The WHO just obliterated every argument for mandatory vaccines or contact tracing by declaring asymptomatic carriers don’t spread COVID-19
The WHO just obliterated every argument for mandatory vaccines or contact tracing by declaring asymptomatic carriers don’t spread COVID-19
Monday, June 08, 2020 by: Mike Adams
Tags: asymptomatic carriers, contact tracing, coronavirus, covid-19, goodhealth, goodmedicine, goodscience, infections, outbreak, pandemic, vaccines, WHO
(Natural News) Today the WHO declared that COVID-19 almost never spreads through asymptomatic carriers, all at once wiping out the entire justification for mandatory vaccines and contact tracing. As reported:
“From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual,” Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, head of WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said at a news briefing from the United Nations agency’s Geneva headquarters. “It’s very rare.”
Asymptomatic spread was the entire reason why world authorities demanded lockdowns, social distancing and masks, too. It was also the underlying justification for demanding mandatory vaccinations and contact tracing. After all, if the spread of coronavirus were limited to only those who obviously showed symptoms — and could therefore be easily identified and avoided — there would be no logical need for lockdowns, social distancing, masks, contact tracing or mandatory vaccines, since spreaders of the pandemic could be easily identified and avoided (or isolated with selective stay-at-home orders only for the symptomatic).
All at once, the WHO has just exploded all these narratives that were so aggressively pushed by the CDC, Democrat governors, Dr. Fauci at the White House and even the WHO itself. Now, based on the WHO’s new admission, not only should every lockdown be immediately ended; any government effort to initiate new lockdowns should be vehemently rejected as being utterly groundless and anti-science.
Mandatory vaccines are no longer needed when asymptomatic carriers present near-zero risk
Now that the WHO is claiming there’s virtually no risk of catching the coronavirus from someone who isn’t showing any symptoms, mandatory vaccines are impossible to medically justify since symptomatic carriers can be easily identified and isolated from others.
Simultaneously, the argument that the lockdowns need to continue “until there’s a vaccine” have just been decimated, too. In reality, the WHO just admitted that lockdowns aren’t necessary at all, except among those who are actively showing symptoms (which is a very tiny percentage of the population, probably far less than 1% on any given day).
It also means that everybody can safely go back to work with nothing more than a low-cost handheld thermometer checking temperatures of workers as they enter the workplace. No symptoms means no risk of spread, according to the WHO, so checking for symptoms is now synonymous with achieving a safe workplace for all.
It also means the occupancy limits at workplaces should be immediately lifted, allowing all gyms, bars, restaurants and movie theaters to operate at full capacity. The only required rule is that people who sneeze or show fevers must be asked to leave, and that’s it.
No more justification for contact tracing either
This WHO declaration also obliterates any argument for so-called “contact tracing.” If there’s no such thing as an asymptomatic carrier, why would we need contact tracing at all?
The whole point of contact tracing is to find people who don’t know they have the infection because they were supposedly infected by an asymptomatic carrier. But if the only people who spread the virus are those who show obvious symptoms, then everybody already knows to steer clear of that individual, and contact tracing becomes moot.
Thus, the WHO has just obliterated any argument for contact tracing, too. Will Apple and Google now remove their contact tracing apps from their mobile devices? Of course not. Those apps were never really about contact tracing in the first place… the entire sham was always a pretext for total surveillance and spying on users.
Plus, the CDC says the virus can’t be spread on surfaces
All this is on top of the CDC recently announcing that the coronavirus can’t be spread via surfaces, either. So there’s no more justification for people wearing gloves or sanitizing packages or grocery bags. In fact, according to the CDC’s newest admissions, there’s no more reason to avoid shaking hands, either.
So if the coronavirus only spreads through people who are actively showing symptoms, then the entire argument behind everybody wearing masks — which was that we all needed to wear them because none of us knew whether we, ourselves, were spreading the virus — instantly collapses. The WHO just made mask mandates a complete joke, which makes us wonder why the government continues to hoard them, of course.
In fact, unless the WHO is lying to us now, the entirety of every single argument for lockdowns, masks, social distancing and all the rest has just been blasted to smithereens. And if the WHO is lying to us now, then what’s to say they haven’t been lying all along on other issues?
Either way, my mask wearing days are over.
Like many Americans, I deliberately worked to protect the elderly and the vulnerable out of an abundant sense of caution and public duty. I wore a mask in public places, and I practiced social distancing, too. I stayed home for well over a month and did my part to reduce any chance, however low, that I might become an asymptomatic carrier who might inadvertently spread the pandemic to other people who were immunocompromised or medically vulnerable.
Now, it turns out none of that was necessary. This entire pandemic appears to be conquerable with nothing more than vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc. Not even hand washing is necessary, according to the new CDC results, and the very idea of waiting around under house arrest for a new experimental vaccine to be produced now seems insanely stupid.
Is the WHO running a whole new psyop to explode a second wave of infections?
The other possibility with all this is that the WHO is now running a new psyop to try to convince people that the coronavirus is no longer any risk, hoping that people will drop their guard and unleash a second wave of infections in the Fall, thereby damaging the Trump administration and immediately thrusting the WHO right back into the position of issuing demands to the world regarding a new wave of infections.
After all, when there’s no pandemic running loose, who listens to the WHO anyway?
But if the WHO has the kind of malicious ethics that would allow it to deliberately lie to the world in order to spread a second wave of infections, wouldn’t we all be fools to listen to that organization in the first place? Shouldn’t we actually demand their arrest and prosecution for crimes against humanity if they were deliberately trying to spread a global pandemic just to remain relevant?
So there are really just two possibilities in all this:
#1) The WHO has been lying to us all along, and the real risk of coronavirus spread is practically zero.
Or #2) The WHO is lying to us now, trying to make sure we all get infected so that a second wave explodes across the globe.
Either way, it looks like the WHO can’t be trusted at all, which makes their recent announcement highly questionable. If the coronavirus can’t be spread by asymptomatic carriers, how did it explode across the Diamond Princess? How did it sneak into the USA and other countries, even as symptom checkers manned the airport arrival terminals? How did the coronavirus explode across nursing homes in New York and other areas, killing a shockingly high number of residents there? (Or, alternatively, perhaps they all really died from death-by-ventilator episodes…)
We can’t really know what to believe from the authorities anymore — not the WHO, the CDC, the FDA or of course the lying lamestream media. So the only thing we can really count on is our own immune systems, and those can be readily enhanced with simple nutritional supplements, along with healthy lifestyle choices such as avoiding inflammatory junk foods and getting plenty of sleep each night.
For the WHO, that disgusting organization is a discredited junk science gaggle of incompetent communists pretending to be epidemiologists. They couldn’t shove their own heads up each other’s asses any farther if they were surgical proctologists. Their horribly dishonest, inaccurate and often deliberately misleading information has brought incalculable suffering and death to our world, which is why their new name should be the World HELL Organization.
That’s what they delivered to us all: HELL on Earth. All by design. And now, after months of global economic devastation and mass death, they tell you there was nothing to worry about all along… probably just to mess with your head while they work with China to release a second bioweapon, see?
We should all be really reluctant to believe a single thing the WHO ever says again, and if we ever get a chance to meet the people who run the WHO in person, we should place our hands around their necks and squeeze tighter and tighter until they puke back up all the bulls##t they’ve been shoveling this entire time.
For my part, I’m going to keep taking high-quality nutritional supplements and consider that sufficient for doing my part. Staying healthy, after all, is the most responsible thing you can do in a pandemic, whether it’s real or fake.



Posted by stevew | Oct 17, 2019 | 2019, Conspiracy, Cabal, Daily Blog, Financial, Economy, Geopolitics | 0|

October 14, 2019

Truly historic events are unfolding worldwide as the centuries-old Zionist project implodes.  This can be seen with the UN running out of money, a massive Turkish invasion of Syria, and an escalating civil war in the United States, among other things.  Also, multiple signs indicate that some sort of high-level deal has been reached between Russia, China, and the U.S. for a new system of global stewardship.

Let’s start with the situation in the U.S.  Here the military government headed by President Donald Trump has secured funding from China to avoid bankruptcy, Pentagon sources say.  In effect, China will pay cash for an abundance of food from the U.S. to buy it time until a global currency reset takes place, they say.

The U.S. military sent us this photograph with the caption, “To welcome the new fiscal year, Trump summoned military brass for a White House meeting and dinner on October 7 with [top General Mark] Milley and other Army generals wearing World War 2 uniforms and declaring war on Zionists and the Deep State.”


Furthermore, the Pentagon sources say, “The hunt for Red October is on, as the Hunter (Biden and other traitors) becomes the hunted, and General Joseph Dunford oversees military tribunals.”

Russian sources tell us that former President Barack Hussein Obama has already been executed by a firing squad.  The Pentagon sources did not confirm this, but did say, “Civil war is raging with Gitmo [Guantanamo Bay] executions, declassification, mobilized troops and feds, and potential takeover of California.”

The Zionists, of course, are not going quietly into the night. 

A senior MI6 source says he was told “by a very reliable source” of an “outlandish claim of a ‘glorious revolution’ by the ‘Fallen Angels (satanic bloodlines)’ between December 21st and 24th to instigate full thermonuclear warfare to exterminate the very vast majority of life on this planet.”

This is, of course, a reiteration of the Israeli “Samson option” to destroy the world if its existence is threatened.  Israel definitely is facing an existential crisis with a massive Turkish army headed its way.  Christian Zionists and Zionist media are having fits about the U.S. “abandoning the Kurds” as Turkey moves into Syria.  Although corporate media refer to this as a limited incursion to secure its border, the Turks are saying otherwise.  “We can’t wait.  As Turkey, we will never stop this fight, no matter what anyone says,” President Recip Erdoğan declared on Friday.

Turkey launched the biggest geopolitical intervention in its political history with the ‘Peace Spring Operation.’ …That entire corridor spanning the Iranian border and the Mediterranean is going to be purged.  A Turkey zone, a peace zone, is going to be built there,” says Turkish columnist Ibrahim Karagül.

If you look at a map of the Middle East, the “corridor” they are going to “purge” includes Syria, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Jordan, and Israel.

It also looks very much like the Turks have tacit Russian and U.S. support for this move.  On Thursday the U.S. and Russia vetoed an EU resolution calling on Turkey to “cease unilateral military action.”  This is the first time since the UN first met in 1946 that the U.S. and Russia have vetoed the same Security Council resolution.

The Europeans could do nothing but wring their hands.


“The Turkish operation into northeast Syria can open a new dramatic chapter in the already very dark history of the Syrian war.  The potential consequences of such military action are clear to everyone—at least are very clear to us.  The repercussions can be extremely serious in humanitarian, military, political, and strategic terms,” High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini told the European Parliament.

Translation:  The results of World War I are being undone to the detriment of the French and the British.


Operation Disclosure , Monday May, 28th 2018


Restored Republic via a GCR as of May 28, 2018

Posted: 27 May 2018 09:37 PM PDT

Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of May 28 2018 Compiled 28 May 12:26 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery, Author, “Twenty Two Faces,” Byington’s Before It’s News articles on a Vatican Pedophile Ring: Source: Dinar Chronicles The following is a compilation of information from the Internet. It is up the reader to decide whether or not it is valid. A. May 27 2018 3:20 pm EST Intel Alert: Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for May 27, 2018 Operation Disclosure (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors/leaks from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.) 1. The RV was complete with all geopolitical issues solved. 2. According to sources, the toll-free 800 numbers were expected to be released midnight tomorrow Mon. May 28, as banks opened Tuesday May 29. 3. Other sources were claiming the release was scheduled on the first weekend of June (Fri, Sat, Sun. June 1, 2, 3). B. May 27 2018 2:01 pm EST, Dr. Clarke: “Short and Sweet” – Dr. Clarke Update 5-27-18 1.Iraq will officially & publicly RV the Dinar any day after the public announcement of the ext Prime Minister – which looks to be Abadi. That should happen any day now. 2. We are focusing on the weekend of June 2, 3, with an optimum personal exchange window after the 15th, into the 3rd week of June. 3. We guess the exchange rate in the US on the Iraqi Dinar to be in excess of $4 within a few days of the release. 4. Our guess on the Dong was an exchange rate in the U.S. of over $2.00, within a few days of the public increases. 5. We expect them BOTH to move within 24 hours, of one another. C. May 27 2018 11:57 pm EST, Zap: “When we all Believe” – Weekly ZAP – The Office of POOFness – 5.27.18 1. Zap: The mechanics of what is going on right now with the releases is best left unsaid for security reasons. Re-direction of funds is just one problem experienced by the main sources of the funds coming out right now. 2. It is going very well and we can expect action next week. It will be the start time of all the project side. We are a recipient of some setup funds that is scheduled to come in this week. 3. DJ: All reports, some from very profound sources, seem to now agree that there is actual activity occurring and transacting. How and when these activities will translate to the public involvement and benefit remains the ongoing mystery and debate. 4. Things overall appear to be great and moving in the right direction. 5. Susan: I’m hearing much good news regarding the PP’s movement.We have entered into a phrase where it is quite possible that our collective patience is about to be compensated. D. May 27 2018 8:11 pm EST TNT Bank Story: “Casino” – Sun. PM TNT Thoughts/News/Bank Stories A friend overextended while at the casino Saturday and needed some “get back home” money and decided to go to a bank and exchange some Dong, expecting to get approximately $39 – $45 for $1million Dong. The bank person said they could exchange the currency if they insisted, but informed them that they would be happier if they waited until Tues. May 29 (maybe even Mon. May 28) to exchange that currency. E. May 27 2018 8:29 pm EST Silence, Sierra: “Silence” by Sierra (NZ) – 5.27.18 Q Anon has not posted since 22nd May. All GCR intel has gone quiet. It’s quite a combination. Trump tweets the Truth about what is unfolding for those with ears to hear and eyes to see: F. May 27 2018 1:25 am EST, Sierra: “Sickened FBI Agents Ready to Testify” by Sierra (NZ) – 5.26.18 This Fox News interview outlines the glaring contrast between the way the FBI supported Hillary Clinton’s criminal activities, yet spied on Trump’s campaign. It seems that nearly ALL the FBI rank and file stands ready to testify against the corruption of Comey’s rule of the FBI. Chad Jenkins, former FBI Special Agent: “The American society as a whole will fall in on itself if we don’t get to the bottom of this – not the half truth but the FULL truth. And the only way to do that is to have these agents (FBI) come out through subpoenas and testify to these committees.” Updates of the last seven days: Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 27, 2018 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 26, 2018 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 25, 2018 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 24, 2018 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 23, 2018 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 22, 2018 Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 21, 2018

