The WHO just obliterated every argument for mandatory vaccines or contact tracing by declaring asymptomatic carriers don’t spread COVID-19
The WHO just obliterated every argument for mandatory vaccines or contact tracing by declaring asymptomatic carriers don’t spread COVID-19
Monday, June 08, 2020 by: Mike Adams
Tags: asymptomatic carriers, contact tracing, coronavirus, covid-19, goodhealth, goodmedicine, goodscience, infections, outbreak, pandemic, vaccines, WHO
(Natural News) Today the WHO declared that COVID-19 almost never spreads through asymptomatic carriers, all at once wiping out the entire justification for mandatory vaccines and contact tracing. As reported:
“From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual,” Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, head of WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said at a news briefing from the United Nations agency’s Geneva headquarters. “It’s very rare.”
Asymptomatic spread was the entire reason why world authorities demanded lockdowns, social distancing and masks, too. It was also the underlying justification for demanding mandatory vaccinations and contact tracing. After all, if the spread of coronavirus were limited to only those who obviously showed symptoms — and could therefore be easily identified and avoided — there would be no logical need for lockdowns, social distancing, masks, contact tracing or mandatory vaccines, since spreaders of the pandemic could be easily identified and avoided (or isolated with selective stay-at-home orders only for the symptomatic).
All at once, the WHO has just exploded all these narratives that were so aggressively pushed by the CDC, Democrat governors, Dr. Fauci at the White House and even the WHO itself. Now, based on the WHO’s new admission, not only should every lockdown be immediately ended; any government effort to initiate new lockdowns should be vehemently rejected as being utterly groundless and anti-science.
Mandatory vaccines are no longer needed when asymptomatic carriers present near-zero risk
Now that the WHO is claiming there’s virtually no risk of catching the coronavirus from someone who isn’t showing any symptoms, mandatory vaccines are impossible to medically justify since symptomatic carriers can be easily identified and isolated from others.
Simultaneously, the argument that the lockdowns need to continue “until there’s a vaccine” have just been decimated, too. In reality, the WHO just admitted that lockdowns aren’t necessary at all, except among those who are actively showing symptoms (which is a very tiny percentage of the population, probably far less than 1% on any given day).
It also means that everybody can safely go back to work with nothing more than a low-cost handheld thermometer checking temperatures of workers as they enter the workplace. No symptoms means no risk of spread, according to the WHO, so checking for symptoms is now synonymous with achieving a safe workplace for all.
It also means the occupancy limits at workplaces should be immediately lifted, allowing all gyms, bars, restaurants and movie theaters to operate at full capacity. The only required rule is that people who sneeze or show fevers must be asked to leave, and that’s it.
No more justification for contact tracing either
This WHO declaration also obliterates any argument for so-called “contact tracing.” If there’s no such thing as an asymptomatic carrier, why would we need contact tracing at all?
The whole point of contact tracing is to find people who don’t know they have the infection because they were supposedly infected by an asymptomatic carrier. But if the only people who spread the virus are those who show obvious symptoms, then everybody already knows to steer clear of that individual, and contact tracing becomes moot.
Thus, the WHO has just obliterated any argument for contact tracing, too. Will Apple and Google now remove their contact tracing apps from their mobile devices? Of course not. Those apps were never really about contact tracing in the first place… the entire sham was always a pretext for total surveillance and spying on users.
Plus, the CDC says the virus can’t be spread on surfaces
All this is on top of the CDC recently announcing that the coronavirus can’t be spread via surfaces, either. So there’s no more justification for people wearing gloves or sanitizing packages or grocery bags. In fact, according to the CDC’s newest admissions, there’s no more reason to avoid shaking hands, either.
So if the coronavirus only spreads through people who are actively showing symptoms, then the entire argument behind everybody wearing masks — which was that we all needed to wear them because none of us knew whether we, ourselves, were spreading the virus — instantly collapses. The WHO just made mask mandates a complete joke, which makes us wonder why the government continues to hoard them, of course.
