for all their planes flying in the open airspace over the Baltic Sea. Clearly this was aimed at preventing any misinterpretation of Russian actions in the region.

Given the past behavior of the Khazarian religious fanatics who want to trigger “end times,” it is a good guess that yet another attempt to start a nuclear war was stopped.

What these religious fanatics need to get into their heads is that the world is not about to end, the world is about to begin or be reborn into the paradise it was always meant to be.

On that front, hopefully we will have some good news to report next week if negotiations with the Rothschild representatives go well. If not, the battle will continue until the world’s people are victorious. Planetary liberation is coming soon.

New Republic via a GCR: Events of the Last 16 Days; July 7th

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web26arcNew Republic via a GCR: Events of the Last 16 Days; July 7th

RV, GCR Intel Situation Report, July 7, 2016

Published on July 7th, 2016 by Sananda Website

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May Your Soul Rot in Heaven

This is the Cause & the End of All of this Corporate Business in the World , Goodbye Mr Rothchild !


Sananda }July 8, 2016

Disclosure – Banking and Currency (not channeled)

New Republic via a GCR: Events of the Last 16 Days

7/07/2016 05:37:00 PM Intel, News

From the Federal Reserve to a New US Republic via a Global Currency Reset: Events of the last 16 days to July 7 2016

Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, Author, “Twenty Two Faces,” CEO, Child Abuse Recovery.

  1. On Tues. June 21 2016 China launched it’s gold-back Yaun. China had already refused to accept the fiat US dollar for world trade, thus making a move to assure closing of the Federal Reserve. Now with a gold-back Yaun China would determine the world benchmark for gold and replace London’s gold fix.
  2. On June 24 2016 Paul Ryan announced a tax reform agenda that appeared to carry lines of the NESARA Law (the law that was the basis for forming of the new US Republic). Republicans unveiled the sixth and final plank of A Better Way – a pro-growth blueprint for a simpler, fairer tax code. Americans would be able to do their taxes on a form as simple as a postcard. The plan reorganized the IRS so that it focused on serving taxpayers, not the government.
  3. Also on that same June 24 2016 Britain withdrew from the Euro Zone, plunging global markets into a free fall. As Pentagon analysts put it, “Brexit may lead to Frexit (French exit), the collapse of banks, populism, nationalism and anti-globalism. This was also likely lead to an end to Khazarian mafia sponsored Muslim immigration. “This is the worst period I recall, there is nothing like it,” is how former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan described the general situation and the market chaos that followed the Brexit vote.
  4. Greenspan and his Rockefeller, Bush sponsors might have been concerned, but their friends the Rothschilds said they made $2.5 trillion in one day on Friday by shorting all the stock markets and going long on gold. This was their biggest bonanza since their insider trading on Waterloo. As the Rothschilds said, “the best time to make money is when blood is running on the streets.”
  5. By June 26 2016 top CIA experts were publicly claiming that a revolution was imminent in Europe and the United States.


Christconsciousness Blessings by Sanananda

Feel the Infinite Love & Light of our Brother in Arms , Ascended Master of Love & Light, Jesus , Sananda . We Are ONE. I Am