ZAP/POOFness Report: “When we all Believe” — May 27, 2018

Posted: 27 May 2018 08:52 PM PDT

” The Office of Poofness ” Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey “When You Believe” Many nights we’ve prayed With no proof anyone could hear In our hearts, a hopeful song We barely understood Now we are not afraid Although we know there’s much to fear We were moving mountains long Before we knew we could, oh yes There can be miracles when you believe Though hope is frail, it’s hard to kill Who knows what miracles you can achieve When you believe, somehow you will You will when you believe Oh yeah, in this time of fear When prayer so often proves in vain Hope seems like the summer birds Too swiftly flown away Yet now I’m standing here My heart so full I can’t explain Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I’ll say They don’t always happen when you ask And it’s easy to give in to your fears But when you’re blinded by your pain Can’t see the way, get through the rain A small but still, resilient voice Says hope is very near, oh You will when you You will when you believe Just believe I believe, I believe Just believe You will when you believe POOF SAID Greetings and Salutations, There’s great tribulation in the earth and a lot of hand wringing going on because things are not looking that happy and are bleak. Don’t focus upon all of that but focus more on how to remain patient and balanced to over come this temporary condition. The efforts of hundreds has gone a long way to bring about the changing landscape for the planet and for the well being of earth’s inhabitants. Hundreds have been working in as many different ways as you could ever imagine. Just be assured that those working closely at the top of the heap are aware of the issues and have first hand encounters to know that the money trail is hot and that the upending of the people behind the avalanche of pain and shortcomings has much to gain and a lot to lose. They are holding things off as long as they can and just be assured that the higher energies are also working on behalf of the masses. We would hope that people would “get it” that having a massive amount of money isn’t the end result wanted here. The end result is to begin to redefine the world and its inhabitants differently. There is much to do because focus has been on personal pleasures rather than on the community as a whole. I am not trying to bore you but to help you understand that it’s another one of those treks in the wilderness thing and I see that now quite clearly. We assure you that it is coming together slowly and with patience you will see this in your lifetime. Make no mistake about that; it has been a long time, that is a given, remember all the changes that will occur are major….P… SUSAN SAYS Dear Community, War Isn’t A Game That’s Won An ad I saw yesterday really ticked me off. It was offering stuff that would help buyers have “the most fun” on Memorial Day. That’s trivializing the event. There are also those who want to make our national holidays celebrations of war, glorifications of war. I’ve talked with some old warriors who’ve been through the real thing, and to hear them tell it, war–far from being romantic–is as close to Hell as humans on earth can make it. War is nothing to celebrate or glorify or romanticize… or ever promote. So, it’s hard for me to see Memorial Day as just another party weekend with picnics, cook-outs, and kegs of beer. It’s just not that kind of “whoop it up” holiday. Actually, it isn’t a secular holiday; it’s a sobering Observance. When the killing stops in a battle zone, there is gladness and relief, but not much celebration. What celebration there is is tempered by trying to save the bloody wound who’re crying in pain…and with the dead who aren’t. It isn’t a party atmosphere. Memorial Day is for remembering how the War Department trained military personnel whose duty it was to knock on civilian doors, and to inform mothers, fathers, wives, and children that someone they loved–someone who had loved life as much as they–would not be coming home alive. Many wouldn’t be coming home even in a casket. The resting place of many would be in one of the serenely landscaped military cemeteries around the globe. For some, the sea was their tomb. The bodies of many others were utterly destroyed. Memorial Day is for honoring those who were deprived of their Earth lives. The joys of the day should also leave room for appreciating those left with war-shattered minds and bodies. Men and women whose wounds will never heal enough for them to make patriotic speeches or march in a parade. In our Memorial Day gratitude we can thank survivors of wars, but they will probably say, “I wish you could thank those who deserve it most–the ones who never returned.” ——-0—— *This Bright Side is a revision of one written five years ago. I’m hearing much good news regarding the PP’s movement. We have entered into a phrase where it is quite possible that our collective patience is about to be compensated. Namaste, Susan DID YOU KNOW? Good Evening. For several weeks now there have been constant reports on the currency exchanges and historical asset redemptions having started or are beginning, depending on what geographical location of the world you may reside in or what volume you are transacting with such as sovereigns or the quote “Whales”. All reports, some from very profound sources, seem to now agree that there is actual activity occurring and transacting. How and when these activities will translate to the public involvement and benefit remains the ongoing mystery and debate. Things overall appear to be great and moving in the right direction, that’s the good news. The bad news is the damage that has occurred to the mental and financial health of the majority of those involved at the retail or public levels. This “Roller Coaster Ride” of expectations, only to be let down over and over, has left a wake of destruction. The roller coaster gets higher and higher followed by a steeper fall each time. To the point now that we have become increasingly more cautious to believe the ride is over. This is a risk/ reward scenario. The primary hope for gain or reward, is the financial wellbeing and security of our families and loved ones and the stability that follows. Ironically, the risk has been the financial wellbeing and stability of our families and loved ones. We have thrown caution to the wind. Decades of trial and error experiences and learning how to make the right choices to protect and benefit our families has been altered and redefined. Life decisions have been made based on speculation and fuzzy math provided by Intel sources whereas, pre-currency exchange or bond involvement, our decisions were based on solid facts and clear math to maintain stability in our daily lives. Lose a job get another one! Running low on money? Tighten up the spending or go make more. Speaking for myself, when I entered into this arena ten years ago I had put enough away that the risk was minimal that my immediate family would ever suffer in any way. The reward was I could leave my footprint on the world and help save thousands if not millions from suffering another second. This decision I have made has morphed from self-interest to a calling. The family rarely gets what they want but they have what they need or have learned to get what they need. I cannot, in all good conscience, raise my station in life while I ignore the needs of the suffering because they can’t get what they need. They need our help. My roller coaster has turned into a train on a straight and determined path. My risk/reward scenario is now well balanced. The reward of ending the suffering of so many far outweighs any possible risk taken to achieve those ends. For those of you who entered into these events with good intentions and noble cause but have felt the backlash from the roller coaster of “it’s only days away”, I would suggest you take another look at your own risk / reward scenario. What is the reward you are looking for from your efforts and sacrifices? Is it the failure of personal gain that keeps you on the roller coaster? Or Is it the lack of vision to end global suffering that keeps you off the train? That being said, those of you who have projects or new tech, please send a few lines or paragraph indicating your ideas and intensions. Not the entire project or business plan just a brief description to share. Let us show those who have lost their vision that even though you may lose your compass you can still know your way. Let’s show the rest of the flock how many are truly committed to saving our humanity. Maybe it can help them redefine the term reward and we can fill up the train. DJ ZAP SAYS HI ALL I THOUGHT THAT THIS WEEK I WOULD BE ALLOWED TO SAY A FEW THINGS BUT THE MECHANICS OF WHAT IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW WITH THE RELEASES IS BEST LEFT UNSAID FOR GOOD SECURITY REASONS. RE-DIRECTION OF FUNDS IS JUST ONE PROBLEM EXPERIENCED BY THE MAIN SOURCES OF FUNDS COMING OUT NOW. TALKING ABOUT IT MAKES NO SENSE RIGHT NOW AS SECURITY IS STILL A VERY REAL COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENT. IT IS GOING VERY WELL, AND WE CAN EXPECT ACTION NEXT WEEK. IT WILL BE THE START TIME OF ALL THE PROJECT SIDE THAT IS READY AND POISED TO BEGIN THE WORK AHEAD OF ALL OF US. WE ARE VERY GRATEFUL TO BE A RECIPIENT OF SOME SETUP FUNDS TO GET US GOING AND GET THE OFFICES OPERATIONAL. THEY ARE SCHEDULED TO COME IN THIS WEEK, AND ONCE WE GET SET UP, WE WILL BEGIN THE REVIEW PROCESS FOR FUNDING THE PROJECTS THAT MAKE SENSE FOR OUR HUMANITY. IN OUR ROLE, WE WILL REVIEW THE PROJECT, RECOMMEND FOR FUNDING, AND THE TRUST OR FOUNDATION WILL SET UP A FUNDING STRUCTURE TAILORED TO THE PROJECT NEEDS. FUNDING WILL BE PRETTY FAST IN OUR MODEL, AS THE TRUST COMPLIANCE IS VERY ROBUST AS IS THE SECURITY AND THEIR SPEED WILL BE AMAZING IN FINDING OUT WHO IS WHO IN THE ZOO. WE WILL MAKE SURE THE PROJECT IS PROPERLY SERVICED. TECHNOLOGIES WILL BE SHARED AMONGST ALL PROJECTS TO ENABLE THEM TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ALL TECHNOLOGIES THAT WOULD ALLOW FOR THE SUCCESS OF THE PROJECT. THIS WILL SERVE INVENTORS WELL AS THEY WILL NEVER GET RAPED OR PILLAGED, AND WILL JUST BE ABLE TO GET ON WITH WORK AND DO OTHER THINGS THAN WORRY ABOUT THIS ASPECT. IN OUR ORGANIZATION MODEL, THIS SHARE OF TECHNOLOGIES IS BY CONSENT TO ALLOW CONTROL OVER THE TECH BY THE INVENTOR. HE’S THE GUY THAT WILL MAKE THE DECISION IN THE CASES WHERE THEY WISH TO KEEP CLOSER REIN ON WHAT THEY HAVE. THE TECH WE HAVE IS AUTOMATICALLY AVAILABLE TO ALL PROJECTS, BUT WE RESPECT THE INVENTOR AT ALL TIMES. OUR BUSINESS ARCHITECTURE IS VERY SIMPLE YET VERY COMPLEX IN THE MECHANICS OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE TO PROVIDE SUCH A STREAMLINED APPROACH TO DEPLOYMENT OF PROJECTS QUICKLY AND EFFICIENTLY, AND WE ARE VERY HAPPY WITH THIS MODEL. THESE TYPES OF MODELS SHARE SPEED OF DELIVERY AS A MAJOR COMPONENT, AND THE OTHER ORGANIZATIONS OUT THERE WILL BE SETTING THE PACE. THE START OF ALL THIS IS HERE, AND THE TRANSITION FROM LACK TO PROSPERITY WILL BEGIN. THERE WILL BE AN INCREDIBLE AMOUNT OF WORK TO BE DONE, AND THE MOVEMENT OF THE FUNDS WILL BE THE TOPMOST ISSUE THAT WILL BE VERY ACTIVE. TO NOW, WE HAVE SEEN THE ABILITY OF THE BANKING SYSTEM TO SIPHON OFF EVERY POSSIBLE CENT THAT CAN BE MADE FROM THE PEOPLE IT SERVES. THEY ARE A FOR PROFIT BUSINESS PLAN IN A VERY AGGRESSIVE MODE. THIS AGGRESSIVE MODE HAS CAUSED THE FAILURE OF THE MOVEMENT OF FUNDS IN MANY CASES. THIS WELL DOCUMENTED FACT WILL CONTINUE IN THE NEW PARADIGM UNLESS IT CHANGES. ONE OF THE MECHANISMS LEADING TO FAILURE IS THE BAIL IN PROCESS AS AUTHORIZED BY EUROPE AND USA AND OTHER COUNTRIES. IT CAN BE A VERY DEVASTATING THING TO HAPPEN TO ANYBODY WHEN THE BANK JUST TAKES YOUR MONEY AND CITES THE BAIL IN LAWS AS JUSTIFICATION. THESE THINGS ARE CRITICAL TO UNDERSTAND WHEN YOU RECEIVE MONEY. WHAT KIND OF STRUCTURE WILL YOU USE TO SAFEGUARD YOUR FUNDS AND ALLOW YOU THE USAGE OF THE FUNDS. IF YOU OPEN A REGULAR CHECKING OR CURRENT ACCOUNT WITH ANY BANK, YOUR MONEY IS NOW THEIR MONEY TO LEND OUT OR MAKE INVESTMENTS. BUT HOW SAFE IS YOUR MONEY. IT IS IN THE BANK, RIGHT? IT IS SAFE. THAT’S WHAT THE BANK TELLS YOU. BUT HAS ANYONE CONSIDERED THAT IF THE BANK RUNS INTO A DIFFICULTY AND HAS TO SHUT DOWN OR GO BANKRUPT, WHAT ABOUT THEN? IS YOUR MONEY SAFE? CONSIDER THAT YOUR BANK IS NOT AS SOLVENT AS YOU MAY THINK AND YOU ARE, BY GIVING THE BANK CONTROL OVER YOUR MONEY, JUST GIVING THEM YOUR MONEY WITH LITTLE IF ANY RECOURSE. A LEGAL BANK WITH A BANK IS LONG AND COSTLY. ESPECIALLY IF YOU NO LONGER HAVE ANY MONEY TO HIRE A LEGAL CHALLENGE. IF THE BANK MAKES BAD LOANS OR INVESTMENTS, THEY CAN LOSE MONEY AND NOT BE ABLE TO COVER LOSSES. THEY HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO TAKE YOUR MONEY AND USE IT TO BAIL THEMSELVES OUT. OH, YOU MAY GET TO BE A SHAREHOLDER OF THE BANK, BUT THE AMOUNT OF THE SHARE IS UNKNOWN. THE CURRENT SITUATION OF THE BANKS IS EASY TO SEE AS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS READ THEIR BALANCE SHEET ON THE WEB. THEY TELL YOU THEIR STATE. RIGHT NOW, THE BANKS LEND OR INVEST CLOSE TO THE ZERO COVERAGE POINT, AND CAN COVER ONLY A FEW CENTS ON THE DOLLAR OF THE MONEY THEY HAVE FROM DEPOSITORS. THE COVERAGE IS LIKE THAT. MOST BIG BANKS CAN NOT COVER ABOUT 95% OF THE DEPOSITS. THESE LINKS ARE USEFUL TO CONSIDER. WHAT IS YOUR COVERAGE? THE FDIC COVERS UP TO 100K I THINK LAST TIME I LOOKED. WHAT IF YOU HAVE 10 MILLION IN THE ACCOUNT. WELL, YOU WILL GET 100K OF IT BACK THROUGH THE INSURANCE SCHEMA. IN TIME. MAYBE. THE ONLY WAY TO NOT GIVE YOUR CONTROL AWAY IS TO CONTRACT THE BANK TO BE YOUR FIDUCIARY AND KEEP YOUR MONEY SAFE. THIS IS A TYPE OF TRUST ESCROW SCHEMA THAT TAX ATTORNEYS ARE WELL VERSED IN, AND CAN ADVISE US IN THESE STRUCTURES. IT ALL DOES COME BACK TO THE STRUCTURE. IF YOU HAVE A PROPERLY DONE ONE, YOU CAN OPERATE SAFELY AND EFFECTIVELY KNOWING THERE IS NO HANG-UP TO YOUR PROJECT BUDGET SCHEDULES. OUR SERVICES ARE STRUCTURED IN SUCH A WAY AS TO PROVIDE IMMEDIATE RESULTS, AND SO SHOULD YOURS. I WILL LEAVE YOU WITH THIS AND A VERY LARGE THANK YOU TO ALL THAT ARE HELPING RIGHT NOW. IT IS SO DIFFICULT THESE LAST MILES AND ESPECIALLY ON THIS MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND. BUT WE ARE ALL GOOD TO GO THIS COMING WEEK, AND WE ARE ALL LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS TIME OF WORK. THERE ARE SO MANY GOOD PEOPLE AND GOOD PROJECTS THAT IT JUST CAN NOT FAIL. THE MIX WILL BE FABULOUS. I DO NOT KNOW HOW MANY OF YOU REMEMBER WHEN JAMES/POOF PASSED, BUT IT HAS BEEN FIVE YEARS NOW SINCE ONE DAY HE WAS HERE, AND ONE WEEK LATER PASSED OF MASSIVE CANCER IN EACH PART OF HIS BODY. YOU NAME IT HE HAD IT, SO THEY DID NOT TAKE ANY CHANCES. JAMES CARED DEEPLY FOR THE PEOPLE AROUND HIM AND WAS ONE OF THE MOST INSIGHTFUL AND TAPPED IN GUYS I HAVE KNOWN, I WAS GRATEFUL TO CALL HIM BROTHER. HE AND SUSAN SHARED MANY VIDEO CALLS TO COMPARE NOTES AND HE WAS BANG ON THE BUTTON. YOU ARE SORELY MISSED. THANKS BROTHER FOR BEING THERE FOR EVERYBODY, AND FOR BEING WITH US STILL. YOUR INSIGHT AND WISDOM TRANSCEND BOUNDARIES. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE AND WILL DO. SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE. I WILL LEAVE YOU WITH THIS AND A VERY LARGE THANK YOU TO ALL THAT ARE HELPING RIGHT NOW. IT IS SO DIFFICULT THESE LAST MILES AND ESPECIALLY ON THIS MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND. BUT WE ARE ALL GOOD TO GO THIS COMING WEEK, AND WE ARE ALL LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS TIME OF WORK. THERE ARE SO MANY GOOD PEOPLE AND GOOD PROJECTS THAT IT JUST CAN NOT FAIL. THE MIX WILL BE FABULOUS. GOD BLESS LOVE AND LIGHT IN OUR SERVICE ZAP “GOD IS; I AM; WE ARE” “BE GOOD, BE LEGAL, TELL TRUTH” MAY 27, 2018 COPYRIGHT ZAP 2013-2018 Contributions Thank you for your support as we do our best to keep you up to date. We couldn’t do this without your Help. Please go to using the account address: to support the cause. Please remember to click friends and family when sending. We’re still struggling to keep the lights on and food on the table. Unfortunately, there was been a delay in sending thank you notes ….. do expect to receive your acknowledgement this week. Love and Kisses, ‘The Office of Poofness” ZAP, Susan and Staff