In fact, unless the WHO is lying to us now, the entirety of every single argument for lockdowns, masks, social distancing and all the rest has just been blasted to smithereens. And if the WHO is lying to us now, then what’s to say they haven’t been lying all along on other issues?
Either way, my mask wearing days are over.
Like many Americans, I deliberately worked to protect the elderly and the vulnerable out of an abundant sense of caution and public duty. I wore a mask in public places, and I practiced social distancing, too. I stayed home for well over a month and did my part to reduce any chance, however low, that I might become an asymptomatic carrier who might inadvertently spread the pandemic to other people who were immunocompromised or medically vulnerable.
Now, it turns out none of that was necessary. This entire pandemic appears to be conquerable with nothing more than vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc. Not even hand washing is necessary, according to the new CDC results, and the very idea of waiting around under house arrest for a new experimental vaccine to be produced now seems insanely stupid.
Is the WHO running a whole new psyop to explode a second wave of infections?
The other possibility with all this is that the WHO is now running a new psyop to try to convince people that the coronavirus is no longer any risk, hoping that people will drop their guard and unleash a second wave of infections in the Fall, thereby damaging the Trump administration and immediately thrusting the WHO right back into the position of issuing demands to the world regarding a new wave of infections.
After all, when there’s no pandemic running loose, who listens to the WHO anyway?
But if the WHO has the kind of malicious ethics that would allow it to deliberately lie to the world in order to spread a second wave of infections, wouldn’t we all be fools to listen to that organization in the first place? Shouldn’t we actually demand their arrest and prosecution for crimes against humanity if they were deliberately trying to spread a global pandemic just to remain relevant?
So there are really just two possibilities in all this:
#1) The WHO has been lying to us all along, and the real risk of coronavirus spread is practically zero.
Or #2) The WHO is lying to us now, trying to make sure we all get infected so that a second wave explodes across the globe.
Either way, it looks like the WHO can’t be trusted at all, which makes their recent announcement highly questionable. If the coronavirus can’t be spread by asymptomatic carriers, how did it explode across the Diamond Princess? How did it sneak into the USA and other countries, even as symptom checkers manned the airport arrival terminals? How did the coronavirus explode across nursing homes in New York and other areas, killing a shockingly high number of residents there? (Or, alternatively, perhaps they all really died from death-by-ventilator episodes…)
We can’t really know what to believe from the authorities anymore — not the WHO, the CDC, the FDA or of course the lying lamestream media. So the only thing we can really count on is our own immune systems, and those can be readily enhanced with simple nutritional supplements, along with healthy lifestyle choices such as avoiding inflammatory junk foods and getting plenty of sleep each night.
For the WHO, that disgusting organization is a discredited junk science gaggle of incompetent communists pretending to be epidemiologists. They couldn’t shove their own heads up each other’s asses any farther if they were surgical proctologists. Their horribly dishonest, inaccurate and often deliberately misleading information has brought incalculable suffering and death to our world, which is why their new name should be the World HELL Organization.
That’s what they delivered to us all: HELL on Earth. All by design. And now, after months of global economic devastation and mass death, they tell you there was nothing to worry about all along… probably just to mess with your head while they work with China to release a second bioweapon, see?
We should all be really reluctant to believe a single thing the WHO ever says again, and if we ever get a chance to meet the people who run the WHO in person, we should place our hands around their necks and squeeze tighter and tighter until they puke back up all the bulls##t they’ve been shoveling this entire time.
For my part, I’m going to keep taking high-quality nutritional supplements and consider that sufficient for doing my part. Staying healthy, after all, is the most responsible thing you can do in a pandemic, whether it’s real or fake.

