Saint Germain, New Political & Cosmological Revelations, January 1, 2018

ST%20GERMAIN%20PORTRAITAmazing News ! Amazing Coincidences ! Amazing Times are Here Now & Ahead of Us. Thank U So Much, Beloved Christine Preston for Giving us this Most Important & Beautifull Message ( & all typed out in text ! ) from Beloved Saint Germain on what is Decreed (& Now Being Acted Upon) on December 21st, by Pres. Donald Trump . I Am In Awe, as Today, January 6th at 20 PM/GMT , when I Reblog this Message, Mars & Jupiter Are in an Exact Alignment at 17 degrees ,50 min. in the Sign of Scorpio. So the Prophecy of the Song in the Musical “Hair , called The Age of Aquarius”, is Coming into Manifestation Here & Now. “When the Moon is in the 7th House , the House of Cooperation, Cocreation & Partnership (which holds the Blueprint in my Birthchart, with Pluto on its Cusp in Leo, Saturn in Virgo, the Moon & Neptune in Libra ) & Jupiter Aligns with Mars, then PEACE will Guide the Planet & LOVE will steer the Stars. This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius ! ” Thank U Matt for Publishing & Thank U Universe for Giving us the Clues ! Love Is the Way to Peace. I AM

Galactic Federation of Light

by Christine Preston,

Christine: Hi Lightworkers, Yesterday, January 1, 2018, at the end of my session of decrees in which I used some of the prayers in the Decree Book of the Summit Lighthouse, as usual, I looked at the representation, or portrait, of the Ascended Master Saint Germain for a few seconds, and this was enough for him to be aware that I was doing so, as I then heard a voice saying ‘this is Saint Germain’ and knew he was going to communicate with me and give me a dictation. For those who are not familiar with the process or the publishing of messages delivered by telepathic communication also called ‘tele-thought transmission’ please browse websites with playlists of videos such as those published by the Secret Garden or Matt Muckleroy, as well as the latter’s Galactic Federation of Light Archives. This is not an entirely new phenomenon as…

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Carl Jung Explains Humanity’s Major Transition from the Age of Pisces to Aquarius (Audio)


All We Are Saying is Give Peace A Chance ! When the POWER of LOVE will Be Greater than the LOVE of Power, this World Will Know Peace. Peace Starts Within & Giving Up Your Greed & Need to Dominate our World by the Force of Excessive Military & Economical Power .I AM

Friday, December 29, 2017

Carl Jung Explains Humanity’s Major Transition from the Age of Pisces to Aquarius (Audio)

(Arjun WaliaAstrology is an ancient art and science dating back thousands of years. It appears in many cultures, but as with most ancient wisdom, much of it was and has been concealed and forbidden from public viewing. Secret societies, both those whose hearts are grounded in the good will for all of humanity, and those driven by greed and personal gain, have also used this type of ancient knowledge. From Atlantis to ancient Sumer, Vedic astrology to ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt, many great minds throughout the ages have practiced astrology, and for good reason. Despite its many skeptics, astrology has much to offer

Related Astrology 101: What You Need To Know About Birth Charts, Cycles & Deep Astrology SourceCollective Evolution by Arjun Walia, October 14th, 2017 It’s also import to mention here that many of our founding fathers of modern science, especially in the fields of mathematics and physics/quantum physics, were all spiritual mystics.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”- Nikola Tesla