QAnon Silence Since the 22nd of May

Posted: 27 May 2018 05:30 PM PDT

Source: Dinar Chronicles Q Anon has not posted since 22nd May. All GCR intel has gone quiet. It’s quite a combination. Spooky? No way. It feels great! For the first time I am not feeling impatient or curious about a major intel blackout. In fact I feel totally tuned into this phase of the Alliance plan. On a soul level I can feel the HUGE amount of activity taking place behind the scenes. I can even HEAR the humming of the energy as it speeds humanity towards its liberation. Besides, I only need to read President Trump’s tweets to remind myself how much is going on behind the scenes. Trump tweets the Truth about what is unfolding for those with ears to hear and eyes to see… The North Korean Peace Summit is on track – and ALWAYS WAS. And President Trump and Fox News are calling out the cabal on a daily basis, so more arrests are guaranteed. Harvey Weinstein was just the beginning. Meanwhile I am enjoying the quiet time. I am reflecting on my personal plan for after GCR. Yesterday Spirit revealed who will accompany me for the rest of my mission work. It’s a great little team of beloved soul friends. I can’t wait for the next phase of my mission to begin. Bring on the star ship landings! Where We Go One We Go All. Sierra (NZ)

(Video) You will Wish you Watched this Before you Started Using Social Media

Posted: 27 May 2018 04:55 PM PDT

Published on Apr 20, 2018 This might be one of the most important videos I’ve edited in 2018. After everything that has been going on with the privacy crisis and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg going to Washington to speak with members of Congress, I felt that this video was timely. I think social media can be good but we must be careful with how we use it.

(Video) Trump is Not Who you Think he is

Posted: 27 May 2018 04:53 PM PDT



Published on Mar 8, 2018

Military Coup in Brazil — Government Going Down

Posted: 27 May 2018 12:25 PM PDT

Source: Dinar Chronicles There is a Huge Truck Drivers STRIKE in Brazil that paralyzed the whole economy in Brazil and the Military forces are with the people not against them, the Military are already to taking the government Down and the whole Senate and the others Judiciary corrupt powers and all members of it. Because today is the seventeenth day of STRIKE and the Brazilian constitution Article 1 saids that the Militaries need 7 days and 6 hours to steep in and take the government Down so today May 27, 2018 At 12:00 am will be the completion of that. Another government is going Down People Protesters Storm Government Ministries in Brazil The Storming of Brazil’s Government Ministries By: Val

RV/Intelligence Alert: “Solved” — May 27, 2018

Posted: 27 May 2018 12:19 PM PDT

Operation Disclosure RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT – May 27, 2018 (Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors/leaks from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.) The RV is complete. All geopolitical issues solved. According to sources, the toll-free 800 numbers are expected to be released midnight tomorrow as banks open Tuesday. Other sources are claiming the release is scheduled on the first weekend of June. No further information is available at this time. — FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE RV/GCR VISIT:

ECETI News Update — May 26, 2018

Posted: 27 May 2018 12:04 PM PDT


Republicans Announce They’re Going After Hillary, Comey, Lynch, And Others in DOJ and FBI For Crimes




Experiencing interruptions? FIND OUT WHY! Ben Carson Wipes Smile off Obama’s Face – MUST WATCH! The Dangers of “PC CORRECT”




Sandwich Makers Surprise Meeting in North Korea

Posted: 27 May 2018 12:02 PM PDT

Sandwich Makers Hold Surprise Meeting in North Korea… Posted on May 26, 2018 Source: The Conservative Tree House South Korean Prime Minister Moon Jae-in is the Asian version of Barack Obama, and much like North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un essentially irrelevant in this geopolitical confrontation. Take a seat, or make a sandwich…. it matters not. Behind the fanciful Korean ‘denuclearization talks‘ and lofty ‘peace initiatives‘ a far more consequential geopolitical economic battle is taking place between the worlds largest two economies. U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese Chairman Xi Jinping are engaged. The Sandwich Maker Summit – (Reuters) – “South Korean President Moon Jae-in held a surprise meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on Saturday in an effort to ensure that a high-stakes summit between Kim and U.S. President Donald Trump takes place successfully, South Korean officials said. […] Their two hours of talks at the Panmunjom border village came a month after they held the first inter-Korean summit in more than a decade at the same venue. At that meeting, they declared they would work toward a nuclear-free Korean peninsula and a formal end to the 1950-53 Korean War. “The two leaders candidly exchanged views about making the North Korea-U.S. summit a successful one and about implementing the Panmunjom Declaration,” South Korea’s presidential spokesman said in a statement. He did not confirm how the meeting was arranged or which side asked for it. The White House did not respond to a request for comment. But White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said an advance team of White House and U.S. State Department officials would leave for Singapore on schedule this weekend to prepare for a possible summit there.” (read more) Sandwich Press Chairman Xi made a strategic decision in his adversarial approach toward President Trump. Again, as noted in the briefing by Secretary Pompeo – Panda China is telling Pompeo they too want to see peace, Korean stability and denuclearization. However, Dragon-China is using the panda mask, and simultaneously leveraging Chairman Kim to aid their trade and economic conquest objectives. However, Beijing made a fatal mistake; Xi exposed too much dragon face -and brought great shame and embarrassment to the Chinese people- he did not expect President Trump to call him out publicly. U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross heads to China June 2-4 with •Steel and Aluminum tariffs; •auto-sector 232 evaluations; •intellectual property penalties; •over $150 billion in additional trade sanctions/tariffs pending; •and financial sanctions against Chinese banks as economic arrows in his dragon slaying quiver. Don’t doubt for a minute, based on Chairman Xi’s mid-May maneuver with Chairman Kim, Wolverine Ross is not about to fire one -or several- of those arrows directly into the heart of Beijing. My guess would be the Steel (25%) and Aluminum (10%) tariffs for China go into effect regardless of the disposition of current trade negotiations. Chairman Xi Jinping made a strategic mistake. Communist Xi genuinely has no idea the level of hurt President Trump is looking for an excuse to deliver. Xi Jinping showed great disrespect by attempting to embarrass U.S. President Donald Trump over the Singapore summit. Things are fixing to get ‘Old-School’.

Two Brits and Two Approaches to the Sad Truth

Posted: 27 May 2018 11:55 AM PDT

Two Brits; Two Approaches to the Sad Truth [videos] MAY 27, 2018 Source: Starship Earth: The Big Picture If only the topic were a joke—but it’s not. I do hope more people are realizing the absurdity of a woman with a be-jewelled crown lording it over the common folk who are starving and she has the gaul to threaten cut backs on benefits. The bowing and scraping… the looting of the People’s money… and she has a fake name! The family isn’t even British. It’s absolutely ludicrous that we allow this to continue. Why don’t they dissolve the monarchy and end the theatre? Distribute the ill-gotten wealth and improve the Human condition. Thanks to AIM4Truth for the share. Note: Colourful language alert. Nobody says it like David Icke—just in case we didn’t recognize what’s happened. This is serious. Very serious. ~ BP

The SES SERCO Wet-Ware Soft Kill Plan

Posted: 27 May 2018 11:31 AM PDT

SES SERCO “WET-WARE” SOFT KILL PLAN IS HAPPENING… By GUEST AUTHOR May 24, 2018 SES SERCO “WET-WARE” SOFT KILL PLAN IS HAPPENING, BUT CAN BE STOPPED: DEFUND THEM, NOW! Fig. 1—Serco Group Plc conspires with the Senior Executive Service (SES) to implement a soft kill program to depopulate the world through eugenics, networks, software and poison programs. (MAY 16, 2018)—On Jan. 02, 2018, a British Crown-controlled company named Serco Inc. was awarded a $610 million contract to manage FEMA Region 9 that covers Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. On Jul. 16, 2013, Obama awarded Serco a $1.2 billion contract to run the Obamacare website. Serco also manages the air traffic control towers in 63 U.S. airports, and has been paid more than $95 million to run the U.S. Patent and Trademark examination processes. Seesubstantiating evidence below. WHO IS SERCO? Read More:


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Massive Operation Underway & State of Emergency for All Forces of the Light, January 6th, 2018 — Galactic Federation of Light

by Christine Preston, Christine: My I Am Presence and André, my ascended twin flame, have informed me, yesterday, January 5, that a Massive Operation is Underway. Archangel Michael and Andre also have communicated to me that a world State of Emergency is in position for the forces of Heaven, or all working for, or with, […]

via Massive Operation Underway & State of Emergency for All Forces of the Light, January 6th, 2018 — Galactic Federation of Light

Cobra Interview with Rob Potter 8/20/17


Published on 1 Sep 2017 by “Lucid Dreamer”, The interview was recorded just a few days before the Solar eclipse.… ,   Cobra Interview with Rob Potter 8/20/17


August 31, 2017 by Danell Glade

Via “Stillness in the Storm”- email , September 2nd 2017

Victory of the Light Blog


Posted by babarob, August 26th 2017 . in Cobra interviews . 16 comments

I am sorry sound file was not done correctly we must remove we will put sound up again in a few days


Hello there, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to another special edition of the Victory of the Light Radio Show.

I’m your host, Rob Potter. I’m broadcasting from here in Los Angeles from inside the home of

Eduardo Hernandez the Head of the leadership group of Prepare for Change. He’s kindly

allowing me to do this interview from here.

As most of you know, I’m headed off to Bolivia and Peru tomorrow, which will be the 20th of August,

and I’ll be doing the Eclipse Meditation from in Bolivia. And then we’re going on a nice tour

with Luis Mostajo Fernando Martaens, who will be establishing some programed contacts with the

benevolent masters and guides for our group. I’ll be sharing some of this information with you about

this trip when I come back.

I am also going to ask for a volunteer to translate some very special information from Spanish into

English for us. Please contact me by email to and I

will get back to you as soon as possible. ——————————————————————————————————————–

Cobra Interview

So without further ado, I’d like to acknowledge Cobra. I want to thank him for coming on the show


And as most of you know, I’ve worked closely with Cobra for years. He has wonderful intelligence

and is revealing a lot of great information. I support Cobra. I believe he’s honest, ethical, transparent

and true in his mission. I support his inside information.

I don’t always know about everything that’s going on there and a lot of stuff we have to take on faith,

but based on Cobra’s intentions, I want you all to know I support that information.

One more thing I’d like to mention before we start the Cobra interview is, I’ve been working

with the Sadala Orphanage in Tanzania.

Christopher Kala has created the Sadala Orphanage and I will be having an interview with him soon.

Please keep an eye out for that. They’ve fallen on some desperate times. They’re looking for some

money for food right now, and I hope you guys will all take a look at the link on my

Website and please be as generous as you possibly can.

The link is on the front page of my website. Please click on this link

and there’s ways to contact Chris and to make donations for the children.

And I’m really hoping there’s someone out there who has come into a large amount of money

who could actually make a bequeath of $400 to $500 a month. That’s how much it takes to feed

the 35 or so children and widows who help him take care of the children in his wonderful

effort there in Tanzania The Sandala Orphanage.

I’ve noticed Prepare for Change and other people are supporting orphanages as well. I think it’s

a worthy cause. If any of you out there in our listening audience can reach out there to the best

of your ability we will appreciate it. You know, even small amounts can help there.

So thank you very much for helping. Thank you so much for listening. —————————————————————————————————————————


Rob Potter: Okay, ladies and gentlemen, this is another special edition of the Victory of the Light

Radio Show, and we’re here with Cobra. Welcome to the Victory of the Light, Cobra. It’s honor to

have you here again.

Cobra: I’m very glad that we are making this interview right now just before the Meditation.

Rob: Yes, the Meditation is in two days, folks. So I do have a question. This will be coming after your

Meditation. I’ll be doing my meditation from Bolivia, and everyone else is going to be doing theirs . . .

I know a lot of people are traveling to get in the path of the eclipse.

And, of course, a lot of the Prepare for Change people and people who follow Corey Goode are in Mt.

Shasta now up there preparing for it.

Can you tell us what type of things we can expect if we are successful in this Meditation?

Cobra: Okay, this is exactly the question I was instructed not to answer, because many things are

possible. But if I release too much before the Meditation, that could influence the course of events,

because, of course, the other side could try to prevent some of it.

So I would just say that I will definitely have good news in my report after the Meditation is over.

That I can guarantee.

And the extent and type of good news depends to a certain degree if we reach the critical mass or not.

And also there are other cosmic factors involved.

Rob: Yes, I understand. This interview won’t come out until afterwards, but we’ll look forward to

hearing that information from you.

I’m kind of curious, without the light forces and this type of stuff, this type of meditation, If this

Special meditation was not happening, what type of effects is normally associated with a full solar

eclipse ? Historically and cosmically speaking under the conditions on the Earth?

Cobra: A solar eclipse is usually a moment of decision and a moment of exposure. So people who use

that moment to make free will decisions get more powerful in whatever they do, and the rest of the

people just get triggered in whatever they have inside, because everything gets exposed.

The energies of the solar eclipse are very strong. And especially for those who are located inside the

eclipse path, this is a very strong experience.

And if they are able to handle their subconscious issues, this can be an uplifting experience. If they are

not, then this can be a little bit more challenging.

So solar eclipses are always turning points one way or the other.

Rob: Well, that’s very interesting news. I appreciate that.

Now, I’ve never asked you this in public, but I’m quite sure that you’re aware of the book called “The

Lion’s Path”. I was familiar with this book . . . I believe it was the late ’70s or early ’80s it came out. Is that correct?

Cobra: I think it was around that time, yeah.

Rob: Yeah, anyway, folks, this book “The Lion’s Path”, of course, talks about various energetic, I

guess we could call them, time points, or windows of opportunities, or portals, that come at various times and certain astronomical conditions.

This book also talks about how the pineal gland is actually mutating.

We recently had a Lion’s Gate Portal, as some people call it. Cobra, can you comment on this book and the recent lunar eclipse that was timed in the Lion’s Path, and this book in general, and the

connection to Sirius that has recently been amplified with this eclipse path? The lunar eclipse that we

previously had.

Cobra: Actually, yes, the lunar eclipse happened on the 7th of August, and it was actually part of the

Lion’s Gate Portal this year.

And actually this lunar eclipse started the process that will culminate in the solar eclipse.

And in this year especially, this process is very strong, because the timeline that connects them, the

point of the lunar eclipse this year and the solar eclipse this year in August, is very strong.

So whatever is happening now in those 14 days is accelerating preparation. And the energies of Sirius,

which came – Sirius star system – which came during the lunar eclipse, are now preparing the way for

more intense and stronger galactic energy that will come during the solar eclipse.

So this is all part of a greater plan, part of a deeper process.

Rob: So it seems as though some of these, I guess we can call them, astronomical alignments, are

coming faster and faster. It seems like with these two right here, we’re getting some, I guess, very

positive opportunities for the light workers to accelerate their bodies and become more positive so that

we can have the Event.

Is that what’s happening?

Cobra: Actually, the whole time between the lunar and solar eclipses is dedicated to that process. So

we are getting through a very intense purification process, both individually and collectively, and this

is preparing us for the next stage both individually and collectively.

We are actually manifesting phenomena of unity consciousness during this Meditation. And certain, I

would say, very highly evolved cosmic forces have noted that.

And this will individually and collectively drastically accelerate the Ascension process. This as much

as I can say at this point.

Rob: Okay. I’d like to . . . I’ve got a couple healing questions that people have asked me. We know

you’re not a doctor, but you have a great insight into the metaphysical aspects of healing and the

physical as well. And I’ve got a couple questions on this, so I thought I would ask.

In regards to lasik surgery on the eyes, is that harmful, or should people wait for the technologies to be released at the time of the Event?

Cobra: It’s not extremely harmful, but it does affect eyesight in a certain way. For example, if you

look at stars at night, your experience might not be exactly the same as before. So there might be

certain, I would say, side effects which are not drastic, but can be a little bit worrying sometimes.

And it’s up to you if you wish to wait or you wish to go ahead. It’s your own individual choice.

And, again, it’s very good to be informed before you take that kind of step anyway.

Rob: Okay. Can you suggest some natural methods to help people with depression? Now, the

pharmaceutical company has those. I always encourage people to use, you know, like sunlight, nature

walks, breathing exercises. And, you know, I love having a Cintamani stone on the crown chakra,

shoot a laser and a Violet Wand, or some of your Tachyonized crystals, and combine them with

invocation and meditations.

But can you suggest maybe nutrition or anything that you feel for people, or suggestions, who are

suffering from unexplained waves of depression?

Cobra: Okay, basically, everything you have suggested is good and can help, but the core of the issue

is suppressed emotions. And those suppressed emotions are also artificially kept there with scalar

technology. So people who are addressing those suppressed emotions, healing them, they will get rid

of depression.

Of course, if you want to break the habit, if you want to break the cycle, it’s very good to relocate for a

certain short period of time, get some healing, and then return back to your original location. That can

help a lot.

Rob: Great suggestions. Also, do you have any suggestions for nerve pain, like in the lower legs or

extremities, that is caused by disc problems? Are there any nutrition supplements or anything else that

you can suggest to heal this problem?

Cobra: There are Russian doctors which can very effectively heal many nerve pain that is associated

with the spine. So there is very effective, I would say, manual medicine techniques that can actually

remove that pain completely.

And they are known in Russia. They are known in countries associated with Russian Eastern Alliance,

but they are almost non-existent in the Western world, because, of course, the Rothschild’s medical,

and the Rockefeller . . . sorry, the Rockefeller medical cartel did not want to make those available to


So if you search a little bit more, if you have any Russian friends, ask them about it and most likely

they will know about this.

Rob: Okay. If you have a chance, maybe you can send me a link, and we could post that, but I’ll take a

look and see what I can do.

We also have a question in regards to, not necessarily health, but DNA manipulation. Now, I

understand that this has been going on for thousands of years, and we, of course, hear of Zacharia

Sitchin, Enil and Enki, they did not create the human race. I believe they negatively affected the

human race with their manipulation.

Can you talk about how this manipulation has been done? And can you describe what manipulation,

some of the bullet points, for the last 30,000 years has been the most detrimental? And can we reverse

this on our own before the Event?

Cobra: Okay, this is a very broad subject. I will just say that it has been going on for a much longer

time than just 30,000 years. Actually, genetic manipulation started almost 1 million years ago when

the dark forces from the Orion star system came to this planet in Atlantis. And this genetic

manipulation was quite extensive and was done by many races.

There was also, I would say, good, positive races that wanted to repair human DNA, and they have

also added to this process in a positive way.

So now we have human DNA which actually needs a lot of healing, and most of this will be done after

the Event, which is actually the moment when advanced technology that is required for that will be

released. I don’t see this happening before the Event, really, because it’s quite a complex situation.

Rob: Yes, I was kind of curious, and I’m interested in how the manipulation took place. Were certain

people in the light groups taken up and their DNA altered, and then their successive bloodlines were

altered? Or how is this done that affected . . . Did the bad guys abduct certain people and do the

manipulation? Or how was this manipulation done? Is it done individually, or in groups, or how is it, I

guess, actually done?

Cobra: It was done similarly to what the medical cartel has done now with vaccinations. Everyone

was obliged to take certain so-called ‘treatments’ in so-called ‘healing temples’ in Atlantis, and this is

where DNA was manipulated with Atlantis technology.

And people were actually not exactly forced to go there, but it was advised strongly against not going

there. So if somebody was not going there, there were repercussions. And the vast majority of the

human population went through that process at a certain point in Atlantis.

Rob: Okay, that’s interesting. That makes sense.

And you had mentioned that some of these older vaccination technologies . . . Like, I’m 60, so when I was born they gave me . . . When I was a little older, I think I must have been like 5 or 6, or when I got to school . . . I remember we had big long lines for vaccinations in the ’60s where they gave it to us.

Now, you had mentioned before that, I think, this is outdated technology. Or have the light forces done something to nullify that? Was that correct?

Cobra: They can do many things to nullify that, but this will be nullified after the Event. The other aspect of this is that vaccination technology was used, or shall I say misused, in the last few decades to put biochips in the human body. And, again, almost everybody on the planet was affected by this.

And those biochips have been removed already by the Resistance Movement. So they are not existing

in human bodies any more.

Rob: Wow! That’s great news. So the physical biochips . . . The Resistance used their technologies to

everyone who had it and actually zapped it, or destroyed it? Or just removed it? Huh?

Cobra: They used certain advanced technology to remove this, and this is the reason – one of the

reasons – why we have this awakening right now, because one layer of the Matrix is gone. And it’s

now easier for people to awaken.

Rob: Yes, that’s important. I luckily have not received vaccinations since that time. We know vaccinations are causing autism. Are they still putting biochips in those now?

Cobra: No, not any more. Actually, this started after World War II. The biochips were developed in

Nazi Germany by Siemens Company and were . . . This program started in 1945 and was very

extensive in the 1950s and ’60s, actually.

Rob: Okay, good. So, I guess, we don’t have to worry about that although the vaccinations still have

negative repercussions due to the adjuvants and all the things the put in there – the mercury and

formaldehyde. Is that correct?

Cobra: Yeah. That’s correct. Yes.

Rob: Okay, thank you. We did receive recently from your notes that you had okayed, which were not

exactly correct, I think was a thing there, but about your Ascension Conference that you recently had

in Taiwan, I think it was.

And I’m curious if you could share – I didn’t want to ask about everything in the conference – but you

talked about a vortex support field map. Was this kind of a map of the primary ley line points of the

light forces that could help transform people? Or could you talk about this map?

Cobra: No, it was something completely else, and I would rather not talk about it in this short

interview because I would prefer that people go to the conference and experience it by themselves. It’s

a very deep subject.

Rob: Will you be having more Ascension conferences?

Cobra: It depends on the planetary situation.

Rob: Okay. Another question I have received from many people. You have consistently said you

wouldn’t be coming to the states again. I guess things are a little hot these days, but are there any plans

or any possibilities for you to possibly make it to the United States for conferences in the foreseeable


Cobra: Most likely this year, no, but in the future, who knows. Again, it depends on how things


Rob: Okay. Well, I’d like to invite you. We could have a beautiful one in Mt. Shasta if you ever do

decide to come here.

Now, I also have a note here about Elon Musk’s Boring Company. I went to some of those links, and I

thought that was pretty cool. Obviously, the government has this technology, so in a sense this is kind

of like, I guess, not a soft . . . I guess, I’d call it soft disclosure, that this technology already exists and

that there’s the capability of hyper speed transport that is available to us.

The question I want to ask is, will existing transport systems used by the secret government program

be available for public use after the Event?

Cobra: Actually, yes, part of this infrastructure will be put into public use. The particle tube is

suitable because soon more advanced technologies will soon be introduced. But in the transition

period after the Event, why not? Certain parts of that infrastructure will be put into public use.

Rob: With Elon Musk’s company, I mean, will they be revealing that they can make tunnels . . . you

know, forget the European tunnel that took forever and probably the finances siphoned off. But maybe

you can confirm or deny this, but Phil Schneider and some of that boring tunnel equipment was said to

create tunnel tracks seven miles a day. Was that correct in some instances?

Cobra: Yes. Actually, this was the secret, I would say, ‘Breakaway Civilization’ program that built

military underground bases, especially in the continental United States, and they had boring

technology that could reach seven miles per day, yes. They had that.

Of course now, the negative military does have this any more, but the positive light forces have much

faster technology, actually. They build . . . Usually now, the Resistance Movement has to build

something underground. They can build very complex structures in a few days when there is a need,

and recently they have done so in Antarctica.

Rob: Wow! That’s fantastic. It’s good to know, folks, and you can research some of this stuff on your own on the Internet.

I want to ask you a question here. Is the loving attention paid by the good guys to Toplet Bomb

Condensate and this primary anomaly, I guess, top quark? Is that continuing to be successful?

Cobra: Yes, absolutely.

Rob: And at the success of this, this would take away the last, I guess, roadblock that we hear from

the Galactic Confederation as far as the safety of the Event. When that is completely removed, the

Event could take place at any time. Is that correct?

Cobra: When the Black Stone and all Toplet bombs are removed, the Event should happen. I don’t see

any other reason, any other blocks, that could prevent the Event.

Rob: I’m wondering, about the AI or Yaldaboath head plasma field, is this directly related to the Black Stone quark?

Cobra: Yes, yes, of course. It’s like a symbiosis that is happening between the two.

Rob: So this movement will basically remove the Yaldabdoath head.? Are there other actions, or is

this the primary force that’s driving that?

Cobra: Actually, that’s all interconnected. You have various aspects of the same situation. You have

the Yaldabaoth entity, you have the toplet bombs, and you have the Black Stone. And they all

intermingle in various ways.

Rob: You had mentioned that the Secret Space Program has kind of announced they wanted to create

a defense system for the Earth, which is because the Chimera and the Archons are becoming quite

fearful of Galactic Federation motherships showing up.

You had said that if there was any confrontation, it would be short and spectacular, which is obvious

to me that the Galactic Confederation can nullify any technology that the Earth has building these

space programs.

My question is, do you think this could take place before the Event?

Cobra: This will . . . If this takes place, this will take place very shortly before the Event, but it’s very

unlikely. Most likely, the bad guys don’t want to have an open display. Then it’s game over and would

actually accelerate their final defeat. So they are trying to avoid this at any cost.

Rob: And the good guys would not be showing themselves, generally speaking, in the motherships.

They’re constantly cloaked at this point in time. So they’re not going to be showing themselves to the

general public unless it IS the Event. Would that be a good summarization?

Cobra: Yes, exactly.

Rob: Okay, thank you. I have some questions about the Chimera and the Archons. Can you tell us

what is the state of the Chimera and Archons? As the light forces proceed to the Victory of the Light,

can you tell us what their thoughts or conditions or the general state of their, I guess, mental – I don’t

know if they have emotional bodies or . . . What is their feeling right now?

Are they fearful? Are they concerned? Obviously, they’re seeming quite desperate.

Cobra: The Chimera was not concerned until very recently, because they were absolutely sure that

nobody can take them down. But in the last few months, they show more and more signs of worry and

concern, and they are making technical mistakes because of that.

So they are not . . . Their plan is no longer perfect. They are making mistakes which will lead to their

ultimate defeat.

Regarding the Archons, they know for a few years already they are not as sure as they were. And their

strategy is simply to unleash as much negativity as possible before they go down. They do not have an

exit strategy at this point, so basically what they’re doing, they’re trying to instill as much damage as

possible before they are removed.

Rob: Who is higher on the, I guess, bad boy chain – Archons or Chimera?

Cobra: Chimera.

Rob: And can you give us the numbers, if they’re known, of the numbers of Chimera that exist, I’ll say,

in the solar system? Or have they been removed from the solar system and are only located in this

planet, or are they in the Kuiper Belt?

Cobra: Okay, I would say that most of them are definitely on this planet, and it’s a very small group –

less than a few hundred people at this moment.

It’s a very small group, but a very dangerous group because they have access to all those exotic quark

weaponized technologies. And this is the only reason they still exist.

Rob: Okay. Are these Chimera comprised of Dracos or the Reptilians? Are these more human looking

like Andromedans and, I guess, breakaway Pleiadeans, or whatever, are comprising this group?

Cobra: Draco and Reptilians are nowhere near the top of the food chain. Chimera is actually an

Andromedan humanoid race which looks more like humans. They’re part of a humanoid evolution, but

they are extremely negative because they went through a lot of cosmic anomaly. You could say “fallen

angels” in a human body. This is how you could describe them.

Rob: Are these Andromedans from the Andromedan constellation or the Andromedan galaxy?

Cobra: Andromedan galaxy, but you need to understand that the Andromedan galaxy is huge. And

they are absolutely not the same Andromedans that Alex Collier has contact with.

Rob: Of course not. Yeah.

Cobra: Just to make that clear. Yeah.

Rob: Yes, that’s good. We want to . . . We definitely want to make that clear.

I want to ask about the Archons. What are their numbers and their mental condition? You mentioned

they already know that defeat is possible.

Can you share about their numbers? Are they still on the surface of the Earth in those, I guess, Black

Nobility families, or spread out about the planet? How many of them are there would you say?

Cobra: I would say a few hundreds on the physical plane in the Black Nobility families and a few

thousands on the, mostly on, the plasma plane and the lower etheric and astral plane.

They are aware the game is over, and, as I’ve said, they want to unleash as much chaos and negativity

as possible before they are gone.

Rob: Okay. When you say “in the lower astral”, these are disembodied spirits that are still existing on

the Earth, but not in incarnation?

Cobra: Yes, so-called “unholy spirits” or “demons” or anything of that nature – entities that have

been chosen darkness and are existing on those planes. But they are losing power daily, especially

now that we are approaching this Meditation. They will lose quite much of their power through this


Rob: Thank you. I think we have mentioned sometime, probably over a year ago, you had said that

some of these, I think, Chimera were hiding inside of some sort of an anomaly in the Kuiper Belt and

hiding from the light forces. Is that still going on, or has this been . . .

Cobra: Oh, no, this is gone. This actually happened quite a lot, and this has been cleared up.

Rob: Okay. Well, that’s very good news.

We’ve discussed privately, you and I, the book called “The Brotherhood of the Third Degree”. And I

have one question relating to this book and some of your intel.

And I want to give a little background of this for the audience. You can look this up. This is “The

Brotherhood of the Third Degree”. And this book describes actually two twin flames back in the time

of Napoleon when St. Germain was very active in Versailles . This relates to some of Cobra’s recent

posts – but there was a doctor who was asked to work on one side of the war between Napoleon and

Wellington. And his twin flame, I believe, was on the other side.

And they had special gifts. They were mentally telepathic. They were receiving information of intel

between the generals on both sides and feeding information to St. Germain in regards to some of these

pivotal conflicts that would affect humanity.

And it seems that in the past history the Great White Brotherhood and the Ascended Masters at crucial

points will see to it that certain outcomes take place.

Now, in this book, it talks about the Great White Brotherhood and the forces of light arresting one of

the couriers that was carrying “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”. This courier was captured and

then was told he would be released if he took an oath not to talk about it or anything. If he did, he

would be struck dumb and blind.

And, of course, he said he would not tell that he had been captured and when he tried to tell his

masters what happened he was struck dumb and blind.

The question I have for you, is you had mentioned in one of your posts in regards to the new Atlantis

and the light forces and the various light groups and centers that had been carrying the light after the

sinking of Atlantis. I believe you talked about the Eastern Mediterranean and the Azores. And, of

course, we have the Cathars and the Templars.

You also mentioned Jesus and Mary Magdalene as being continuation of these light force centers and sources of information and the Truth. But you had also mentioned the Priory of Sion as being one of these.

Can you talk about the difference between the Priory of Scion and The Elders of Zion? Was the Priory of Scion hijacked like the Freemasons and turns into this group that created the Protocols? Or could you elaborate on that narrative?

Cobra: That group is completely unrelated to The Protocols of Zion. And that group is a very interesting group because members of both Dark and Light have entered this group, and they knew that.

The purpose of that group was for the Light . . . the attempt of the light forces to heal the Dark, to transform the Dark. And in certain circumstances, that was successful.

If you check the history of that particular secret society, you will find that certain key people that have shaped human history were part of that particular group.

Rob: Can you share with us any of the names of the people that created the Protocols od Zion? That

was kind of a Rothschild creation. Is that correct?

Cobra: The Protocols is a completely different story as it was connected to the Rothschilds, which

were, actually, the creators of the Zionist movement in a way.

Rob: Yes. Can you share, possibly, any of the positive names from the – I think it was the – 1700s

that were associated with the Light and Dark melding there in The Priory of Zion?

Cobra: Yes, I can actually. Leonardo DaVinci was a part of the group. Isaac Newton was part of the

group. There were some famous alchemists like Nicolas Flamel was part of the group. And all of those

were working for the Light.

And there were also some other people that I would not wish to mention which were active in the 19th

century that were influenced in Central Europe quite much, but their work is not very well known at

this time. Actually, they have preserved certain mysteries connected to the Goddess in Central Europe

in the time of Napoleon.

Rob: Wow! So this is great news. So the Priory of Sion is kind of like light forces meeting the Dark

where the light forces is definitely trying to influence a positive change in some of these darker plans

that are taking place.

Very interesting. It has gone on for hundreds of years now, yeah?

Cobra: This was going on for at least five or six . . . at least five hundred years now.

Rob: Well, there you have it, folks, some of the inner workings of the planetary political situation

where the Light meets the Dark, kind of like in the dark crystal or in your coffee with cream. Okay. So

let’s move on here.

Another thing I had question I had to ask you,. In the PFC interview recently, you mentioned a story

that, I think Lynn spoke about, was that the Vedas had come from a group inside, I guess, a white-

skinned group from inside Russia as being 60~70% correct.

Now, I’m kind of curious, Fred Bell had mentioned that the Rishis that are mentioned in the Rig, Yajur

and the Sama Veda, are actually referring to the Pleiadians. Can you share the wealth of spiritual knowledge that comes from India?

I guess it’s a mixture of many different sources, probably including some very advanced ET contacts

that have remained hidden in their teachings have remained intact.

Can you comment on the wealth of spiritual information that India and the sources of exactly where

this comes from?:

Cobra: Actually, what you said is correct, because the Vedas themselves are a mixture, and part of

this came from old legacy of Atlantis. Part of this came from Pleiadian sources. Actually, the seven

Rishis are the seven stars of the Pleiadians.

And, actually, the other part of this came from Archon mind-programming. So Vedas are a curious

mixture of truth and disinformation, like everything else on the planet.

Rob: Well, I guess, that doesn’t come as a surprise. I have a followed the contacts from the Alpha

Centauri group by the being Soltec from the old school contacts of George Hunt Williamson, and the

early UFO contactees of the ’50s, who were having much more physical contact with the space family,

kind of like you and Alex and other people that are having repeated physical contacts. It seemed to be

much more common then in the 50’s.

And they had talked about a lot of this technology that they had, and it included looking through every

strata of matter, and, ladies and gentlemen, the good guys have a technology . . . They can see

anything the dark guys do.

So my question to you, Cobra, is, at some point, after the Event, or when these arrests take place, in

order to heal people, will they be sharing with us some of these direct recordings of these events so

that if you go, “I don’t believe that”, will they show us Akashic Records’ videos, or how will some of

this, you know, offensive and horrible stuff be released to the public so it’s not just Hearsay! You

know most people may think it’s just a spin or made up.

How will this be released to the public? Are there any plans for this that you are aware of?

Cobra: Yes, of course. There are recordings, and some of those are very disturbing, that are in the

possession now of the Resistance Movement. And some of those recordings have been put on the

computers of major news agencies on the planet that can be triggered by a special access code which is known by the Resistance. And this can be made public at any moment that is appropriate.

And those recordings will be used and some of them will be aired publicly when the trials happen,

when the truth and reconciliation committees begin to work, and when the actions of the Cabal will be


So some of those recordings will be made public, but they are very disturbing. So it will not be

extensive, because the public can process only so much. But it will be enough to convince everybody

that what was happening was true, and everybody will be able to put what was happening into


Rob: Were these recordings taken by insiders or through the ET technology that I mentioned?

Cobra: Those recordings were taken place by advanced ET technology.

Rob: Okay, as I thought.

Can you tell us, what is the situation in Syria right now? Is there any good news or is it still a

quagmire of political and Archon-derived suffering? And what is the future? What is the forces

planning now in that situation? Is it being cleaned up?

Cobra: Yes, there is much progress. Since our meditation for Syria in the spring, there has been much

progress. Actually, the whole area of Syria and Iraq, when there is this huge vortex that is partially

still under control of the Islamic state, much of this has been liberated.

Mosul in Iraq has been liberated. Large areas of land in Syria have been liberated. There was much

progress in the last few weeks.

So now there are only two small enclaves of unliberated territory in Syria right now, and those two

areas are getting smaller and smaller. And, actually, may people who have run away from Syria

because the situation there was intolerable, are returning back to their homes because in certain parts

of Syria, life is getting back to normal.

Rob: Well, that’s good news, and my prayers go out to the people of Syria. They have gone through a

tremendous amount of suffering at the hands of the Cabal. The innocent people of the Islamic religion

are not all bad, and I just hope that this healing can take place soon. It’s pretty crazy out there.

I have another question: Can you tell us the situation with Putin and Trump? I hate to bring up Trump. I see him as a narcissist, an elitist – you know, obviously, a huge ego.

I think what got him into there was his complete lack of experience in politics that people were

wanting someone who wasn’t an insider. And this worked for him and against him.

My question is, is he running any serious relationship towards working with Putin, who we see as a

good guy, towards change, or is he just like a blind man running around out there reaching his hands

out and spouting off? Ha, ha.

Cobra: Basically, what’s happening here is he’s a man without a solid international policy, and he acts

on his impulses combined with what he gets from his advisers. There are two groups that are fighting

for his attention – the good guys and the bad guys.

Sometimes he listens to one group and sometimes he listens to the other group. So it’s a mixed

situation, and the light forces are trying to do whatever they can to steer this whole situation towards

the Light.

Rob: Okay. Can you talk about what’s going on in the Ukraine a little bit, and the Soros situation

there? Has that been resolved? Are there still issues going on there? Have they brought any of those

Khazarian forces there to justice? What is the situation there? Is that still volatile?

Cobra: It is still volatile. It has not been resolved, but it is not as bad as it was a year or two ago. So I

would say the situation is very slowly improving.

Rob: Okay. My Venusian source, and this is not like an ET that lives up in space and comes down.

This is one who has come here like Omnec Onec, although in a different form, and is working as very

telepathic with the masters and does a lot of work in information among certain groups.

And they indicated to me that their intel was similar to what Ben Fulford said. They didn’t say what

might happen is good. They weren’t saying it’s a great plan. However he said that Fulford had

mentioned that there may be a war triggered with Korea, with Russia and the U.S. and China

supporting this limited war to bring out the bad guys.

I was told by him that it’s very possible – they are working towards this – and there may be a lot of

fear generated, such as, you know, duck and cover scenarios for Hawaii, or something like this.

Whether it’s true or not, it would probably cause a lot of fear, and they said that, of course, no nukes would be allowed. And he said just prepare that may happen.

Can you please comment on that situation and your intel, as far as you’re allowed to at this point?

Cobra: Basically, according to my intel, the situation is a little bit different. There is a possibility of a

limited war in North Korea, but the purpose of this would be to . . . Actually, the regime in North

Korea is very, and extremely, suppressive.

That war would be engineered to destroy that regime and set the people free. And this can happen

before the Event. So I would say there are certain interest groups in various countries that want to take

that regime down and that is a possibility that this will happen.

And that would be a short and intense war, but without many casualties. And that would not spread to

other regions. It would be limited to North Korea.

Rob: Wow! That’s good. So that actually sounds like the positive militaries of these groups would do

this to liberate the people of Korea. My heart’s gone out to them when I just . . . when you see the

crazy stuff going on there.

Cobra: It’s not exactly like that. There are various other agendas there, that some people want to grab

the resources. It’s a mixed agenda. It’s not just to liberate the people. It’s more like to liberate the

people and grab their resources, improve their standard a little bit and pose as the good guys and grab

the country’s gold. Something like that.

Rob: Ha, ha, ha. Okay. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss, with a kinder, gentler machine gun

hand, as Neil Young used to say. So, anyway, I guess that’s good and bad news there.

I have spoken recently with Sheldan Nidle, who is an old friend of mine from 18 years ago, or, gosh,

probably longer now. Well, yes, I guess it’s like 20-something years ago when he was talking about

things in ’95 before the Archon invasion.

Cobra: Okay, if you have a chance to speak to him in the next two days, please ask him to mention

the Meditation.

Rob: Yeah, that’s a good idea. I could maybe give him a call and see if he could make a post on that.

He does have a good following.

I’m hoping to have him in Shasta and we have agreed in principal for him to come to my Mt. Shasta conference next year although the details have not been worked out.

But the question I have is because he has a different take on the financial reset – and I keep saying that

my experience and feeling has been that you’ve been pretty accurate, and I really don’t see a financial

reset taking place with all of the chaos. It would be too much ego and grabbing going on.

My Venusian, the male contact, had indicated to me that Sheldan Nidle did have contact with Sirians

and is pretty accurate in most of his information.

Sheldon seems to feel, from his contacts, and I don’t pretend to know exactly how his telepathy goes.

I wouldn’t dare to judge it, but I can vouch that he’s a genuine, sincere contactee. And he seems to

think that this revaluation, or reset, something could take place before the Event.

Are there certain elements that would make this possible or would you disagree or comment on that


Cobra: Okay, first I would need to say, yes, he did have a contact with the Sirians. That is true. But

for the other part of this, no, the reset cannot happen before the Event, because the Cabal would

prevent it. They will simply not allow it. They will hold control over the financial system until they

are taken down. They will not release that.

There is no way around here, and the Cabal needs to be removed for the reset to happen. There is no other way.

Rob: Yes, and I have another question here, because when I look at the finances and everyone’s minds

all jacked up over money, we’re all so programmed with the system – and not only programmed, but

hounded and pounded by the financial system.

In America, more and more people are losing their homes and becoming homeless and desperate, a

lack of real healthcare, and things of this type of situation that are driving a lot of people.

And when I think of a financial reset, and people hearing about a cashless society, with all of the

propaganda that they’ve heard on how many television shows, with those guys and the Bloomberg

Report and all of the let me just say, BS that’s taking place in the financial system.

Can you tell me how the light forces . . . I mean, say the Event takes place and, boom, they reboot and

they say they have a new financial system. I mean, are there plans to release qualified educational

videos or a plan that how this transition can take place before the Event?

Because I mean, how can the system go up and running in two days with no one with any background

or understanding of a universal economic system? Do they have a bullet point plan that is prepared

that will take people through this process intellectually so that they can understand and not resist this

new system?

Cobra: We will go through a transition, so at the moment of the Event the transition will start. We

will not just jump into the new advanced society. There will be a certain transitional period through

which people will be educated through the mass media, and everybody will understand what they are

going through, and the choices they are making.

So it’s not just that suddenly somebody pushes the button and everything is changed. Certain things

will change, but the basic rules of commerce, of business transactions, will stay the same for a certain

period of time.

It is simply that the good guys will be controlling the banking system, not the bad guys.

And then, gradually, this will be transformed as human beings gain more understanding of the true

nature of consciousness.

Rob: Okay. I have . . . We’re getting towards the end here. I have a final question.

I think we confirmed this before. You would agree that Angela Merkel was Hitler’s daughter?

Cobra: She is connected to that family, yes, and she’s connected to the Rothschilds.

Rob: Okay. Because I had a telepathic contact sometime years ago, that I felt like it was one very rare

telepathic communication, but the guides and they told me to look up pictures of her and Eva Braun,

Hitler. I realized she’s got Hitler’s chin.

I remember I saw a picture once of Hitler in South America after the war with a little blonde-haired baby that was playing with Hitler and Eva Braun. anyway.

So I looked at one of your posts, you talked about Merkel and the Kalgeri plan to destroy Europe. Can

you share a little bit about this? Is this part of the Muslim terrorist invasion that’s going on? Is part of

that plan to pit the various European cultures against each other?

Cobra: That plan is simply to destroy the European civilization. And the idea was to put near-Eastern

and also North African countries into crisis so people will flee from there to Europe, and in that mass

of migrants, you can . . . actually, they have hidden tens of thousands of people that are not refugees. They are actually militants.

And those have been infiltrated into Europe with the purpose of assimilating into European culture

and then destroying it from within.

The light forces are aware of this plan and are counteracting this plan and will do certain things that

this will not become reality.

Rob: I forget if I’ve asked you this previously, but can you confirm there are stories that there are

underground bunkers and tunnels were some of these militants are living and are alleged to be trained

or be mind-controlled, or whatever, to come on the surface of the planet and wreak havoc and in the

United States as well? Are any of these stories true?

Cobra: Actually, unfortunately, yes, those things have been built. But the Resistance Movement is

taking care of the situation, and this is no longer an issue. But there were extensive underground cities

built, especially in Germany, for that purpose.

Rob: Was this part of Project Doom?

Cobra: It was not part of Project Doom, but it was connected.

Rob: Okay. I guess last . . . well, not the last. I’m going to leave it on a positive note, but I have to

address this because we’ve had another spate of crazy people with knives in Finland, and, of course,

some guy got away after killing and injuring, I think, over 120 people. That’s true. I mean, we’ve seen

the videos.

That’s not completely a false flag event, I would imagine, and I’d like you to confirm both of those as

false flags. But I don’t know, are the numbers correct? Can you comment on that . . . those recent false

flags that have put fear into the people through media?

Cobra: Okay, it is up to you how you define a false flag, but I would say that many of those events

are true. These are not actors playing. There are real people dying in there.

But the purpose of those events is for the Archons, as I have mentioned before, to create as much

suffering as possible before they are taken down. And this is why we have so many of those events

being portrayed in the mass media.

Those events are created precisely to create fear. Those events are created to be filmed and to be

transmitted through the mass media.

Some of those events ARE staged with players, but some of those events are real and people are really

suffering .

Rob: Right. These are mind-controlled assets that are triggered, and there are probably support assets

around it, but it is absolutely real.

I’m kind of curious, since we’ve last talked, I haven’t had a chance to ask you about the Manchester

situation. To me, I never saw any evidence of this explosion. There was like one picture of people in a

hallway they kept putting up and promoting info about all of these people who allegedly died . . . Was

that a real event? Or was that pretty much manufactured?

Cobra: This one was pretty much manufactured.

Rob: Okay, thank you. That was my intuition on that. Now, let’s get to the positive.

Cobra, more and more people are realizing their own inherent power. You have a beautiful post up –

and folks, I recommend you go back to one of Cobra’s reports, a recent one, on the Ascension

Conference. And if you read those notes, the gentlemen who talked about the I Am Presence

invocation, and the powers of manifestation which is also very important.

Fred Bell and his Pleiadians’ contact with Semjase, who Cobra also has had contact with, and I

presume I’ve had contact with . That one memory I had when I was beamed up into the ship. I can

never fully remember!, I will not say I remember everything. I know certain things happened there.

However the power of manifestation with the Pleiadian technology of crystals and pyramids and

Cobra’s tachyons, is very important.

Semjase said the power of the quartz crystal is a perfect synthesis of spirit and matter in zero time. She

said when used properly crystals can act to amplify of our thoughts. .

So if you utilize crystals, Tachyonized crystals, and, I believe, Cintamani stones – you can confirm

this for me, Cobra – the power of manifestation can be enhanced with crystals.

Fred recommended that you do your manifestation visualization process on a daily basis. In some of

the pyramids systems Fred Bell and I created we used the crystals and pyramids as a capacitor to work

with a full moon and the new moon.

And he said that during the new moon, you begin a process of visualization of what you’d like to occur.

So you think it, you feel it, you visualize it, you imagine the smell, and you repeat this process. He

recomended at the same time, and he recommended at night when the astral plane is asleep. When

everyone is asleep in your area, you can do a lot of metaphysical manifestation work.

So I want you to go to Cobra’s last interview, I read the I Am Presence, the manifestation, the clearing

of crystals, the gentleman had transcribed much of your protocols . There’s some great information in

that post.

Cobra, is there anything you would like to add to the sharing of the manifestation of the Victory of the

Light with the people in regards to that information that you shared at the conference?

Cobra: You have mentioned the first and second step. You mentioned the decision. You have

mentioned the visualization part, but there is also the physical action part. That’s the third part.

So repeating those three steps will manifest anything. That’s an extremely condensed version of the

law of manifestation. Of course, I can speak about this for many hours or even days, but we don’t have

much time here, so this is something that needs to be trained.

I will speak about this for sure in my future conferences if they will still be needed, because people

need to practice this and get better at this, and we will be more powerful as a collective.

Any group that will try to oppress us, we are gaining a level of unity that was never experienced here,

and we are also gaining a level of power that was never experienced before. So we are on a very good

road to complete victory.

Rob: Well, there we go, folks. We’ve got to leave it on a positive note, telling you about the

invocation of the I Am Presence – and with your heart and soul and your feellings and to take action.

Clearly, in some of the manifestation directions that we used to give to people was to . . . some

people . . . I want to . . . You know, they were thinking mundane things – “I want a new car” – you

know. So we told them, “Go out to the car dealership, get a manual, put a picture inside the pyramid systems and to sniff a piece of carpet and to visualize a new car smell and do that and . . .”

One person actually . . . They did not get a new car, but they were able to go in, and they got a lease

return at a great, great rate, an affordable thing, and they felt that that manifestation process is real.

And remember it’s over time, right? Cobra, it’s not just something you, “Oh, I visualize this”, and then

you go out and you’d have a really bad day cussing in the car. You have to maintain a high vibration

throughout this manifestation process. Correct?

Cobra: You have to maintain your decision. Even if something goes wrong, do not give up. Never give up. Just continue.

Rob: There you go. Never give up the Victory of the Light.

Cobra, thank you, once again, for coming on the Victory of Light Radio Show and sharing your

wealth of knowledge and insight of the world situation and the metaphysical questions. I appreciate it

very much.

Cobra: Okay, thank you for inviting me here and Victory of the Light.

Rob: Victory of the Light, folks. I’d like to thank Chris Spell, my sound editor, Sam Ritchie, who’ll be

doing the transcribing, and the people at the Pyramid One Network, John Allen and Bob Charles, for

this opportunity to serve you.

So, once again, tune into my radio show. In the future, we’ll have more information very soon.

Victory to the Light.


September 1, 2017

Dont tell your friends but remain firm in your hope and faith for the victory of the light. They will come around as more revelations of the matrix and it eventual collapse are played out on the stage of humanity. As you abide in truth the truth will abide in you. Enter the silence and pray for peace. V Rob


September 1, 2017

Real people are dying but the events are manufactured to create fear. Manchester to pretty much completely manufactured like boston marathon bombing.


September 1, 2017

Doug thank you for your kind words of support. The eclipse success has initiated a new era of contact. The door is now open and we can all utilize new powerful energies to connect to the brothers and sisters for vibrational attunement with the sacred vortexes which irradiate from the earth into our luminous bodies. focus on personal development while remain responsible and attuned to the earth based situation which directly affects your life.

I will be sharing the messages of peace love and power from the GWB that we recieved in bolivia and Peru this week. Expect some reports coming soon. V Rob


September 1, 2017

Cobra has commented on this many times. I know it is hard to know all of his intel if you do not follow every post. The chimera and archons will be handled after toplet situation is fully resolved.

The resistance forces will handle the chimera and archons. Positive military allies will handle run of the mill cabal. Just beofre during and after the event most likely.

have faith trust and know that there will be some torment just before victory. continue your spiritual practice and remain in peace the plan of redmption is working out as it should.

The guides and masters have a plan and it is as much about personal energetics as mundne worldy affair. v Rob


Everything now happening in Washington, D.C. points to a rapidly evolving sft coup 7/29/17

  • Everything now happening in Washington, D.C. points to a rapidly evolving sft coup 7/29/17

Gary Larabee , 30 minutes . On “STATE OF THE NATION”, Revealing the True State of the Nation”

Deep State Determined to Take Out Trump, Only the American People Can Stop It.

Posted on July 27, 2017 by State of the Nation

This Soros-sponsored,Clinton-inaugurated, Obama-led, Podesta-instigated, DNC-supported, MSM-facilitated, Purple Revolution Will Not End, Until Donald Trump Is Removed From Office.

Everything in Washington, D.C. now points to a rapidly evolving soft coup.

SEDITION: U.S. Intelligence Community Conducting Soft Coup in Washington, D.C

A well-known pastor, who recently met with the POTUS in the Oval Office, has even been told of a coordinated plot to “take out” Trump by a senior Republican. Pastor: Senior Republican Told Me of Plan to ‘Take Out’ Trump

Clearly, the same seditious perps will not hesitate to conduct a violent coup d’état to overthrow the president, should that be the only way to remove him from power.

Even former CIA Director John Brennan has recently called for a coup if Trump dumps Mueller. Former CIA Director ‘Calls For A Coup’ If Trump Fires Mueller

  • The American Republic is in grave danger


The critical issue here is what Trump MUST do for the good of the Republic.  He cannot allow these CIA-directed Bolsheviks to pull off another “Kiev coup”.  Perhaps this criminal conspiracy will develop more like the failed Ankara coup whereby President Recep Erdoğan used the insurrection as a means to identify all the perpetrators throughout Turkey.  Trump himself has referred to the possibility of a coup here similar to that recent decisive episode in Turkish coup history.

Trump’s days are numbered by Deep State, but then so are Deep State’s

Under no circumstances will Deep State permit Trump to continue as POTUS beyond a certain date.  The U.S. Intelligence Community and un-named Secret Services have a well-planned schedule of events ready to orchestrate to take him out one way or another. There’s not a week that goes by when former intelligence agency heads do not appear on major MSM platforms to subtly promote and coordinate their soft coup.

KEY POINT: President Trump has already proven to everyone concerned that he will not play by the rules of Deep State.  He has demonstrated repeatedly — like no other national leader in modern history — that he will not hesitate to break those rules whenever he so chooses.  However, the strict adherence to the rules are crucial to the running of the Global Control Matrix, as they are to the management of the Anglo-American Axis and administration of U.S. Federal Government.  For these, and many other significant reasons, the World Shadow Government is quite determined to terminate the Trump presidency.

That is, of course, if the American people permit this ongoing coup to proceed unimpeded.

  • The Conspiracy


The Mainstream Media has been collaborating with the U.S. Intelligence Community to soften up the American people since Election Day 2016.  Each month brings another   treasonous plot to the forefront; as well as new traitors to the crime scenes of this unfolding conspiracy of sedition.  As follows:

Former Spooks John Brennan & James Clapper Reveal Just How Desperate Traitors Can Be (Video)

Never in American history has the establishment been so transparent about their subversive intentions to carry out a coup in broad daylight.  It appears that Deep State is so confident about their eventual success that they even telegraph many of their schemes well in advance of their execution.  While some of these stratagems may be red herrings, many are not.

The most threatening of these schemes was the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller.  That highly contrived maneuver was set into motion to put Trump’s presidency under a dark ominous cloud before the agents of Deep State methodically unleash a D.C. superstorm centered on the White House.

The actual plot to topple Trump involves every major political institution in the USA.  That especially includes the Democratic Party and DNC, Republican Party and RNC, numerous think tanks and brain trusts inside the Beltway, as well as countless Deep State operatives strategically positioned throughout the US government.

“You can add to this list of traitors most of the sultans of Silicon Valley, many Hollywood moguls and actors, the East Coast intelligentsia, the Mainstream Media magnates, among many other wealthy elites.”[1]

  • The Co-Conspirators. You name them; they’re in on it.


This highly organized coup has conscripted just about every power-player inside the Beltway. For example, the most obvious are those former heads of the intelligence agencies who have audaciously outed themselves at every opportunity:

Former CIA Director John Brennan

Former DNI James Clapper

Former NSA Director Michael Hayden

Former CIA Acting Director John McLaughlin

Former CIA Deputy Director and Acting Director Michael Morell 

These primo agents of Deep State are greatly assisted in this coup by many Obama-era appointees, Clinton loyalists, Soros-funded PACs, Congressional RINOs, MIC lobbyists, and political operatives of every stripe who owe their allegiance to the shadow government.*  Then there are those hidden government employees and well-placed politicos who have been compromised and/or coerced by the Pizzagate control mechanism.

Because the Global Control Matrix is maintained by the criminal control mechanism now known as Pedogate, just about any power broker can be drafted as a purple revolutionary. Pizzagate represents but a single American franchise within the global Pedogate child trafficking and exploitation crime syndicate.

Every major western power has external and internal intelligence services which clock Pedogate crimes with extraordinary monitoring and recording. This covert spying and surveillance regime has been in place for as long as the elite ruling class has chosen the leading politicians based on their vulnerability to blackmail and bribery, extortion and coercion related to child exploitation crimes. (Source: Nothing Will Ever Change In Washington Until This Happens)

While the true depth and breadth of this treasonous cabal is unknowable, it wields considerable power and influence over every state apparatus.  Deep State will ultimately attempt to enlist the help of every American who dislikes Trump.  By constantly inflaming the public’s sentiments against the administration, the agitators are confident that a large number of U.S. citizens will support a coup, both soft and violent.  The real problem is that the true political calculus confirms this critical data point.

This state of affairs is exactly why AG Jeff Sessions must be replaced asap.  Heretofore, he has neglected to go after the worst criminals from the Obama Administration.  These are the same agents provocateur who are openly and furtively leading the Purple Revolution.  Until these traitors are investigated and tried, they will continue to act with impunity.   More significantly, they will feel empowered to take Trump down as well as his entire administration.  Each of the co-conspirators mentioned below is integral to the implementation of George Soros’s quickly unfolding Purple Revolution.

“Sessions needs to go if only so Trump can appoint a legal pit bull into the critical AG post.  Surely Trump has in mind a pitbull who will not let go of any agent of Deep State who has already proven to be a traitor to the American Republic (e.g. Clintons, Obama, Podesta,McCain, Graham, Ryan, McConnell, McCarthy, Corker, Portman,Flake, Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Waters, Comey, Lynch, Mueller, Rice,Rosenstein, Holder, Brennan, Clapper, Hayden, Morell, Powers, et al.)These enemies of the state must be arrested post-haste before they inflict any more damage on the nation.  They ALL must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and punished accordingly for all to witness.”[2]

  • Trump vs. Deep State


The upshot of this discussion is that there is no stopping the Trump Titanic from hitting the Deep State iceberg.  With each passing day the final collision looms larger and larger. The level of outright madness that has come to define the mainstream media circus, the chronic felony leaking by Obama loyalists, and the serial lawbreaking by the U.S. Intelligence Community can go on for only so long.  In fact, this ever-intensifying predicament is not far from hitting the proverbial wall.

The NWO globalists now work overtime to scuttle Trump’s “Titanic” before it hits the Deep State iceberg.  The globalists know that, with Trump at the helm of the ship of state, the USS Titanic luxury ocean liner might just be an icebreaker in disguise.  And everyone knows that the Russians make the world’s best icebreakers! (Source: Soft Coup in the Works: Deep State Setting Up Trump for Impeachment)

Whether Trump is on his own Titanic or really at the helm of an enormous icebreaker remains to be seen.  Regardless, the covert leaders of Deep State will not tolerate much more wrecking of their multi-decade party.  Trump has quite remarkably taken a massive wrecking ball to every part of their overt and covert operations.  Not only can he never be trusted by TPTB, Deep State always gets even one way or another.

Trump’s personal plight is such that he cannot lose this war since such a fall from power will translate to the slo-mo devastation of his estate, his businesses, his family and his future. Likewise, Deep State knows that it cannot lose the upcoming final battle against Team Trump.  Most importantly, the USA is the Military Arm of their New World Order.  Were the US Constitution to be fully restored and “rule of law” re-established throughout the land, Deep State would be forced to relinquish its complete command and control over the military juggernaut that roles across the planet.

There are some major indicators that point to August through October of 2017 as a time of epochal conflict in the USA.  As a matter of fact, the treasonous Congress has taken legislative action that is purposeful in setting up Trump for impeachment.  The same group of traitors has been writing legislation to compel Trump to go after Russia, thereby undermining his peace initiatives and overtures made to President Putin.

Catastrophic Move By Congress—It’s time to drain the congressional swamp!

The bottom line is that these heightening tensions can only go on for so long.  Too much is breaking out into the open and Deep State will not stand for much more.  Each day brings unprecedented revelations about how the world really works.  The Global Control Matrix is literally cracking up.  The “enforcement by terrorism” paradigm is also dissolving in real time. The normally effective fear factor is slowly losing its grip.  For Donald Trump has presented to the world community of nations — wittingly or unwittingly — himself as an unparalleled role model of how to speak truth to power.

Not only does Deep State want Trump out of the White House, they want war with Russia in the worst way.[3] Had Hillary Clinton won the election, there might already be a nuclear war with tactical nukes…in Syria, in the Ukraine, in Iran, or wherever the next color revolution is planned for.  Clearly, the perpetual war economy is in full swing and only a Trump-Putin accord can stop it, once and for all.  Which is precisely why the NWO globalists do everything possible to sabotage their relationship.


In an effort to completely poison their good rapport, agents of Deep State are feverishly working to kill the relationship between Putin’s Russia and Trump’s USA.  Not only are agents of the Military-Industrial Complex looking to start the hot phase of World War III in Russia’s back yard, they’re attempting to push the American body politic into a full-blown civil war.  That brewing civil war is being falsely contextualized as the 2017 Purple Revolution, which is essentially an American version of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. The Purple Revolution Must Be Exposed

  • Conclusion


2017 will undoubtedly go down in history as the year that the world really changed.

That profound and fundamental transformation will likely precipitate from the epic battle now raging between the American patriot movement and globalist Deep State.  Just as 2016 marked the beginning of the Second American Revolution, Donald Trump is the commanding general of the nationalists.  Just like General George Washington, he finds himself retreating again and again, but with great effect and awesome consequence to the New World Order agenda.

This historic war is unlike any in history; there are no precedents that are even close.  The Internet era has replaced muskets and bullets with smartphones and tweets.  The Alt Media has emerged as a formidable and fierce force of the light.  The cyber-warriors on this 21st century battleground are every bit as battle-hardened and wily as the Minutemen guerrillas of 1776.  The darkness of Deep State can’t even believe they have been exposed as they were in 2016 via the Pizzagate scandal.  PEDOGATE: Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened for Deep State   

President Trump has entered uncharted territory.  Similarly, Deep State is way out of its depth having never been challenged in the USA by a justifiably angry patriot movement. However, it’s not incumbent on Donald Trump to take back the country from those who have stolen it.  His AG can prosecute those public servants who are guilty of every sort of theft and larceny.  But, it is the solemn responsibility of the American people to take back their nation from the globalist usurpers.  And, to finish the job of wrecking the Deep State that Candidate Trump so earnestly started in June of 2015.

Let’s get busy!

State of the Nation July 26, 2017

Footnote ___ *The United States of America was, in fact, stealthily taken over by the British Empire the very day the Brits lost the American Revolutionary War.  Since there were also many clandestine and traitorous loyalists living in the Thirteen Colonies back then, they have had well over 200 years to systematically hardwire the United States as the flagship of Deep State.   The same perfidious forces have co-opted and compromised many government officials and political leaders, military commanders and corporate execs, university presidents and think tank directors, civic leaders and heads of state & local governments throughout America in 2017.  In this way, the whole place has been surreptitiously set up for the Purple Revolution.


When will Team Trump terminate the ongoing coup d’état?


[1] Deep State will not stop their stealthy Purple Revolution until Trump is gone

[2] It’s time for Jeff Sessions to go! Trump needs a pit bull AG.

[3] Former Democrat Insider Goes Rogue—Exposes Plot To Falsely Blame Russia




What You Aren’t Being Told About The World You Live In

How The “Conspiracy Theory” Label Was Conceived To Derail The Truth Movement

How Covert American Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

July 26, 2017

Russia-EU Unite Against America As Trump Becomes Prisoner Of Mass Hysteria

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An truly grim Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that both Federation and European Union diplomats are furiously working to prevent the greatest transatlantic crisis since before World War II as the “mass hysteria” that has overtaken America, and left President Donald Trump a virtual prisoner in his own White House, means that he is unable to stop a new US law that is, in fact, a declaration of war against Russia.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

MASS HYSTERIA and what its is

According to this report (and as we reported on in our 23 July article New US Law To Remove Trump From Power And Declare War On Russia “Will Be Met By Force”), a new US law deceptively named Countering Iran’s Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017 has been overwhelmingly passed by the US Congress—but whose essence calls for the complete destruction of Russia’s mining, transportation, railway, natural gas and oil industries through a Western economic embargo—that not only seeks to destroy Russia, but the European Union too.

The European Union is Russia`s largest trading partner etc

The only time in recorded history that the United States moved with such brutal force to destroy another nation, this report notes, was in the 1930’s-1940’s when the entire President Franklin D. Roosevelt administration was overcome with “mass hysteria” that the Empire of Japan was going to capture the legendary inner-earth region known as Shangri-La (aka Lost World of Agharta or Shambhala)—and in order to stop this from happening, in 1939 began imposing embargos on the Japanese that culminated on 26 July 1941 when Roosevelt froze all of Japan’s assests in the United States—and that resulted, 5 months later, in Japan destroying the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 December 1941

 Agartha Land of Advanced Nations

 As astonishing as it is to believe, this report continues, the Shangri-La “mass hysteria” that infected the entire Roosevelt Administration in the years leading up to World War II began with President Roosevelt’s Secretary of Agriculture (and 33rd Vice President of the United States) Henry Wallace—who was a self described mystic who believed he could “contact God”—and in 1929 introduced the Russian mystic Nicholas Roerich to Franklin Roosevelt and his wife Eleanor

Nicholas Roerich, this report explains, was a famous collaborator in Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring, a colleague of the impresario Diaghilev and a highly talented and respected member of the League of Nations—and who was, also, influential in the Roosevelt Administration becoming the pivotal force behind placing the Great Seal of the United States on the US one dollar bill.


Want to know more? Click HERE.

After the 1931 invasion of China (Manchuria) by the Empire of Japan, this report continues, Franklin Roosevelt began his ascent to US presidency taking office on 4 March 1933—with his new Secretary of Agriculture, Henry Wallace, then planning for Nicolas Roerich’s expedition to China to find Shangri-La before the Japanese did—and which lasted from 1934-1935—and that President Roosevelt had first proposed.

Greatly alarming the Roosevelt Administration, this report notes, was Nazi Germany joining in the search for Shangri-La too in 1938—and that was led by the famed, and feared, Nazi SS officer Ernst Schäfer who had been searching for this legendary region since 1931—and who had partnered with the famed American explorer and OSS operative Brooke Dolan II.

The Roosevelt Administration, this report continues, had believed that the Nazi Germany discoveries regarding Shangri-La made by SS officer Ernst Schäfer and OSS operative Brooke Dolan II would remain between the United States and Germany—but who were shocked, on 27 September 1940, when Germany and the Empire of Japan signed an alliance against America and its Western allies

Bookcover , NAZIS IN TIBET , Das Ratsel Um Die SS-Expedition by Ernst Schafer

Want to know more? Click HERE.

As to what Nazi Germany discovered in their search for Shangri-La, however, this report says, remains one of the highest classified subjects among all world governments today—but with it bearing to note, that after Soviet forces had taken Berlin, in 1945, they discovered hundreds of Tibetan Buddhist monks in swastika decorated Nazi SS uniforms who had committed mass suicide.

What Does the Buddhist Swastika Mean. The word derives from Sanskrit

Shortly after the American’s entered World War II, this report says it’s, also, important to note, President Roosevelt (supposedly jokingly) told reporters that the US warplanes that struck Tokyo (Doolittle Raid) in early 1942 were launched from a secret US airbase in Shangri-La—and who named his wartime mountain fortress Shangri-La (now known as Camp David) and, likewise, commissioned the USS aircraft carrier Shangri-La.

 Pres.Franklin D.Roosevelt`s wartime Mountain Bunker Shangri-La , now Camp David


As America continues its descent into madness today like it did in the years leading up to World War II, this report says, Foreign Minister Lavrov has only been able to state that he is astonished by the “mass hysteria” overcoming US politicians—and whose present wartime actions against Russia they claim are in response to their presidential election being interfered with.

The “main/central” problem with this claim, however, this report continues, is that it is a completely made up falsehood—and as just confirmed by the esteemed US organization known as Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)—who in their memorandum to President Trump released this week stated:

“Forensic studies of “Russian hacking” into Democratic National Committee computers last year reveal that on July 5, 2016, data was leaked (not hacked) by a person with physical access to DNC computers, and then doctored to incriminate Russia.”

hmhm8Made up of former US intelligence officials from the CIA, NSA, FBI, etc., this report notes, this is only the second time in this organizations history they have sent such a warning memorandum to a US president—with their first being in 2003 when they warned President George W. Bush against invading Iraq because the intelligence he was using was completely made up and had no basis in reality.

With America now being “ruled by the big lie” method of propaganda that (for instance) blames Russia for invading Ukraine while at the same time that nations president is facing charges for high treason, this report grimly concludes, there still exists no evidence that the people of that nation realize the grave danger that they’re in—and whose near total ignorance of their own history, and the insanity of their leaders, will, most assuredly, leave them in terror when the world finally unites to (hopefully) bring them back to sanity—at least those who are left alive after the bombs stop falling.  

 History is a vast early warning system

Posted with Love & Gratitude to ,










Other reports in this series include:

Frightening Endgame Begins In America As Final Takedown Of Trump Begins

New US Law To Remove Trump From Power And Declare War On Russia “Will Be Met By Force”

July 26, 2017 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]

[Note: The website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]

[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]

American Today: “It HAS Come To Blood” (And Why JFK REALLY Had To Die!)

“Deep State” In Disarray As Trump’s “Fathomless Federation” Gains Ground


Americans Free At Last – The Ties Have Been Permanently Broke.

Americans Free At Last – The Ties Have Been Permanently Broke.


Are Americans finally free from the control of the Crowns of the Vatican or more accurately the Holy Roman Empire? Personally, I feel that we are not free yet because there are many high level members of secret societies controlled by the Vatican that refuse to free Americans and the people of the world.To learn all you need know about NATURAL LAW watch the following Natural Law seminar by Mark Passio: Natural Law Seminar – FULL version .

For Americans and the people of the world to really be free, they need to learn how to defend their natural rights and be responsible living men and women. Furthermore, they need to learn how to live in harmony with Natural Law. Until these things happen, we as a collective can only experience the illusion of real freedom. – Pao Chang

May 27, 2017 by Edward Morgan ,

For those just now waking up—-In March, the IMF’s governmental services corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES (INC.) went insolvent. It was entered into Chapter 11 without naming a Successor to Contract. That left the “federal” side of the Constitution vacant and flapping in the wind.So, what to do?We had already entered a properly constructed claim in commerce to claim back all the assets naturally belonging to the American people.The Constitution was saved and a new foundation begun.The united States of America and the free, sovereign and independent people living on the land of the organic states have regained their sovereignty in the international jurisdiction of the sea.We are finally whole!This “split” the jurisdiction owed to American states and people and created two different populations of people from the outset—- the free sovereign and independent people of the United States and the British Subject inhabitants who remained to provide these services under the Constitution.So long as the British King remained honest and honored his obligation to us to act as our Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, the future remained safe— but almost immediately the “Troubles” began, as King George wiggled like a fish on a hook and sought to regain his position over the Americans.Within 15 years members of the American Bar Association loyal to the British King had elected Abraham Lincoln, a lawyer, to the Office of President of the United States — CEO of the commercial trading company deceptively called the United States (Trading Company) —not the land, not the country, not the organic states, and not the people. The actual Constitution already had provisions denying any member of the Bar any public office, so in Lincoln’s case the only “Presidency” he could occupy was as the CEO of the trading company doing business as the “United States”.Though loudly proclaiming the abolishment of slavery, the 13th Amendment of this federal corporation document (which is actually a corporate by-law) goes on to enshrine slavery as a permanent part of the newly formed federal corporation doing business as The United States of America, Incorporated’s form of law. It makes criminals slaves and leaves the corporate “Congress”— an elected Board of Directors—free to define who the criminals are.This is why it does no good for anyone mischaracterized as a “United States Citizen” to claim the guarantees of the actual Constitution, and why these courts do not hear any of the laws or the facts of any case and also the reason that their own court rules for judges admonish them to provide “an appearance” of Justice where there is none. All that is really going on is a determination of how much these criminals will charge you for their “service” and whether or not you will be “impounded” as cargo or held ransom as chattel backing the debts of their corporation.The very mechanism they hoped to use to finish us off was turned against them. We slipped in, invoked our true standing, formed the new federal alliance, issued the new Sovereign Letters Patent, issued the new Declaration of Joint Sovereignty— and booted both the British and the French off our shores once and for all.A few weeks later Jacob Rothschild showed up. He assumed he could just cut a deal with the IMF and move into place as the Successor to Contract and begin the long-planned seizure of our land and other assets via the use of commercial mercenaries disguised as employees of our lawful government—– just like what is going on in Oregon now with the Uranium land-grab and the fake “FBI”.That thing is Washington, DC that you were misled to believe was “your” government and which you trusted accordingly was never your government. It has always been an abusive and criminally mismanaged foreign government perched on our shores, here under contract to provide “essential governmental services”.It was our distinct pleasure to inform Mr. Rothschild that other arrangements have been made and his offer to act as Successor to Contract was accordingly refused.The drive is on to reclaim and repatriate all American assets to America and to Americans. The Bank of International Settlements has already agreed, the World Court has already alerted all six branches, and an initial brief has been filed. The American Armed Forces have been alerted and true Americans from every walk of life and corner of the globe as well as friends from around the world are rallying to our assistance.Please do your part to support this mighty effort to restore the peace, prosperity, and health of the whole Earth and the people living on it. Together, we are all the True Sovereigns— born to learn who we are, born to learn how to rule ourselves, born to be caretakers of each other and our beloved planet.DO NOT FOLLOW ANY “ORDERS” TO HARM AMERICANS. THOSE WHO DO WILL BE TRIED FOR WAR CRIMES AND FACE THE DEATH PENALTY JUST LIKE THE NAZIS AT NUREMBURG.It is either criminally stupid or a purposeful malignant circumstance when all a country’s major news organs are owned by foreigners. Now that you know that fact, turn the knob. Take everything these talking heads say with two grains of salt, use your own brain and common sense.Believe in the Magnum Mysterium, the True God, the Great Spirit that shares One Life with all of us with One Love that is truly Divine.By, Judge Anna Maria Riezinger Anna von Reitz <> Alaska State Superior CourtSource 1:

  • Walk forward now, together, hand in hand, and fear no evil. When the Truth comes what is False must pass away.
  • Trust in yourself, your abilities, your skills, your friends, your families, your communities, your most cherished ideals, your fondests hopes. If you are like most Americans you will feel panic and anger and confusion when you realize just how close we have come to total disaster.
  • If you have resources, knowledge, or skills to offer, please stand by. There will be needs aplenty in the days to come. There may be possible disruptions of public services, possible disruptions of supply chains, possible confusion and very probably misinformation spewed by the Mainstream Media which is owned entirely by international corporations that have benefited from the fraud and very obviously failed to do their real job.
  • Please print, post, send, carry, do whatever it takes to inform every American. Especially inform all members of the police, the military, the so-called “law enforcement agencies”, the clergy, the community leaders, school officials, everyone who needs to know.
  • The world is waking up, led by tiny Iceland, and now by the Americans. We have lived for a long time under the thrall of criminals, as have many other nations. The British and the French, the Germans, the Japanese, the Canadians, and the Aussies—- all direct victims of this same fraud and criminality, while the rest of the world has suffered both directly and indirectly from this plague of dishonest politicians, corrupt judges and the banks which have functioned as crime syndicates.
  • We will be providing our own services and taking care of our own business and our own people from now on.
  • We are not responsible for the debts of this foreign entity and we have repudiated them accordingly. All we ever owed the UNITED STATES were reasonable fees for nineteen services– most of which we never received.
  • The “FBI” like the “BLM” are just brand names of old used-to-be units of other governmental services corporations long gone. They’ve been run under color of law for years as private security and property management subcontractors of the IMF dba UNITED STATES and its corporate municipal franchises. Those men shooting and threatening people in Oregon are private commercial mercenaries acting under color of law, impersonating government employees.
  • Our answer came by Divine Providence, even as representatives of the Wells Fargo Bank (owned by the US Attorney General) were claiming that the united States of America no longer existed, that we no longer had a national currency in circulation, that all the Americans had “voluntarily” given up their birthright and accepted the slave status of “United States Citizens”, that our land was “abandoned property” and the Secondary Creditors of the bankrupt UNITED STATES governmental services corporation should be allowed to come in under color of law and claim our land, our homes, our businesses and everything else to pay the debts run up under conditions of fraud by the IMF doing business as the UNITED STATES.
  • This heinous crime, duplicity, Breach of Trust, enslavement, and merciless abuse of the American people has gone on for 150 years and since the 1930’s things have only gotten worse. Until now.
  • A close reading of the 14th Amendment shows that they made everyone who was a United States Citizen (Federal Citizen) a criminal by definition, a slave by definition, and a debtor, too. To this day, when these vermin bring innocent Americans into their private corporate tribunals (which are misrepresented as public courts) the charges are addressed to “persons” named after the victims. These “persons” are legal fiction entities defined as public trusts and more recently as public transmitting utilities—and they are already guilty by definition.
  • It is not a mistake that Abraham Lincoln led our country into a vicious Civil War, the results of which we are still dealing with 150 years later. The Civil War was not about ending slavery, as you can see by closely reading the 13th Amendment of the corporate “Constitution” called the “Constitution of the United States of America” adopted by the perpetrators of all this criminality, betrayal, and fraud in 1868.
  • Things appeared to settle down after the War of 1812, but by 1845, the then-Pope and the British King sealed a secret pact agreeing that the egalitarian American Republic was incompatible with the idea of Papal Supremacy and the Divine Right of Kings. The Secret Treaty of Verona was a grotesque, criminal, and highly secret Breach of Trust by both the British Monarch and the Holy See.
  • The so-called “Federal Government” was never a sovereign government. It was always an association of sovereign nation-states. And it was never our government though it was under contract to serve us. It was always a foreign government operating under the foreign jurisdiction of the sea and the equally foreign Law of the Sea.
  • Those who have read our affidavit of probable cause, “You Know Something Is Wrong When….An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” know that the Founders cut a deal with the British King allowing him to retain control of nineteen enumerated essential governmental services, all in the jurisdiction of the sea.
  • For the first time since 1789 Americans are in full control of both their natural land and sea jurisdictions.
  • The Native Americans are now free to come home to land that they were “removed from”, no longer POW’s, they have regained their sovereignty as free, sovereign and independent people living on the land.
  • We formed an alliance with the Lakota and the Athabasca, two of the largest Native American nations—-which are “federal” and which have internationally recognized tribal governments, and we filed Sovereign Letters Patent and a Declaration of Joint Sovereignty.
  • We had already delivered Due Process to the IMF dba UNITED STATES and its franchises, resulting in a proper Judgment of Commercial and Administrative Default.
  • The intention of the perpetrators is obvious. They meant to void the Constitution once and for all.
  • The END of 400 Years of European Meddling and Predation in America

Humanity is ready for change!


Guidance from an elder brother
All your fears and anxieties are baseless.
Humanity is ready for change!
October 30, 2016 by John Smallman

Jesus through John

Jesus Audio Blog for Sunday October 30th

Humanity’s awakening process is further intensifying, as you may well have noticed.  The need to awaken is emerging into the collective human awareness as the pain and suffering of the illusion, the dream or nightmare in which it seems you presently have your existence, becomes increasingly unacceptable.  Violent and frequent conflicts and disagreements at every level of society in every nation and culture are leading to exhaustion and a deep seated desire for peace.  Those who have been in control for so long are in disarray as the power they thought they had and owned dissolves leaving them confused and terrified.

The nightmare that so many on Earth have been experiencing is drawing to a close as an era of peace, harmony, and creative cooperation flows in to replace it.  It will be a new and gentle era, very different from the one…

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