theredpill2016 7-9-19… “Finally White Hats Control Earth! Exciting Moment. Share Freely”

Good Saturdaymorning , Beloved Collegues , Friends & Cocreators .May We All Enjoy a Wonderfull Weekend & Awaken To The Great Possiblities of this TIME of GREAT TRANSITION, From FEAR TO LOVE , from SEPARATION TO UNITY , from LIMITS Imposed on us by Ourselves, through our Lack of Faith in our Own Power, Our Greed for Money & Status, our Dependency on Others Opinions, our Dependency on Techology Firms & Social Media for Truthfull Communication, our Dependency on Drugs for a Life Lived in Health & Happiness, in An Abundance of Joy & Peace from Within. U get the picture 🙂 Lets Cocreate a NEW EARTH as ONE Humanity, Living on ONE Beautifull Planet , Sharing All of Her Natural Resources as ONE CARING WORLD, in Equality & Freedom as ONE Brother/Sistarhood, as Unique Soulfull , Conscious Evolving , Sovereign Human Beings , Each of us Taking our Individual Responsabiity for Cocreating a World of Integrity, Infinite Compassion & Unconditional Love in the Light of TRUTH as Our Sole Paradigm. I Am All That I AM.


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Thank U Dears for Sharing . If I Could get a Loan of €2000 Now , I could have the Lords Plan for me Fulfilled . Trust The Lord Through Me. We Are All Brothers & Sistars ♥ ƸӜƷ WeUMeAll need to get together as ONE ♥ SMALL IS BEAUTIFULL ♥ ƸӜƷ Together in Action for Freedom of Fear, Greed, Hunger, Poverty & War • ƸӜƷ ✰ LOVE Is Our Religion & the Earth Is Our Church ♥ ◠‿◠) ☼ We Are The Family of Divine Love & Light ღ☆☼⋰ ⋮ ⋱ ƸӜƷ I Am. See,

July 13th 2019, on Daily Seal”RED MAGNETIC DRAGON”, KIN 1, is also the 1st Day in a New Wavespell, called the RED DRAGON WAVESPELL “, and the 17e Day in the last of 13 Mayan Moon Months , the 13th Mayan Dreamspell- Month , called the “COSMIC TURTLE MOON” ,
which is the Last Month of 28 days in




Here is an Old but Not Forgotten Post for U all, SAINT GERMAIN ON U.S., FREEDOM, MONEY & ASCENSION – a film by Bob Altzar Djurdjevic – MESSAGES FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF VEIL — #2

NEW SERIES — An excerpt from KATHRYN MAY Channeling 8-14-13 – (includes new video with original voice recording) Re. US: ” I was there when they were signing the Declaration of Independence”

Re. Ascension: “Have your party clothes ready. Because we are going to celebrate”

with my comment 3 years ago J

ƸӜƷ ☆☼ Thank You Beloved Saint Germain & Katryn May & All Angel SistArs & Brothers & Friends & Cocreators ((( ))) In The ◠‿◠) Beautifull Human Family of Light (¯`• I LOVE U & The Beautifull Gathering of the ONE We Are ↘ ⁀☆҉ ¤(¯`*•.. .(¯` ·.We Are All Connected Through 5D Unconditional Love for ALL Pєα¢є ҉CREATIVITY ↗⁀☆҉ UNIVERSAL LOVE ҉↘ ⁀☆҉ IN JOY ✯☆҉⁀☆҉ LIGHT ҉) & GRATITUDE .·´¯)..• May We All Enjoy the Wonderfull Blessings In An Abundance of Joy & Celebrate the Universal Love That Is Here To Stay I AM ☀☯