A new age, astrologically speaking, for man began at the dawn of Christianity. Prior to this, we had the secret societies, concepts like the Philosopher’s Stone, and other ‘magical’ concepts, including the use of magic and sorcery. With the advent of Christianity, the concept of God took their place, yet more recently, concepts that were used and practiced prior to the beginning of modern day religion have been emerging once more, which is interesting because we are at the end of an age, and transitioning into a new one. There is discrepancy among experts where exactly we are, but most seem to agree that we are in a very important transition period. In Western astrology, we are transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. In ancient Vedic astrology, we are at the beginning of the end of a 300 cycle (currently living in the transition period at the end of the Kaliyuga Age). The Vedic doctrine also tells us what Western astrology philosophies do, and correlates with the cycles described by ancient Native American wisdom as well. They tell us that we are living in an age of Darkness, also described in The Mahabharata, a time when mental capabilities reach their lowest point and moral virtue is stripped from the Earth. As independent researcher Bibhu Dev Misra writes, when the “World Soul” is full of blackness and corruption, and only a small fraction of virtue remains, it “slowly dwindles to zero at the end of the Kali Yuga. Men turn to wickedness; disease, lethargy, anger, natural calamities, anguish and fear of scarcity dominate. Penance, sacrifices and religious observances fall into disuse. All creatures degenerate. Change passes over all things, without exception.” These descriptions accurately reflect our society’s progression. As we’ve moved through modern history, this past age — which has lasted approximately 2,100 years — is coming to an end, a conclusion marked by a time when global tensions have never been so high. During this age, humanity has indeed experienced the most darkness, and it seems that the more ancient a civilization, the more spiritually (and technologically) advanced they might have been — also interesting because after this age ends, we will be cycling back to the beginning, an age that hasn’t been seen since the time of great knowledge and understanding of the spiritual sciences, mysticism, consciousness, and non-materialism in general. This all seems to be part of the massive shift in collective consciousness that is going on today.

Carl Jung’s Explanation (From The Video Below)

Dr. Young writes:

“As we know from Ancient Egyptian History, these events are symptoms of psychic changes that always appear at the end of one platonic month, and at the beginning of another. They are, it seems, changes in the constellation of psychic dominance, of the archetypes or gods, as they used to be called, which bring about or accompany long lasting transformations of the collective psyche. This transformation started within the historical tradition and left traces behind it. First, in the transition from the age of Torus to that of Aries, and then from Aries to Pisces, whose beginning coincides with the rise of Christianity (mentioned above). We are now nearing the great change, which may be expected, when the spring point, enters Aquarius.”

 Interest quote above, it’s taken from his book, Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies. It’s hard to find a non translated version that was written by Jung in 1958, that’s why the recording below, from manly P. Hall, who had a relationship with Jung, as being recognized as two of the greatest minds of their time – they were also into each others work, is so important. Hall has been recognized as one of the world’s leading scholars in the fields of religion, mythology, mysticism, and the occult. Many great minds have been attracted to his work, including the late Carl Jung, who, when writing his Psychology and Alchemy, borrowed material from Hall’s private collection. One of his most recognized books is a great resource of information, The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy. Jung, contrary to popular belief, was a heavy researcher into the topic of UFOs, during the time he published his book he also accused the Air Force for covering up information about the subject. Hall explains Jung’s quote above:

“Jung is telling us, that the Platonic year is a problem in timing, and that what we call the processional motion of the equinoxes, results in the vernal equinox changing about every 2100 years, and that these changes correspond to the months of the great platonic year, which consists of something over 25,000 years. He is telling us therefore that these changes arising in nature, in cosmos, in space, are due to certain gradual transformations of archetypes, and that these archetypes mean, that in nature this clock is active, and that this clock is continuously moving, passing from one cyclic division to another, he could undoubtedly gather, a powerful body of information to prove that at each of these vital periods, these periods in which the general dominant of the world changes, there has been a mark, an important social psychological change in the life of individuals.”

He (Hall) then goes on to say:

“The life of the individual is in relationship to the life of the collective, that this phenomenon, of the flying saucers, should arise as the vernal equinox moves toward the aquarian point, and that this consequently implies, as it did to the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, and also to many Asiatic peoples, a major motion of world consciousness, world pressure, and that this motion is from a water sign, to an air sign…And that therefore, the atmospheric mystery, the mystery of air, and that which is concealed within air, must become increasingly psychologically dominant for a period of more than 2000 years to come.”

You can listen to the Full audio below. Hall goes into many different topics, and provides his own ideas about the phenomenon.