  1. The bankrupt European Union had become even more dictatorial than the Soviet Union according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, “The percentage of mandatory decisions made by the European Parliament is larger than that of mandatory decisions made by the High Council of the USSR concerning its member-republics.”
  2. The bankruptcy of the EU was triggered by the bankruptcy of Deutschebank, the largest bank in Europe, according to members of the Rothschild banking dynasty. Deutschebank was now under Chinese control. If the Chinese had not stepped in to save Deutschebank, its collapse would have triggered a domino effect that would have taken down the entire European and then Western banking systems. Right after results of Britain’s June 24 2016 vote were made public, Germany’s Deutche Bank, with 65 Trillion in derivatives intertwined in several other western banks, let go of 3000 employees.
  3. The market experienced a modest rebound on that same June 24 2016 when the Bank of England, along with all other central banks, promised to pump unlimited liquidity into the financial system – all of which was promised only a day after the Fed’s stress tests showed that all 33 banks exceeded minimum requirements. Did they plan to save world markets with a Global Currency Reset?
  4. On June 24 and 25 2016 the Swiss National Bank (SNB), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and IMF Economic Review had a joint conference in Zurich, Switzerland on “Exchange Rates and External Adjustment.” Something had to be done. The US markets were set to begin a trading day on Monday June 27 2016 down over -700 points at the opening bell, and possibly fall over 2000 points depending on how London, Germany, France and Spain markets opened hours earlier. If this negative trend spiraled out of control, it would cause an automatic shutoff of trading.
  5. On Saturday June 25 2016 Tariffs were implimented at the Iraqi border believed to be based on the new Iraqi out-of-country international Dinar rate of $3.71.
  6. Over 203 countries had rushed into final settlement that Saturday June 25 2016. All remaining or outstanding sovereign debts and final opening currency rates on the new system were said to be settled by 11:30 am EST.
  7. By Sunday June 26 2016 Greece, Germany, France, Italy, Ireland and the Netherlands were considering joining Britain in leaving the Euro Zone, so stimulated after the British Pound was announced as being gold-backed.
  8. The BRICS system took command of the global economy and was said to have again flipped the RV switch as of Sunday June 26 2016 at 12:01am. Again, the GCR was held up.
  9. Evidently on that Sunday June 26 2016 the Farmers Group were told they could exchange. (This is the group that long ago brought the successful lawsuit before the US Supreme Court that resulted in the NESARA Law and creation of the new US Republic). Whether or not that happened was anybody’s guess considering the Non Disclouse Agreements that Farmers Group recipients were required to sign.


Maslows Hierachy of Needs

Its important to Always Find a Way to Allow for All Needs to Be met for All Human Beings Living on this Beautifull Planet Earth. I Love U All Equally . I Am Here to Serve & Love All. Help Ever & Hurt Never, I Am Your Loving Friend , Anne

  1. On June 26 2016 Prime Minister Abadi raised the Iraqi flag over Fallujah and officially announced liberation of the citizens from ISIS. Celebrations began. Again the events in Iraq were not reported by the US main stream media.
  2. The new digital, transparent and gold-backed global financial system was scheduled to begin functioning some time during the banking business day of Monday June 27 2016. Again, that didn’t happen.
  3. By June 27 2016 Britain’s bankruptcy and exit from the Euro Zone had spread throughout the interconnected global financial system. The lack of liquidity reached US banks with Goldman at 3 year lows and Bank of America and Citi Bank plunging over 12%.
  4. On June 27 2016 US Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan called for a return to the Gold Standard: nts-brexit-vote/news-story/561e29f8803d0e6f10616e33195ed9d2

  1. According to Weekly geo-political news and analysis posted by benjamin on June 27 2016 theRothschild family sources claimed there was serious infighting at the top levels of the Khazarian mafia over what to do. Britain had gone into bankruptcy, left the Euro Zone and put global markets into free fall. They asked the White Dragon Society and its allies to wait until July for the return to the Gold Standard.
  2. In the week prior to July 4 2016 the Chinese government had contacted leaders of other Asian countries as well as the heads of the G20 group of nations to inform them that they expected a deal to be reached between the White Dragon Society and the Rothschild family group. That week a group claiming to represent a coalition of 172 sovereign nations, also threw in its support for a new, inclusive financial system.
  3. The Global Currency Reset and Gold Standard for global currencies did, in fact, finally officially start on July 4 2016. From 1am to 8am EDT on that July 4, 2016, the gold bullion spot price flatlined. There was no worldwide gold trading.This temporary down period or “reset” of the world markets in relation to the gold bullion spot price occurred in order recalibrate the global monetary value system.
  4. Britain’s vote to leave the European Union increased investor demand for safe-haven government bonds, even when the yield was below zero and by July 5 2016, the Swiss government bond curve was below zero. Bond yields were driven by inflation and growth, but there was no inflation and no growth. The economy was built on confidence, and if there was no confidence there was no economy. Bloomberg noted a rising concern about the outlook for economic growth and inflation meant investors were now paying the Swiss government for the privilege of lending to them out to 50 years. Investors expected further interest rate cuts and monetary easing from central banks around the world in response to the increased economic uncertainty. Ciaran O’Hagan, senior rates strategist at Societe Generale in Paris said, “It’s a reflection on the very bad prospects for the European and global economy.”