♪♥ N ҉ A ҉ M ҉ A ҉ S ҉ T ҉ E ♥♪☯☀


Victory Meditation – Prayer (Decree) for Victory, Peace, and More – 8.29.17

8/29/2017 02:07:00 AM  Message  

Here’s a Prayer Decree in response to the request for Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and Randall Bean: “Prayer (Decree)” for Victory, Peace, Unity, Love, Truth and Ascension 08.29.2017 Email from heyoka inspired by St. Germain and Lady Portia Note: You may add your own Divine names and helpers, and you may change the pronouns to reflect plural when using this in groups for unity In the name and by the power of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, both the True and Original Creator, Crexlan, True Source, Mighty Victory, Mighty Maximus, God Tabor, God of Gold, Archangel Michael, and the seven beloved Archangels, Angels of Principalities and Thrones, violet and blue flame angels, the Chohans of the Rays, Great Divine Director, Beloved St. Germain, Beloved Melchizedek, Beloved Mighty Grandmother and Grandfather of Mercy, Beloved Masters of Justice, Opportunity, Supply and Abundance, elemental life-fire, air, water and earth! I decree: I manifest the Victory of any and all court cases, events, intentions or thoughts that brings America and our Freedom through our Nation, the united States of America the Republic (Nesara/Gesara/RV/GCR), and fulfills the Divine Prophecy and Decree of taking back our Sovereign birthright in total and full while Ascending and Transitioning on Earth/Ekken/GAIA. America! Thou shalt arise the Nation of Love and Gratitude to Life, that opens the door for the rest of the world into Freedom and Peace eternal! May all the nations of the World know only Peace, Harmony and Prosperity forevermore! Oh! Mighty Divinity, blend thou with me, that I may blaze forth thy full Victory! Pour through me thy Flame, thou my God-Self Supreme, in Glory Transcendent, thou ‘Mighty I AM’! Let this day be Victorious for Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and Randall Beane in order that their hearing and verdict under the Laws of the Universe, the Cosmic Law and Law of One so as Above, so as below may set precedent as my meditations and intentions bring about the accessing of prosperity and freedom along with the Full Power of my/our God virtues and attributes in Grace, Humility, Love and Compassion of Abundance for the best and greatest of all concerned and fulfillment of God’s will. In Unity, we break down all obstacles, barriers or blockages of any kind, shape or form organic or inorganic in nature within or without as I claim my Victory now! So be it!!!

Americans Free At Last – The Ties Have Been Permanently Broke.

Americans Free At Last – The Ties Have Been Permanently Broke.


Are Americans finally free from the control of the Crowns of the Vatican or more accurately the Holy Roman Empire? Personally, I feel that we are not free yet because there are many high level members of secret societies controlled by the Vatican that refuse to free Americans and the people of the world.To learn all you need know about NATURAL LAW watch the following Natural Law seminar by Mark Passio: Natural Law Seminar – FULL version .

For Americans and the people of the world to really be free, they need to learn how to defend their natural rights and be responsible living men and women. Furthermore, they need to learn how to live in harmony with Natural Law. Until these things happen, we as a collective can only experience the illusion of real freedom. – Pao Chang

May 27, 2017 by Edward Morgan ,

For those just now waking up—-In March, the IMF’s governmental services corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES (INC.) went insolvent. It was entered into Chapter 11 without naming a Successor to Contract. That left the “federal” side of the Constitution vacant and flapping in the wind.So, what to do?We had already entered a properly constructed claim in commerce to claim back all the assets naturally belonging to the American people.The Constitution was saved and a new foundation begun.The united States of America and the free, sovereign and independent people living on the land of the organic states have regained their sovereignty in the international jurisdiction of the sea.We are finally whole!This “split” the jurisdiction owed to American states and people and created two different populations of people from the outset—- the free sovereign and independent people of the United States and the British Subject inhabitants who remained to provide these services under the Constitution.So long as the British King remained honest and honored his obligation to us to act as our Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, the future remained safe— but almost immediately the “Troubles” began, as King George wiggled like a fish on a hook and sought to regain his position over the Americans.Within 15 years members of the American Bar Association loyal to the British King had elected Abraham Lincoln, a lawyer, to the Office of President of the United States — CEO of the commercial trading company deceptively called the United States (Trading Company) —not the land, not the country, not the organic states, and not the people. The actual Constitution already had provisions denying any member of the Bar any public office, so in Lincoln’s case the only “Presidency” he could occupy was as the CEO of the trading company doing business as the “United States”.Though loudly proclaiming the abolishment of slavery, the 13th Amendment of this federal corporation document (which is actually a corporate by-law) goes on to enshrine slavery as a permanent part of the newly formed federal corporation doing business as The United States of America, Incorporated’s form of law. It makes criminals slaves and leaves the corporate “Congress”— an elected Board of Directors—free to define who the criminals are.This is why it does no good for anyone mischaracterized as a “United States Citizen” to claim the guarantees of the actual Constitution, and why these courts do not hear any of the laws or the facts of any case and also the reason that their own court rules for judges admonish them to provide “an appearance” of Justice where there is none. All that is really going on is a determination of how much these criminals will charge you for their “service” and whether or not you will be “impounded” as cargo or held ransom as chattel backing the debts of their corporation.The very mechanism they hoped to use to finish us off was turned against them. We slipped in, invoked our true standing, formed the new federal alliance, issued the new Sovereign Letters Patent, issued the new Declaration of Joint Sovereignty— and booted both the British and the French off our shores once and for all.A few weeks later Jacob Rothschild showed up. He assumed he could just cut a deal with the IMF and move into place as the Successor to Contract and begin the long-planned seizure of our land and other assets via the use of commercial mercenaries disguised as employees of our lawful government—– just like what is going on in Oregon now with the Uranium land-grab and the fake “FBI”.That thing is Washington, DC that you were misled to believe was “your” government and which you trusted accordingly was never your government. It has always been an abusive and criminally mismanaged foreign government perched on our shores, here under contract to provide “essential governmental services”.It was our distinct pleasure to inform Mr. Rothschild that other arrangements have been made and his offer to act as Successor to Contract was accordingly refused.The drive is on to reclaim and repatriate all American assets to America and to Americans. The Bank of International Settlements has already agreed, the World Court has already alerted all six branches, and an initial brief has been filed. The American Armed Forces have been alerted and true Americans from every walk of life and corner of the globe as well as friends from around the world are rallying to our assistance.Please do your part to support this mighty effort to restore the peace, prosperity, and health of the whole Earth and the people living on it. Together, we are all the True Sovereigns— born to learn who we are, born to learn how to rule ourselves, born to be caretakers of each other and our beloved planet.DO NOT FOLLOW ANY “ORDERS” TO HARM AMERICANS. THOSE WHO DO WILL BE TRIED FOR WAR CRIMES AND FACE THE DEATH PENALTY JUST LIKE THE NAZIS AT NUREMBURG.It is either criminally stupid or a purposeful malignant circumstance when all a country’s major news organs are owned by foreigners. Now that you know that fact, turn the knob. Take everything these talking heads say with two grains of salt, use your own brain and common sense.Believe in the Magnum Mysterium, the True God, the Great Spirit that shares One Life with all of us with One Love that is truly Divine.By, Judge Anna Maria Riezinger Anna von Reitz <> Alaska State Superior CourtSource 1:

  • Walk forward now, together, hand in hand, and fear no evil. When the Truth comes what is False must pass away.
  • Trust in yourself, your abilities, your skills, your friends, your families, your communities, your most cherished ideals, your fondests hopes. If you are like most Americans you will feel panic and anger and confusion when you realize just how close we have come to total disaster.
  • If you have resources, knowledge, or skills to offer, please stand by. There will be needs aplenty in the days to come. There may be possible disruptions of public services, possible disruptions of supply chains, possible confusion and very probably misinformation spewed by the Mainstream Media which is owned entirely by international corporations that have benefited from the fraud and very obviously failed to do their real job.
  • Please print, post, send, carry, do whatever it takes to inform every American. Especially inform all members of the police, the military, the so-called “law enforcement agencies”, the clergy, the community leaders, school officials, everyone who needs to know.
  • The world is waking up, led by tiny Iceland, and now by the Americans. We have lived for a long time under the thrall of criminals, as have many other nations. The British and the French, the Germans, the Japanese, the Canadians, and the Aussies—- all direct victims of this same fraud and criminality, while the rest of the world has suffered both directly and indirectly from this plague of dishonest politicians, corrupt judges and the banks which have functioned as crime syndicates.
  • We will be providing our own services and taking care of our own business and our own people from now on.
  • We are not responsible for the debts of this foreign entity and we have repudiated them accordingly. All we ever owed the UNITED STATES were reasonable fees for nineteen services– most of which we never received.
  • The “FBI” like the “BLM” are just brand names of old used-to-be units of other governmental services corporations long gone. They’ve been run under color of law for years as private security and property management subcontractors of the IMF dba UNITED STATES and its corporate municipal franchises. Those men shooting and threatening people in Oregon are private commercial mercenaries acting under color of law, impersonating government employees.
  • Our answer came by Divine Providence, even as representatives of the Wells Fargo Bank (owned by the US Attorney General) were claiming that the united States of America no longer existed, that we no longer had a national currency in circulation, that all the Americans had “voluntarily” given up their birthright and accepted the slave status of “United States Citizens”, that our land was “abandoned property” and the Secondary Creditors of the bankrupt UNITED STATES governmental services corporation should be allowed to come in under color of law and claim our land, our homes, our businesses and everything else to pay the debts run up under conditions of fraud by the IMF doing business as the UNITED STATES.
  • This heinous crime, duplicity, Breach of Trust, enslavement, and merciless abuse of the American people has gone on for 150 years and since the 1930’s things have only gotten worse. Until now.
  • A close reading of the 14th Amendment shows that they made everyone who was a United States Citizen (Federal Citizen) a criminal by definition, a slave by definition, and a debtor, too. To this day, when these vermin bring innocent Americans into their private corporate tribunals (which are misrepresented as public courts) the charges are addressed to “persons” named after the victims. These “persons” are legal fiction entities defined as public trusts and more recently as public transmitting utilities—and they are already guilty by definition.
  • It is not a mistake that Abraham Lincoln led our country into a vicious Civil War, the results of which we are still dealing with 150 years later. The Civil War was not about ending slavery, as you can see by closely reading the 13th Amendment of the corporate “Constitution” called the “Constitution of the United States of America” adopted by the perpetrators of all this criminality, betrayal, and fraud in 1868.
  • Things appeared to settle down after the War of 1812, but by 1845, the then-Pope and the British King sealed a secret pact agreeing that the egalitarian American Republic was incompatible with the idea of Papal Supremacy and the Divine Right of Kings. The Secret Treaty of Verona was a grotesque, criminal, and highly secret Breach of Trust by both the British Monarch and the Holy See.
  • The so-called “Federal Government” was never a sovereign government. It was always an association of sovereign nation-states. And it was never our government though it was under contract to serve us. It was always a foreign government operating under the foreign jurisdiction of the sea and the equally foreign Law of the Sea.
  • Those who have read our affidavit of probable cause, “You Know Something Is Wrong When….An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” know that the Founders cut a deal with the British King allowing him to retain control of nineteen enumerated essential governmental services, all in the jurisdiction of the sea.
  • For the first time since 1789 Americans are in full control of both their natural land and sea jurisdictions.
  • The Native Americans are now free to come home to land that they were “removed from”, no longer POW’s, they have regained their sovereignty as free, sovereign and independent people living on the land.
  • We formed an alliance with the Lakota and the Athabasca, two of the largest Native American nations—-which are “federal” and which have internationally recognized tribal governments, and we filed Sovereign Letters Patent and a Declaration of Joint Sovereignty.
  • We had already delivered Due Process to the IMF dba UNITED STATES and its franchises, resulting in a proper Judgment of Commercial and Administrative Default.
  • The intention of the perpetrators is obvious. They meant to void the Constitution once and for all.
  • The END of 400 Years of European Meddling and Predation in America