NEW: Manly P. Hall, Dr. Carl Jung and the Flying Saucers – Audio Lecture

Published on 25 Apr 2017 on Youtubechannel “manlyhallsociety”,with 2K subscribers, length 1 hr 34 min..*( listened & subbed  )

Rare audio recording of Manly P. Hall’s lecture on Dr. Carl Jung’s book about the flying saucer phenomenon. Recorded in Los Angeles on August 30, 1959. Original Title: “Flying Saucers: An Analysis of Jung’s Recent Book” Please Note: The audio quality is rough at first, but clears up dramatically after about 6 minutes.

 Human Consciousness & Space

Scientific literature is clear on the fact that several physiological rhythms and global collective behaviours are not only synchronized with solar and geomagnetic activity, but also that disruptions in these fields can create adverse effects on human health and behaviour. You can read more about that here in an article that’s sourced with the science behind it. The point is, at a biological level we know that all life on Earth is linked in some way with Solar, Lunar, and possibly other cycles as well. There is also a great deal of evidence that human consciousness, which plays such a big role in quantum physics, and other areas of non material science, is directly connected to astrology in very peculiar ways. “It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.” – Max Planck



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Full Moon Eclips

May there be Peace on Earth.
May WeUMeAll & especially our Beloved ones in the warzones & all refugees be kept safe & healthy. May our Love Be Infinite & Enduring. May Our Love keep growing stronger each day. May the Power of Love be Greater than the Love of Power.
We Are ONE. I Am

We Are ONE Collective Field of Consciousness . Love is All We Need & the rest is yust fear to be left behind. Meditate to reach your Highest Point of Awakening . I Am

We Are ONE Collective Field of Consciousness . Love is All We Need & the rest is yust fear to be left behind. Meditate to reach your Highest Point of Awakening .
I Am

BLOOD MOON: Your Vulnerability Key – Equinox Eclipsing We are reeling and whirling from Retrograde Eclipse-Window Equinox weekend, spun and spiraled in the passionate tango of Love (that doesn’t necessarily feel like love) and the blaze of creative collaborative soul contracts – we are here, we are now, swimming in the tides of this beautiful and powerful Blood Moon, with little or no time for sleep! Surprisingly, the best and only way through it all is to let yourself be overwhelmed as your vulnerability is the key to unlock the magic of this Mystery. If you are restless, frustrated and not sleeping, these energies are doing their work to bring surrender – the ultimate resignation of all control – moving you into the terrifying place of not knowing or understanding what is happening. 

The ultimate goal of spirit in concert with the planetary cosmic frequency is to shift your perspective towards embracing change, letting go of what you know, allowing the new to envelope you. Scary good! And: ‘In the Light of Love We are Whole’