What Brings order in the world is to love and let love do what it will

This is the Way to Heal the Planet . I Am Love & So Are U . We Are ONE . I Am

  1. A meeting with the Rothschilds and White Dragon Society representatives was held on July 5 2016 where they discussed “how to create a financial system that was good for both humanity and nature and created a new meritocratic, democratic and transparent system for planning the future of our species and this planet.”
  2. On July 5 2016 the Rothschilds and other top Khazarian Mafiosi families like the Borgia, the Medici, the Del Banco (Warburg) the Rockefellers (including the Clintons) the Bushes (Pecce) were given until July 10th to reach a peace agreement and release the funds. After that the Khazarian mafia would lose any chance of participating in setting up the new financial system, plus be subjected to a total boycott that would likely drive them into bankruptcy.
  3. Also after July 10 2016 a bounty of $100 million each, payable in gold, would be handed over to anybody who could arrest the members of the Cabal who had held up the Global Currency Reset over 164 times. If they resisted arrest, they would likely be killed, as would members of their family.
  4. A senior Pentagon official said, “I have been told from multiple sources that there is a multitude of people who are waiting for the RKM (Rothchilds/Bauers) to not cooperate, these people are eager to end the lives of the RKM criminals at every level. You may want to let the representative know, that this is for real and they cannot run or hide, their time is up. It is time to fold or they will all die, including their families, to the furthest distant cousins; effectively ending the evil bloodlines who have bedeviled mankind for so long. Again good luck with the negotiations. If they renege there will be consequences, major ones. That being said, have a great day.”
  5. Germany had already reached an agreement with the Chinese Elders. The other EU country where a crisis was quickly coming to a head was Italy. There Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi promised a 150 billion Euro government bail-out for Italian banks only to be publicly scolded by the Germans who said no to such a deal because they would end up paying for it. The Italians then told the Germans it was up to the Italians to decide. This degenerated into a public spat that was likely to end up with Italy reverting to the Lira and Renzi resigning, CIA sources in Europe said.

  1. The pro-EU factions of the Cabal tried to stop disintegration of their hold over the global monetary system by proposing an even tighter, more centrally controlled EU. They proposed expanding the EU into the Middle East and Africa.

  1. Evidently under such great pressure, on July 5 2015 the Bank of International Settlements finally gave their OK for the Global Currency Reset. On that date the International Monetary Fund allowed the Federal Reserve to release their funds.
  2. On July 6 2016 a military contact at a base in Iraq reported that Mosul was virtually done. Reports earlier in the week stated the Iraqi flag had been flying in the city for about a week. Some ISIS were still hanging around, but no real treats.
  3. As of July 7 2016 repeated attempts to more than pay off the US national debt using $800 trillion, $27 trillion and $9.1 trillion of taxpayer monies illegally held by the Federal Reserve had been continually thwarted by the Cabal. The Global Currency Reset would more than solve the problem, but had been thwarted over 164 times. Several hundred million had been confiscated by the Clinton Foundation. At present most of these funds were in European bank accounts awaiting the GCR. Refer to this movie trailer of a soon-to-be released documentary about corruption at the Federal Reserve, “Eagle One to Wanta”:
  4. There was a feature documentary film that dissected history of the US monetary system and it’s relationship to the Cabal, CIA, 9-11 (which happened as an intial Global Currency Reset was to take place), Presidents Johnson and Bushes and the assassination of President Kennedy. Right before Kennedy was murdered, he had signed documents which would have closed the Federal Reserve: