My Latest Note on Facebook on Sananda `s Meditation

My Latest Note on Facebook on Sananda `s Meditation

Monday April 7th 2014 , via Rab Adamson on FB After Sharing the last channelled message from



Sananda’s Meditation for the Harmonic Ascension


 The Meditation:


 Now, everyone, breathe deeply. Deeply, deeply. Breathe into the deepest place in your heart, further than you’ve ever been before. Breathe into the secret room in your heart, where the connection to your soul is. And there you connect All That Is. Feel the depth of that connection. Once you forge that, in your heart, it can never be broken. And once you forge that connection, you know that you can never be alone, and you can never die. You go on, as does everyone else. All of us, together, create All That Is.


 Now breathe deeply. Feel that place in your heart, where there is no boundary, there is no barrier, there is no separation. When you go to that place, you feel the electromagnetic energy, of all those beings around you, of all the beings that have ever lived, of all the consciousness in the Universe today, this moment. All consciousness, past, future, present. And through it all, the great loving energy of Prime Creator. In that state, you are God, you are Love, you are Light. Feel the depth of that connection.


 Breathe deeply. Send that Love that you feel in your heart down into the Earth. Connect, deeply, right into the center of your dear Mother Earth, that is your anchor, that will steady and maintain you always. And now upward, through your crown chakra, reach, up through the Pillar of Light, up through all the layers of all the dimensions, to our great Creator. There is no barrier, no disconnection, you are always connected, able to experience, able to feel our Creator, to absorb pure Love that is so nurturing, so comforting, so peaceful. In this state, beloved ones, you can create anything.


 And now use that power, feel the passion of your heart, the will that you experience in your solar plexus, hmm, unnamed feeling, “I Can,” “I Am”.


And now combine that, with the thoughts, the images, the dreams, that are your fondest wish. Lightworkers always say, “I wish for world peace.” It was not possible in past lifetimes; it is possible now, because everything has changed. It was not possible for us to create world peace, out of this deep place, we were not able to manifest it before; we can now.


 And so envision, there in that deep place in your heart, envision the entire planet, at peace, where every brother embraces every other brother, every sister smiles on every brother and sister and child; where Prime Creator’s energy imbues and enriches every encounter, every thought, every action. See it, see the peace and camaraderie, and see every table laden with the most glorious fruits and vegetables, flowers, the Elixir of Life for everyone.


 Picture it, no person on the planet will go hungry, every single being will feel the protection they need, whether it be a forest for the squirrel, a lovely house for a human family, a field of beautiful grass for a horse or a cow, a blue sky for a bird; all will feel nurtured and protected.


 This vision, beloved ones, you must create every day. And when you do, the vibration of planet Earth will rise. The more of you do it, the more it will rise, until we create a crescendo of joy that will ripple around the globe without obstruction, without end. Hold that in your mind, hold it there always. And so it shall be


 Channel: Dr Kathryn E May ~~~~~~~~~~~~

Updated my Vimeo Today as I Love To share My Love For All Of Life

Updated my Vimeo Today as I Love To share My Love For All Of Life

I Am a woman with an Open Heart & Mind to All who are willing to be of help in raising Consciousness & Universal Love, Light & Peace on Our Beloved Planet Earth. I am quite active on Facebook as a Lightworker and on Youtube where you may find me ounder the same name as used here on Vimeo . I Love You in All That Is . We Are One Heart Beating with Mother Earth & Ascending .The Great Shift is actually happening right Here & Now & We are the Wayshowers, Pioneers & Starseeds, Cocreators of the New Earth. As Above , So Below. In Lak`ech Ala Kìn .Aum Namah Sivaya . Namaste . I Am 

Sananda’s Meditation for the Harmonic Ascension


The Meditation:


Now, everyone, breathe deeply. Deeply, deeply. Breathe into the deepest place in your heart, further than you’ve ever been before. Breathe into the secret room in your heart, where the connection to your soul is. And there you connect All That Is. Feel the depth of that connection. Once you forge that, in your heart, it can never be broken. And once you forge that connection, you know that you can never be alone, and you can never die. You go on, as does everyone else. All of us, together, create All That Is. 


Now breathe deeply. Feel that place in your heart, where there is no boundary, there is no barrier, there is no separation. When you go to that place, you feel the electromagnetic energy, of all those beings around you, of all the beings that have ever lived, of all the consciousness in the Universe today, this moment. All consciousness, past, future, present. And through it all, the great loving energy of Prime Creator. In that state, you are God, you are Love, you are Light. Feel the depth of that connection. 


Breathe deeply. Send that Love that you feel in your heart down into the Earth. Connect, deeply, right into the center of your dear Mother Earth, that is your anchor, that will steady and maintain you always. And now upward, through your crown chakra, reach, up through the Pillar of Light, up through all the layers of all the dimensions, to our great Creator. There is no barrier, no disconnection, you are always connected, able to experience, able to feel our Creator, to absorb pure Love that is so nurturing, so comforting, so peaceful. In this state, beloved ones, you can create anything. 


And now use that power, feel the passion of your heart, the will that you experience in your solar plexus, hmm, unnamed feeling, “I Can,” “I Am”. 


And now combine that, with the thoughts, the images, the dreams, that are your fondest wish. Lightworkers always say, “I wish for world peace.” It was not possible in past lifetimes; it is possible now, because everything has changed. It was not possible for us to create world peace, out of this deep place, we were not able to manifest it before; we can now. 


And so envision, there in that deep place in your heart, envision the entire planet, at peace, where every brother embraces every other brother, every sister smiles on every brother and sister and child; where Prime Creator’s energy imbues and enriches every encounter, every thought, every action. See it, see the peace and camaraderie, and see every table laden with the most glorious fruits and vegetables, flowers, the Elixir of Life for everyone. 


Picture it, no person on the planet will go hungry, every single being will feel the protection they need, whether it be a forest for the squirrel, a lovely house for a human family, a field of beautiful grass for a horse or a cow, a blue sky for a bird; all will feel nurtured and protected. 


This vision, beloved ones, you must create every day. And when you do, the vibration of planet Earth will rise. The more of you do it, the more it will rise, until we create a crescendo of joy that will ripple around the globe without obstruction, without end. Hold that in your mind, hold it there always. And so it shall be

Channel: Dr Kathryn E May ~~~~~~~~~~~~