ASTRONOMY: Sunday’s Lunar Eclipse appears drenched in amber-red, thus the name Blood Moon.  It will be visible entirely in the Eastern U.S. and partially in Central and Western U.S.  Time in MTN zone is Sept. 27th at 6:47 pm until 11:23 pm, with maximum at 8:47pm This is the fourth Blood Moon in a series of 4 spanning 2014-2015 and this ‘tetrad’ – 4 lunar eclipses in a row: April 15, 2014, Oct 8, 2014, April 4, 2015, and Sept 28, 2015 – has not occurred for 300 years. It means we are at a critical juncture in time and its effects will last this whole year and its ramifications will influence the next 300 years! The Blood Moon – this South Node Lunar Eclipse—is about culmination and completion; the potency of soul is unleashed and dramatic emotions released.  We filter all our experiences up to this point and realize our lack, urging us to desire more fulfillment and fruition. Because Lunar Eclipses are like Full Moons on steroids, they highlight polarity within and without, but the mirror of relationship is polished especially bright when highlighted by the Aries-Libra axis. Sunday Sept 27th, 2015, the Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aries manifests the emotional need for autonomy, the respect for one’s personal independence and freedom.  Yet Mercury Retrograde in Libra exactly opposite this Moon crowns us all in indecision, delay, and reversible thinking.  If we do not decide, are we still declaring our truth? Conundrum equals frustration! We struggle with the urge to just run away rather than bask in the brilliant light of our own shadow’s reflection? The bottom line is: This cascading configuration is a recipe for emotional motivation, reminding us of the need for an aggressive acceptance of what is, and for the most daring levels of transparency.  And even though we may feel blindfolded, only our fearless forward leaps will save us. When confronting the unknown and unexpected, the innovative genius awakens to inspire, lead, teach and vitally live each moment.  You must embody your philosophy and be willing to take leaps of faith, knowing your hand is lovingly held, gently guided by those who have braved the leap before, and you can do it, together. The first of this Aries-Libra series of eclipses occurred in October, 2013.  For the last 19 months, the cosmos has forced us to weave the paradoxical dynamic of the Aries-Libra nodes—the more freedom my partners allow me, the more I can develop both a healthy relationship with myself and with The Others, with the Inner and Outer Beloved.    And yet, circumstances have forced us to ask: Have I been Aries – ‘doing it all alone,” or have I been too focused and dependent on supporting the other—Libra? Conundrum with a psychic twist!    Holding on leads to expectation, but allowance and surrender to What Is facilitates the path of evolution unfolding according to a higher orchestrated plan. This is our delicate Libra dance of ‘Thy will be done’ – the path of least resistance, the doing which is non-doing. And: ‘In the Light of Love We Heal and Sing’    Be intentional. Remember, we are all in this together.  Astrology is simply a language to explain the unexplainable, i.e. emotions. Reach out to yourself, steady yourself, look in the mirror – what’s bothering you, deep down inside. When you’ve figured yourself out, then reach out to those you love and be honest AND then let them be honest back. Sometimes just knowing there is an explanation for the unexplainable is very comforting and helps us find common ground for healing our hearts. Head’s up: For those born with the Nodes in Libra and Aries such as those born in 1959, 1969, 1978, 1987 will feel this eclipse dynamically in their lives. Also, remember celestial events cover a 3 day window. You may have been ‘feeling’ these intense energies before the actual event, during it and days later. Hang in there! If you need support, I’m happy to help! Learn more about your chart and book a consult here. Remember that patience is the number one challenge for an Aries moon.  Lacking tact but conquering indecisions, Aries is all about personal truth and authentic living, as opposed to the strategic diplomacy of Libra.    And yet as hard as it may be, Libra patience is necessary now, and with the potency of the Lunar Eclipse coupled with Mercury Retrograde, we are being tested to allow the powerful feelings to arise, while not rushing in to rash action.  Remembering that Saturn (Chronos) is exalted in Libra, only Time will Tell, and only Compassion will Heal. ‘Love is the Way Home’ Teresa

Beloved I Am Presence. Intensify your protecting Pillar of Pure Cosmic White Light Substance, in , through & around me. Charge it with your invincable protection, all powerfull & inpenetrable, that keeps me insulated from all that is not of the Light & keep it sustained. May it keep me ever sensitive to you and your direction, immune to all imperfect vibratoty rates. So be it. It is done . I Am That I Am. As Above, So Below. I Am Peace. I Am Love. I Am Beautifull. I Am Bountifull. I AM

Beloved I Am Presence. Intensify your protecting Pillar of Pure Cosmic White Light Substance, in , through & around me. Charge it with your invincable protection, all powerfull & inpenetrable, that keeps me insulated from all that is not of the Light & keep it sustained. May it keep me ever sensitive to you and your direction, immune to all imperfect vibratoty rates. So be it. It is done . I Am That I Am. As Above, So Below.
I Am Peace. I Am Love. I Am Beautifull.
I Am Bountifull. I AM


Climbing the rigorous steps of self-within The ardent clear-eyed adventurer begins Finding pillars of support in token Acknowledging what has been unspoken For the authentic-self awakening beseeches What is this tether that holds me insidiously? The Eclipsing Blood Moon sheds its truth Of Soul contracts made beyond space and time Those precious alchemical blood relationships Are surfacing for mutual creative resolution What is ending now has completed its cycle On evolutionary roaring waves of catharsis Life yearns for aggressive acceptance In the most daring levels of transparency Transforming sacred soul covenants, now Creating new expressions of kinship, now Though blindfolded & weary of the unknown Only fearless forward flights of faith will free now We are the soaring glowing bodies of divine spark The bloodline of I AM, is infused in our roots! Raising each other’s lanterns to the stars As Soul’s are soaring on wings of freeing faith

