Intel Report – Republic, Demise of the Cabal, GCR/RV – May 23, 2016

Good Tuesday, Beloved Friends & Cocreators, PLEASE READ & SHARE THIS WIDELY !

This is VERY IMPORTANT & Greatly Advised to Read by All World Citizens.

Pls. Read with an Open Heart & an Open, Discerning Mind. Thank U. I Love U. We Are ONE.

I Am Love. I Am Truth. I Am Peace. We Are ONE PEOPLE Living on ONE Beautifull Planet  & All Are Entitled to the TRUTH & Nothing but  the TRUTH !  Namaste

Intel Report – Republic, Demise of the Cabal, GCR/RV – May 23, 2016

It’s very important before moving forward, we first revisit where the USA has been in modern and recent history:

 When Puerto Rico defaulted on May 2, 2016, so did the USA, Inc which was founded in Puerto Rico in 1871 and illegally mimicked the Republic of the United States government originally founded in 1776.  

This means all government agencies created by the illegal USA, Inc. government also defaulted including but not limited to: The Federal Reserve Bank, Internal Revenue Service, Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

 A hand chosen white hat military leadership along with white hat politicians have been positioned and seated in this new Republic government that has been installed by the BRICS nations to handle the day to day operations of the United States that includes military and political oversight over all domestic and international matters concerning the country.

 To re-establish international banking credit, the Republic is now to put out a gold backed currency called United States Notes (USN) that will have Martha Washington on the $10 dollar bill.  The Republic’s sovereign currency designation is called Treasury Reserve Notes (TRN) and is currently being traded on markets all over the world, specifically between governments. 

All 208 sovereign nations of the world are now only diplomatically, militarily and financially recognizing the Republic of the United States and their USN/TRN combination of monetary value.  Meaning the USA, Inc, and all of it’s minions and false agencies, are no longer acknowledged on the global stage.

 Anything having to do with enemies of the State Obama, Biden, Trump, Clinton, Sanders, US Congress leadership… is nothing more than a pageant meant to keep their grand lie going.  Their nickname is the cabal.

 Chinese Elders gave this cabal two additional weeks, plus an extra transition week to permanently vacate all US affairs publicly, which clearly they have not done as to protect the illusion that their pageant is still relevant.

 On Monday May 23, 2016, the Chinese halted all financial extension graces to the ever withering cabal political, financial and military pageant.  They have thus eliminated for good the USA, Inc from the face of the earth as no sovereign country in active participation with the BRICS can participate with the USA, INC on their new gold backed financial system.

 What most American’s are looking at everyday is nothing but a scripted lie, a con, whereby a single family by bloodline (aka the cabal) is attempting to convince the world they are still a relevant controlling entity–which they are not.  But because most American’s don’t know of their ruse, they also cannot comprehend that their government has been a lie for their entire lives, nor are they quick to adopt or embrace the truth generations of their own families have been fooled.  

 And no matter how bizarre this update may come off, what you are reading is the truth about your country and world, and those providing this intel to you care enough about you personally to share the truth no matter how difficult to receive–because we all deserve to know the truth.

 Be advised on sovereign rates on all first basket redemption currencies, they are being made available to American public until the end of May.  

 Sovereign rates are intentionally high to help replenish the devastated American economy which has collapsed due to cabal decision making over the last 100 years since the creation of the Federal Reserve Banking system.  

 Also, an influx of liquid capital will put a final dagger into the side of the cabal pageant actors / companies / media still playing out their facade daily. 

 Taking and sharing such wealth with friends, family and community is how you can participate in taking down the bad guys, taking from the rich and giving to the poor as well as performing your own patriot duty as a proud American citizen of the new Republic.  

Anyone that tries to steer you in a different direction is either ignorantly or intentionally supporting the cabal’s desire to limit the net positive effect of the RV on American soil, and thus retain financial control over you, your family and your community for generations to come.

 As of Sunday evening May 22, 2016, the proverbial rubber officially hit the road with regards to the the Chinese Elders, who benevolently placed the gold up for the entire new financial system including our own Republic, with the unconditional support of all over sovereign nations of the world–who are also united in taking down the cabal where ever they are, going or fleeing through arrest or physical elimination.  

 The reason there have been consistent delays and setbacks is because when, not if, the cabal surrenders to the financial system  implementing in the United States, it will expose all their illegal actives worldwide, of which they are either still now or were rooted deeply within every country’s decision making infrastructure on the planet.  That means the Emperor will be completely naked very soon and there will be no army or government in the world to protect them, and no financial system to manipulate to hire mercenaries like ISIS, Black Rock, or Halliburton fighters. 

In order to work around these dying cabal actors and entities, all cabal loyal companies, banks and governments have now been cut off from the new system’s monetary roots including the USA, Inc, and HSBC/Wells Fargo will be temporarily serving as the Republic treasury, issuing the new gold backed money to American citizens, corporations and international investors.  

US financial markets have already been switched over to the new gold backed money, just as has every bank account in the US system of finance no matter the bank or its location.  Meaning, all Americans are already operating safely inside of the new system and no one should see any meaningful or immediate changes to their day to day financial activities.

 Again, we know this is a lot to swallow even for those who have been playing close attention to such geopolitical and domestic happenings, but this is exactly where you, your family and the world sits as of 5:00pm EST.

 HSBC/Wells Fargo have completed their final “ping process” earlier today, and are now readying to release T4 800#’s for North American currency holder redemptions.  This release can happen at any moment from early Monday evening into late Tuesday morning without noticeable disruption to the public’s attention or trust.

Remember, knowing that with God is on our side means no entity no matter how once powerful can stop us from regaining our own personal and national sovereignty.  Therefore, fear nothing when redeeming your currency, ask for the highest sovereign rates available in support of as many humanitarian and job creating projects you can find, as this is your patriotic duty in support of your new Republic government.

 And per usual, Liv Brave because humanity only get one shot at maximizing during such a historic event.



2016 Agenda for Disclosure


On Finding Friends

Prepare for Change . Make The Change Happen. Participate

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

2016 Agenda for Disclosure

The opening of Pandora’s Suitcase

The Youtube video was published on May 10th 2016 by Alcuin Bramerton, May 1, 2016

Gepubliceerd op 10 mei 2016 Alcuin Bramerton Twitter ..Alcuin Bramerton Medium

High-status disclosures of previously suppressed information are likely to bring the following changes in 2016: The Kissinger-Bush-Clinton-Obama political syndicates will be peacefully and lawfully removed from American public life permanently. Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America, will leave office before the natural end of his presidential term. Decisive announcements to this effect may be broadcast during May or June 2016. Obama, like President George Bush Jnr before him, was illegally and unconstitutionally elected; he is a controlled agent of old and diminishing European monetary interests. More background can be found here, here, here and here. The identities of the hidden Khazar Zionist political

bosses embedded in corporate America will be disclosed.

Featured Image -- 709

Much intel info on the Khazarian Maffia is disclosed by

The use these bosses have made of human clones in American political management will become common knowledge. The use made of human clones in managing European Royal families, international banking, spiritual fascism in religion, industrial militarism and political assassinations will be made clear for all to see. The fact that mind-controlled human clones have been democratically elected into national leaderships, have signed state and religious papers of moment, and have been terminated at will and substituted with others, will be revealed. Jorge Mario Bergoglio (‘Francis’), the present Pope, will be obliged to retire. Like Tenzin Gyatso (the Dalai Lama) and Billy Graham (US Protestant evangelist), he is a Western deep-state-controlled PsyOp, who functions within the mechanism of establishment religious control and disinformation. More about Bergoglio’s covert background can be found here (02.02.14). Further critical comment is here (02.10.15) and, for those with an eye for detail and a strong legal stomach, here (pdf 23pp). Alternative views about the current significance of recent words by the Pope and the Dalai Lama are beginning to be offered, however, including from this independent high-status site here (14.01.16) and here (Dec 2015 & Jan 2016). Queen Elizabeth II of England will abdicate or, at the very least, will begin to withdraw from active personal involvement in Constitutional, Church of England, and international banking affairs. The occult connection between the Vatican in Rome and The Crown Temple in London will be revealed. More here, here, here and here. The London Crown Temple is reported to be the old and diminishing European monetary entity which owns the assets and income of the US Federal Reserve System, and controls its disbursements (see, for example, p15 of this pdf here). The legitimacy of ‘royal’ status will attract increasing forensic scrutiny in the public domain. Why should élite, unelected, unappointed, unqualified bloodlines have privileged access to vast invisible wealth and influence? The rôle of the European royal families in the Nazi continuum’s shadow banking nexus will be exposed. An incremental admixture of document leaks, legal interventions and inside disclosures will galvanise public outrage. Examples: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.


01 Pyramid of power - all seeing eye - financial elite

The Piramid of Financial Elites Domination /Control Wealth/ Resources

All around the world, national leaders and régimes which have political, corporate or legal connections with the anti-Constitutional US governing establishment (the Washington DC private corporation) will be removed from power. Particularly likely to benefit in this regard are Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Bulgaria, Burundi, Canada, Colombia, Congo, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, Moldova, Myanmar, Philippines, Qatar, North Korea, South Korea, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, the Sudans, Pakistan, Paraguay, Poland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UK, Ukraine and Yemen. Peaceful, democratic and benevolent régime changes in these nations will soon be possible. The low-vibration AntiChrist energies of lies, deceit and personal greed, as channelled by the American political establishment (Republican and Democrat), will cease to be sustainable. Undetectable manipulation of the Kissinger-Bush-Clinton-Obama kind will become increasingly impossible on Earth as the energetic environment of planetary cleansing and ascension raises the dominant vibrations of light throughout the planet. Major geopolitical financial changes, previously thought impossible, will become increasingly manifest. The internationally-traded US Dollar will continue under the ownership and control of Asia, will become a gold-backed currency, will gain in value, and will be systemically separated from the fiat form of US Dollar used domestically within the US. By 2018, all internationally-traded US dollar bills (notes) will carry a visible Chinese signatory on the obverse (not US Treasurer or US Treasury signatures). The Swiss Franc has already (in 2015) broken its peg with the Euro (a fiat currency) and become gold-backed. The US will lose control of the UN, the IMF and the World Bank to the BRICS alliance. A new UN HQ will be built in China. The G7 Bretton Woods money management system of 1944 will be consigned to the dustbin of history. In 2016, many of the major changes in global economic governance will force themselves into visibility in the mainstream financial media in the West. These will manifest when the Asian CIPS system completely supplants the Western SWIFT system. This change is now under way. Very soon, it will be possible to translocate all major asset-backed capital flows between global financial centres without the risk of élite theft, diversion or mirroring. The benevolent conduits for the global prosperity funds will be in place and secure. Various long-held funds, some of exoteric origin and some of esoteric origin, will begin to be released into these new, secure, financial conduits during 2016. One of the exoteric sources is referred to as The Global Collateral Accounts. These are said to amount to $93 quadrillion of ready-to-go, audited assets (precious metals, gems, bonds etc) owned by Asian depositors and held in more than a thousand different locations across the eastern hemisphere. In 2015, the Asian Elders who own & control these reserves appointed Neil Keenan to be the monetary controller of the The Global Collateral Accounts. He is now N1 M1; the only rightful steward of this disbursement authority since President Sukarno of Indonesia was invested with that power in the 1940s. The history of The Global Collateral Accounts is convoluted and much obfuscated by Western rogue faction financial terrorism over the last eight decades. It takes in the 1944 and 1995 Bretton Woods Agreements, the assassination of US President J.F.Kennedy (1963), and the 9/11 false flag attacks in America (2001). An introductory timeline of that history is compiled here (HTML) and here (pdf – 120pp).   Separate from the The Global Collateral Accounts, the NESARA global prosperity programmes are also due to be announced and activated. One of the funds involved here is The Saint Germain World Trust. This has an esoteric history. It is said to contain deliverable precious metals and currencies worth upwards of one quattuordecillion USA dollars. This is $1 with forty noughts after it; ten thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand, million dollars. Among other global humanitarian and free energy projects, this new money will be used to buy out all oil corporations, banks and pharmaceutical cartels. And it will zero out (permanently cancel) all personal, corporate and national debts worldwide. The whole human population will benefit from NESARA. Earth is a most abundant planet. There is more than enough gold-backed human money currently in existence on Earth for each and every human being to be a GBP millionaire without debts of any kind. GBP = Great Britain Pound. NESARA is about sharing the resources of the planet around fairly. And NESARA is about putting benevolent banking systems in place worldwide to deliver this monetary fairness. No individual anywhere on Earth will be beyond the reach of the NESARA wealth redistribution programmes. And no individual or organisation anywhere on Earth will be able to stop it. NESARA will cancel all credit card, mortgage and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government corruption worldwide. Income tax will be abolished. A new 14% flat rate tax on non-essential new items will provide the necessary revenue stream for national governments. Money will cease to be spent on war, élite security and covert militarism. There will be increased benefits for senior citizens. In the USA, there will be a return to Constitutional Law at every level of the legal system. And in the USA, a new banking system – American Banking Central – will click into function and will involve twenty nine new locally-orientated banks. The Federal Reserve Board will be abolished (pertinent letter here). The Internal Revenue Service will be abolished. More about these NESARA-related changes can be found here. Free-energy Tesla technologies suppressed by the JPMorgan and Bush families’ corporate energy cartels will become freely known and freely available. There will be no further need to burn fossil fuels once the Tesla technologies are in place in industry, homes and vehicles. Things will be seen in the skies, on the surface of the Earth and inside the Earth which mainstream corporate media and mainstream western education say do not exist and cannot happen. The core signifiers of ancient mythologies will be found to be real. The covert interaction of several world governments with negative extraterrestrial groups will be exposed. The role of positive extraterrestrial groups in promoting the energisation of the planet and the manifestation of the NESARA process will be explained. The significance of the agriglyphs (crop circles) will become better understood. The availability of off-planet technologies for pollution control, human transport, and information retrieval will be revealed. Sonic healing machines will be released for the free use of all. The negative stargate (or interdimensional portal) in Iraq at the ancient Sumerian site of Entemenanki (the locality of the ziggurat of Marduk in ancient Babylon) will be closed. Books will be opened. Human histories will be corrected. Many veridical accounts of human history still exist but have been hidden away and protected for final release during this end-time. They will be released and published in many languages and will be held safe beyond the censorship of dogmatic religion. Remote viewing of suppressed texts in closed libraries will become common. Extraterrestrial text-energy reading technologies, along with manuscript reconstitution and multiplication techniques will become available. It will become evident that no history, no event, no experience, no exchange, no conversation, no train of thought, and no feeling can ever be totally erased. Everything that has ever happened still exists perfectly in its original energy pattern. With extraterrestrial and spiritual technologies, past histories anywhere and anywhen can be comprehensively accessed and published. Every event that has ever taken place can be retrieved, reproduced and replayed in sound, vision, tactuality and multiple sensation. During 2016 this will begin to be understood. More information about positive extraterrestrials and the Higher Evolution can be found here. During 2016 more young people and old people, inside and outside world governments, will speak the truth with greater energy, greater clarity and less fear than ever before in human history. And their words will be heard, preserved and multiplied beyond the reach of establishment suppression. They will tell of many things from their own personal experience. They will tell of Earth changes to come and they will tell of Earth changes past. They will tell of how tsunamis, freak weather conditions in the USA and earthquakes in Japan, have been deliberately man-made by covert government agencies. They will tell of the fate of the thousands of missing children worldwide. They will tell how diseases such as Ebola, AIDS, SARS, MERS, H5N1 and Morgellons were the results of deliberate bioterrorism by rogue faction government agencies seeking to reduce the world’s population. More information about the Morgellons mystery can be found here. On the web, a new democratic social encyclopedia to replace Wikipedia will arise. Unlike Wikipedia, this will be constructed in such a way that security, corporate and Zionist misinformers will be unable to manipulate its content. Truth will become clean and free for all. Around the world, academic cryptographers and their students will begin to construct new codings and encryption systems which will effectively address the challenge of unlawful mass surveillance by rogue faction security entities. More here. Linked with this, a new international digital currency, similar to Bitcoin, will begin to evolve which will be as secure and as value-stable over the coming centuries as metallic gold used to be before Western market manipulation subverted it with multiple lease-outs and high-volume paper derivatives. It will be worth watching the developing dynamics of the gold and Bitcoin charts this year, for example here, here and here. The 188-nation BRICS alliance, led by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, will become central in facilitating veridical global news flows and the introduction of new asset-backed international currencies. New crowd-sourced media organisations will emerge in the West. The accelerating meme that leaking and whistleblowing can be more effective and more patriotic than voting, will become established as a norm in Western professional, banking, security and military cultures. Into this climate of global disclosure will emerge the greatest discloser of all – the long expected World Teacher of The Aquarian Age. Called variously The Imam Mahdi, The Fifth Buddha, The Messiah, Krishna, or The Christ, The World Teacher and his team of spiritual masters will disclose openly the diseases of past history and the healing of the present. And The World Teacher – no surprise here – will not be a religious figure. More information about the emergence of The World Teacher can be found here. In 2016, there will be further disclosures about endemic professional corruption in Western healthcare systems. Modern allopathic medicine will be shown to be a manipulative con designed by the corporate controllers of the pharmaceutical industry to make people ill, keep them ill, and kill them prematurely. The tools of this manipulation are sophisticated poisons dressed-up as expensive medicines or vaccines. The medicines in most cases are unnecessary, as is the fashion for casual intrusive surgery which makes even more expensive medicines necessary. Follow the money. Notice also the establishment attempts to suppress or outlaw alternative herbal remedies which work better and cost less. More information about The Ritalin Conspiracy can be found here, and about the Statin scam can be found here. The story of what going is to happen in 2016 is the biggest story in the history of human civilisation on this planet. 1385645_172822086249305_1441144198_n

It is too big a story to be handled accurately by the corporate mainstream media. The news will be broken, initially, though Indymedia, alternative news, and progressive spirituality sites on the web. But most of all, the story will be discovered in personal experience. As more and more people learn the spiritual exercises of meditation, invocation, affirmation and dream management, more and more people will break free, see clearly and speak openly of that which was, and that which is to come. The dark forces of debt-banking, mass surveillance and religious deceit are crumbling. Thirteen millennia of élite-led disinformation are coming to an end. Disclosure is light; disclosure is change. Disclosure is the oxygen of planetary healing. …………………………………………………. AB note: It is thought that many of the changes hinted at above have been in detailed preparation since the mid-1990s. Some, such as the safe sequestering of precious metals, gems and document troves, it is said, have been overseen by benevolent secret societies and others for three or four centuries or more. The probability is that the major changes will be disclosed in a tumble of unexpected news shocks from multiple spoken and documentary sources, beginning (perhaps) in Asia or Switzerland. We are talking about the beginning of a new Golden Age; the first on this planet since Atlantis was sunk about 13,000 years ago. Things need to unfold in the right sequence. In the view of the present writer, one likely batting order might be as follows: (1) Global stockmarket collapse to minus fifty or minus sixty per cent in the first half of 2016; Western derivatives casino, oligarchic bloodline foundations, hedge funds and zombie banks wiped out as the bond bubbles burst in succession, each burst bigger than the one before. (2) Public arrest and physical quarantining of all still-existing negative players (one to two million individuals globally; mostly élite/covert cadres, money-launderers and agency-sponsored private armies [‘military contractors’]). Erasure of all national, corporate and individual legal immunities. No exceptions. (3) Interim government régime changes (personnel) + switch away from Admiralty (colonial) law and state-of-emergency laws to Common Law / Constitutional Law; sweeping changes in Western mainstream media ownership and control; new-style transparent national elections across the ‘developed’ world. (4) Global debt forgiveness rolled out at all national, corporate and individual levels. No exceptions. (5) Major new asset-backed funds, distributed from Asia, come on line through newly-secured wire conduits. Trillions first; quadrillions soon after. (6) Patented (and previously secret) free energy, pollution management, water supply, travel and healing technologies released. (7) Launch of a public, legal, truth and reconciliation process to deal with (2) above. (8) A global education programme (from new & hitherto widely unknown human teachers) is introduced. This to include detailed disclosures of: Hidden geographies (Agartha [Hollow Earth], Atlantis, polar portals etc); hidden biologies (the spiritual civilisations of the plant and animal peoples); suppressed histories and origins (planetary, interplanetary, interstellar and interdimensional); deep state apparats; secret societies; ‘royal’ bloodlines; religious deceptions; genetic & spiritual anatomies; positive nutrition and longevity options; intelligent life on local Solar System planets; benevolent ETs already among us. (9) [about a year after (8) has started] Benevolent ET flypasts, invited landings and reunions.




















You who are reading or listening to this message are not doing so by chance.

Good Mondaymorning Beloved Friends & Cocreators. To me its very helpfull to listen to and read this Awesome channeling of our Beloved Brother Jesus by John Smallman,
so thats why I share it with UMeWeAll with Love & Gratitude.
May We All have an Awesome Day in standing for Our Truth & Integrity in the Infinite Cosmic Field of Love & Light in Unity. Thank U I Love U All Equally. We Are ONE.
I Am. Om Sai Ram. Om Shanti. AUM

Jesus through John

Jesus Audio Blog for Monday May 2nd
Human consciousness is an ongoing spiritual evolutionary process that you collectively chose to undergo, and to which there are no limits. Limits are boundaries that you built around the illusory environment that you inhabit as human beings but which you are free, individually, to dismantle or move beyond. More and more of you are realizing this and choosing to move through them to an awareness of the limitless possibilities that creation offers you in every moment. Those who do come to an awareness that in Truth you are completely free! As more of you open to this wondrous Truth and acknowledge it you enlarge the gaps in the field of limitations from small individual pathways to an immense and interconnected highway that all of humanity can and will use to depart the illusion

Passing out of the limiting environment in which you have…

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