Make PEACE Possible by Acting from Love. Thank U. I Am Peace & share from Unconditional LOVE. I Am


Happy weekend Beloved Family, Friends & Cocreators. All posts I share on my FB Timeline are automatically shared on my Twitter. So for an easy overview of what I do as a Lightworker U can go to & follow me at :

Thank U. I Love U. We Are ONE Humanity, Living on ONE Beautifull Planet & Need To Work Together for the Highest Good of All. I Am .

“Let There Be Peace On Earth” !  Continue reading

(Historic News) Americans Free at Last – The ties have been permanently broken by Judge Anna – January 30, 2016

Breaking News from The Hollow Earth Network

Stop the Violence


The END of 400 Years of European Meddling and Predation in America

Americans Free at Last – The ties have been permanently broken

by Anna Von Reitz  Saturday, January 30, 2016

In March, the IMF’s governmental services corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES (INC.) went insolvent. It was entered into Chapter 11 without naming a Successor to Contract. That left the “federal” side of the Constitution vacant and flapping in the wind. The intention of the perpetrators is obvious. They meant to void the Constitution once and for all. So, what to do? We had already delivered Due Process to the IMF dba UNITED STATES and its franchises, resulting in a proper Judgment of Commercial and Administrative Default. We had already entered a properly constructed claim in commerce to claim back all the assets naturally belonging to the American people. We formed an alliance with the Lakota and the Athabasca, two of the largest Native American nations—-which are “federal” and which have internationally recognized tribal governments, and we filed Sovereign Letters Patent and a Declaration of Joint Sovereignty. The Constitution was saved and a new foundation begun. The Native Americans are now free to come home to land that they were “removed from”, no longer POW’s, they have regained their sovereignty as free, sovereign and independent people living on the land. The united States of America and the free, sovereign and independent people living on the land of the organic states have regained their sovereignty in the international jurisdiction of the sea. For the first time since 1789 Americans are in full control of both their natural land and sea jurisdictions. We are finally whole. Those who have read our affidavit of probable cause, “You Know Something Is Wrong When….An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” know that the Founders cut a deal with the British King allowing him to retain control of nineteen enumerated essential governmental services, all in the jurisdiction of the sea. This “split” the jurisdiction owed to American states and people and created two different populations of people from the outset—- the free sovereign and independent people of the United States and the British Subject inhabitants who remained to provide these services under the Constitution. The so-called “Federal Government” was never a sovereign government. It was always an association of sovereign nation-states. And it was never our government though it was under contract to serve us. It was always a foreign government operating under the foreign jurisdiction of the sea and the equally foreign Law of the Sea. So long as the British King remained honest and honored his obligation to us to act as our Trustee on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, the future remained safe— but almost immediately the “Troubles” began, as King George wiggled like a fish on a hook and sought to regain his position over the Americans. Things appeared to settle down after the War of 1812, but by 1845, the then-Pope and the British King sealed a secret pact agreeing that the egalitarian American Republic was incompatible with the idea of Papal Supremacy and the Divine Right of KIngs. The Secret Treaty of Verona was a grotesque, criminal, and highly secret Breach of Trust by both the British Monarch and the Holy See. Within 15 years members of the American Bar Association loyal to the British KIng had elected Abraham Lincoln, a lawyer, to the Office of President of the United States — CEO of the commercial trading company deceptively called the United States (Trading Company) —not the land, not the country, not the organic states, and not the people. The actual Constitution already had provisions denying any member of the Bar any public office, so in LIncoln’s case the only “Presidency” he could occupy was as the CEO of the trading company doing business as the “United States”.

Be Free . Be Sovereign

Coorporate America is Not what We The People Want to Endorse any Longer

It is not a mistake that Abraham Lincoln led our country into a vicious Civil War, the results of which we are still dealing with 150 years later. The Civil War was not about ending slavery, as you can see by closely reading the 13th Amendment of the corporate “Constitution” called the “Constitution of the United States of America” adopted by the perpetrators of all this criminality, betrayal, and fraud in 1868. Though loudly proclaiming the abolishment of slavery, the 13th Amendment of this federal corporation document (which is actually a corporate by-law) goes on to enshrine slavery as a permanent part of the newly formed federal corporation doing business as The United States of America, Incorporated’s form of law. It makes criminals slaves and leaves the corporate “Congress”— an elected Board of Directors—free to define who the criminals are. A close reading of the 14th Amendment shows that they made everyone who was a United States Citizen (Federal Citizen) a criminal by definition, a slave by definition, and a debtor, too. To this day, when these vermin bring innocent Americans into their private corporate tribunals (which are misrepresented as public courts) the charges are addressed to “persons” named after the victims. These “persons” are legal fiction entities defined as public trusts and more recently as public transmitting utilities—and they are already guilty by definition. This is why it does no good for anyone mischaracterized as a “United States Citizen” to claim the guarantees of the actual Constitution, and why these courts do not hear any of the laws or the facts of any case and also the reason that their own court rules for judges admonish them to provide “an appearance” of Justice where there is none. All that is really going on is a determination of how much these criminals will charge you for their “service” and whether or not you will be “impounded” as cargo or held ransom as chattel backing the debts of their corporation. This heinous crime, duplicity, Breach of Trust, enslavement, and merciless abuse of the American people has gone on for 150 years and since the 1930′s things have only gotten worse. Until now. The very mechanism they hoped to use to finish us off was turned against them. We slipped in, invoked our true standing, formed the new federal alliance, issued the new Sovereign Letters Patent, issued the new Declaration of Joint Sovereignty— and booted both the British and the French off our shores once and for all. Our answer came by Divine Providence, even as representatives of the Wells Fargo Bank (owned by the US Attorney General) were claiming that the united States of America no longer existed, that we no longer had a national currency in circulation, that all the Americans had “voluntarily” given up their birthright and accepted the slave status of “United States Citizens”, that our land was “abandoned property” and the Secondary Creditors of the bankrupt UNITED STATES governmental services corporation should be allowed to come in under color of law and claim our land, our homes, our businesses and everything else to pay the debts run up under conditions of fraud by the IMF doing business as the UNITED STATES. A few weeks later Jacob Rothschild showed up. He assumed he could just cut a deal with the IMF and move into place as the Successor to Contract and begin the long-planned seizure of our land and other assets via the use of commercial mercenaries disguised as employees of our lawful government—– just like what is going on in Oregon now with the Uranium land-grab and the fake “FBI”. The “FBI” like the “BLM” are just brand names of old used-to-be units of other governmental services corporations long gone. They’ve been run under color of law for years as private security and property management subcontractors of the IMF dba UNITED STATES and its corporate municipal franchises.


Life is Short , Break Some Rules

Those men shooting and threatening people in Oregon are private commercial mercenaries acting under color of law, impersonating government employees. That thing is Washington, DC that you were misled to believe was “your” government and which you trusted accordingly was never your government. It has always been an abusive and criminally mismanaged foreign government perched on our shores, here under contract to provide “essential governmental services”. We are not responsible for the debts of this foreign entity and we have repudiated them accordingly. All we ever owed the UNITED STATES were reasonable fees for nineteen services– most of which we never received. It was our distinct pleasure to inform Mr. Rothschild that other arrangements have been made and his offer to act as Successor to Contract was accordingly refused. We will be providing our own services and taking care of our own business and our own people from now on. The drive is on to reclaim and repatriate all American assets to America and to Americans. The Bank of International Settlements has already agreed, the World Court has already alerted all six branches, and an initial brief has been filed. The American Armed Forces have been alerted and true Americans from every walk of life and corner of the globe as well as friends from around the world are rallying to our assistance. The world is waking up, led by tiny Iceland, and now by the Americans. We have lived for a long time under the thrall of criminals, as have many other nations. The British and the French, the Germans, the Japanese, the Canadians, and the Aussies—- all direct victims of this same fraud and criminality, while the rest of the world has suffered both directly and indirectly from this plague of dishonest politicians, corrupt judges and the banks which have functioned as crime syndicates. Please do your part to support this mighty effort to restore the peace, prosperity, and health of the whole Earth and the people living on it. Together, we are all the True Sovereigns— born to learn who we are, born to learn how to rule ourselves, born to be caretakers of each other and our beloved planet. Please print, post, send, carry, do whatever it takes to inform every American. Especially inform all members of the police, the military, the so-called “law enforcement agencies”, the clergy, the community leaders, school officials, everyone who needs to know.

Be Gratefull for All That We Can Do

You Are Awesome for Taking Part in this Peacefull Revolution

DO NOT FOLLOW ANY “ORDERS” TO HARM AMERICANS. THOSE WHO DO WILL BE TRIED FOR WAR CRIMES AND FACE THE DEATH PENALTY JUST LIKE THE NAZIS AT NUREMBURG. If you have resources, knowledge, or skills to offer, please stand by. There will be needs aplenty in the days to come. There may be possible disruptions of public services, possible disruptions of supply chains, possible confusion and very probably misinformation spewed by the Mainstream Media which is owned entirely by international corporations that have benefited from the fraud and very obviously failed to do their real job. It is either criminally stupid or a purposeful malignant circumstance when all a country’s major news organs are owned by foreigners. Now that you know that fact, turn the knob. Take everything these talking heads say with two grains of salt, use your own brain and common sense. Trust in yourself, your abilities, your skills, your friends, your families, your communities, your most cherished ideals, your fondests hopes. If you are like most Americans you will feel panic and anger and confusion when you realize just how close we have come to total disaster. Believe in the Magnum Mysterium, the True God, the Great Spirit that shares One Life with all of us with One Love that is truly Divine. Walk forward now, together, hand in hand, and fear no evil. When the Truth comes what is False must pass away. ————————————— See this article and over 150 others on Anna’s website

My Family is worth 500 Trillion Dollars

Jacob Rothchild