~Teresa Scott


Although this is Copyright © 2015 ReGenesis Inc, All rights are totally released YOU ARE TOTALLY FREE TO FORWARD THIS, SHARE THIS AND EVEN TAKE THE WORDS AS YOUR OWN, As, there is no ownership in spirit only  oneness!  Teresa

Whatever U do, do it with Love. Whatever U say. let it be Truthfull. Whatever U feel, let it be authentic ! Love is the Way to Peace.

Whatever U do, do it with Love. Whatever U say. let it be Truthfull.
Whatever U feel, let it be authentic !
Love is the Way to Peace.

The Mega Equinox & Eclipses – The Astro Crucible

The 1st New Moon of 2015 on January 20st .

The 1st New Moon of 2015 on January 20st .

The Mega Equinox & Eclipses – The Astro Crucible

Archangel Metatron with Tyberonn of the Pleiades

 via James Tyberonn

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Archangel of Light. I am joined in this session by Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. We greet you in a vector of love. Masters we share important information in this gathering. Information specific to the present time. We speak of an incredible eclipse and equinox that occurs in a few days.As always, it is for you to discern what resonates and what does not….for you are indeed Master in the making.

Dear Ones, 2015 is absolutely an enthralling year astrologically. Such astro-events in this beginning phase of the New Planet Earth are designed to be so, for an incredible transition is in place. And we tell you that the changes are being aided, embellished and transacted by means of astronomical patterning and solar radiation. Occurrences that occur annually, such as eclipses, solstices, equinoxes, trines, planetary alignments, comets and meteor events began taking on crystalline geometric coding from the initiation of the 2009 Cosmic Trigger, and these embellishments are gaining momentum in 2015, Year Three of the New Planet Earth!

Year Three

The Mayan Calendar foretold of a new time, the fifth ‘world’ beginning centuries ago in the astronomical assertion that a ‘New Earth would begin in 2013 at the end of 2012. And indeed the Crystalline Grid emerged at that time on the 12-12-12. The planetary grid and planet rebooted soon afterward on the 12-21-12. Our measurement then is based on the timing of the New Earth matrix, not the speed in which humanity adepts to the shift. For indeed not all humans will shift into the new pattern, and the calibration of those that do, is qualitative not quantitative…it depends on the light quotient and focus of each individual, you see. This is quite logical, is it not? The 2012 Ascension was the Planetary graduation; the Ascension of Humanity is many years in the future.

It is now, from this accurate perspective, Year Three of the New Planet Earth. 2015 a time in which you are re-calibrating to the new crystalline energies. How quickly you adjust will depend on each individuals light quotient. Masters, astronomy implied into astrological science is, as your Edgar Cayce stated, a valid endeavor. It is a science in its purest form, but the accurate interpretation is a spiritual art, requiring true devoted study as does any science. We are not speaking of ‘daily news horoscopes’, most of which are for purposes of entertainment, but rather of a benevolent science of trends, accompanied by devoted study and interpreted with intuitive clarity. Study turns art into science.

Codes of Shift

Astronomical patterning alone does not reveal the full scope of the shifts. But the astro-patterns do provide the template and matrix for the ‘codes of upshift ‘ to be inserted….and such codes are attached thru the equinoxes, solstices, solar flares, and especially eclipses. Accordingly a portion of what we share includes that which cannot be fully seen by mere planetary angles. For we tell you that there is an unseen element in your ‘New Earth’ astronomy, and that is the unity of Spirit Coding and the Collective Higher Intent of Humanity. We wish to assure you, that nothing is happening on your planet, that is not on path. Many will doubt this, but we differ, again we emphatically assure you that the ‘cleansing’ that is surfacing, is requisite for what is to come in 2038.

Thus far over the past 12 months you have experienced a quadrangle of solar and lunar eclipses, and these are culminating on the Total Solar eclipse on the March 20th equinox followed by the Full Moon Total Eclipse of April 4th, and June Solstice. From the Equinox of March until the Solstice of June, you are essentially in one emulsified energy. One that is sandwiched between the September -October 2014 Equinox ‘Tandem Eclipses” and the September-October 2015 Equinox/ Tandem Eclipses. These are by no means ordinary; by no stretch of the imagination are they mundane. And these are further greatly amplified by the massive injections of radiation via Solar Winds, prompting the ‘coding’ of the New Earth in what may be termed the Aquarian shift.

The Astronomy of Purification – The Stellar Crucible

In the current month , there have been three massive Coronal Mass Ejections (CME Solar Flares) , one on March 7th, and a super X2 Class solar flare 5 days ago on March 11th and an X Class-C yesterday on March 17th. These have an energy amplification effect of a ‘full moon X20’. But along with the matrix of intensity the Solar Flares provide a template for coding the new earth, and modifying the ionic ratio of the planet in a manner that percolates unresolved emotion to the surface for requisite clearing. You are in a phase of ‘crucible’ astronomy.

The codes are around up-shift, and up-shift cannot truly occur without ‘clearances’. The madness you see around the planet is part of the clearing. This occurs in macro and micro, for equally in your personal lives, your unresolved issues will surface in the up-shift. Do not expect the current turmoil on the planet to come to a quick end, but do understand that what is happening must be resolved to move higher. If you are expecting a hopeful message, you will not be disappointed, for we tell you that as difficult and unlikely as the naysayers may see the present conflicts, what is happening now will lead to the resolution.

The March 2015 Super Eclipse & Equinox

And so we bring in the energy of Tyberonn of the Pleiades, of Crystalline Service, to discuss the implications of the astro code occurrences.

Greetings ! This week’s Equinox/Eclipse represents a very powerful time for the awakening to Truth on both Global and individual levels. This is an utterly intense astro-frequency, and provides opportunity for contextual review of relationships, partnerships, and indeed your relationship with the 3d world. We have spoken of the Global situation in our recent message (Ref – The 2015 Message to the United Nations), and the focus of this message is then on the individual.

It is a time to consider the review and prioritizing of relationships which hold you back or prevent you from being your better self. If you are partnered or associated with another that disapproves of your spiritual work, or consistently denigrates you. This is the time to put those in order, and this means either changing the agreement or releasing the contact. Eclipses signify shift and in this time you have the potential to experience profound revelations in these areas. Accordingly this phase also brings up the distortions in your own actions versus ideals. It is the perfect intensity for considering the way you perceive, evaluate, judge and act. It is time to review value systems that may be in conflict with higher ideals. This will involve relationship agreements and attachment. This is pushed to the surface in the Venus/Uranus square Pluto in Capricorn, triggering the Uranus-Pluto dynamic….and is further amplified by the equinox build, exponentially magnified by the Total Solar Eclipse and Solar Flares.

New Beginnings

Accordingly the Ecliptical New Moon is the perfect time for new beginnings; although in the unpredictability of the Uranus-Pluto square alignment, courage and strength may be required to overcome the lethargy, in the waning moon gravity. Up until the equinox, you may feel like you are stuck in molasses, but this can for the courageous and astute seeker spring forward in the new moon total solar eclipse. Venus/Uranus trine in Jupiter Retrograde creates a Grand Fire Trine. This essentially amplifies this energy and will give strength to those who persevere in seeking betterment. Venus/Uranus are also sextiled and these are energies which support you in moving past co-dependent traits.

The vibrational ‘bar’ is being raised exponentially in terms of the planetary frequency through these astro-eclipsical episodes. They are advents of enormous downloads. As the Earth rides further toward apexial apogee, and heavy downpours of astrological zingers rain in, most empaths feel the waves of intensities beginning to crest, thus creating an emotional high tide.

Your Role – Be the Change

The March 20 Super Equinox on its own would be a sufficient, but in 2015, the Equinox is embellished to the tipping point, juxtaposed with 2 Total Eclipses and amplified exponentially by potent Coronal Mass Ejections. So Dear Human, hang on to your hats. Do not allow the energy to overwhelm you, it can be managed. Yes, there plenty of squares and unsettling astro-alignments, but there are also some brilliant Trines in play. There is no need to crash over the edge, quite the contrary; with a little focus this can be brilliantly navigated. We repeat, you not only can learn to optimally manage these intensities, it is required of you to do so, because these will continue for the next years. None of these potent astro occurrences are totally one-sided. Indeed, this equinox is chock full of yin-yang, a perfect reflection of duality…and there are many tools for the aware seeker to benevolently grasp & utilize. For both humanity & the planet are receiving supports from all the Cosmic Forces in these events.

You see, the codes of the Solar Flares & Eclipses do not just contain the seeds of surfacing the ‘unresolved energies’. There are also codes that allow for the tools to accomplish this. There is what may be termed as ‘energy packets’, to borrow a term from your ‘video games’, which can be absorbed and strengthen you. There are codes of courage and insight to allow you to not only overcome the intensities, but to thrive at a higher level. These contain the tools of betterment. And the shift of humanity, the transition of mankind as a species will be accomplished first on the individual level, by ‘being the change’ And that is your role, Dear One, to ‘Be the Change’.

The Sun is bathing the earth and humanity with new rays of benevolence. The sparks of crystalline cognition are beckoning in brilliance. The Earth is teeming with new codes, new energies and flexing its expanded dimensional matrix. Of course it is intense – it is cosmic adrenaline. And so with the intensity on the planetary at a high pitch, it is absolutely imperative that each of you maintain an intact Auric sheath to avoid the pitfalls of energetic short circuitry.

Jupiter and Saturn

There are two major planets currently in retrograde, (Saturn & Jupiter) ) and Mercury only recently went direct in early March, so the aftermath of the Mercury retro is still in play. But do not think retrogrades are all negative, for these offer focus potentials. In the current retro’s, are exquisite opportunities for consideration of life purpose and relationships. And in the mix are solar and eclipsical downloads to enable the strength in facing the issues. The key is to face the issues and recalibrate.

We told you in 2014 that the planet is entering a unique phase that is specifically purposed for the requisite surfacing of unexpressed frustration, and negativity. It is unresolved energy. And it is all around you. There are wars, riots and protests … and these are surfacing and percolating to a boiling point. And although some of you may not be directly experiencing these problems, other than seeing news reports, you may none the less, actively be part of the resolution by focusing and co creating highest good. You can do your part in resolving the issues that touch you and helping those around you.

So rather than be discouraged by what you see as devolution….is active in the transition. Be the alchemist the changes lead into gold. The truth is the astro events; this crysto-electromagnetic ‘cocktail’ is doing exactly what it is meant to do. The key is staying balanced, and stay focused in equilibrium, and doing your part to be a better person, to live a better life, to focus on highest good.

The Eclipsical Window

The frequencies of the present eclipsical window have a framing of 28 days, but the elongated intensity will persist through the June solstice. Keep in mind the Eclipsical window is a 28 day spread, 7 days prior and 7 days after the March 20 zenith …and it then is reactivated 7 days prior and 7 days after the Total Lunar (Full Moon) eclipse on April 4th. The four apexial dates are March 20, April 4th, May 27th and June 21st.But in truth this phase from March thru June has an amalgamated frequencial unity. Energetic gravity waves are similar throughout this period, with a certain ebb and flow in line with lunar phase. We offer overview & suggestions.

Emotion is highly amplified, and there is an undercurrent of tension that may allow for the unfortunate excessive expression of skewed impression into a crisis of inappropriate offensive action. It is easy to misinterpret another’s intent or to over react; making mountains of molehills. On the other hand, do not seek to hide away and merely ‘wait out’ in safe refuge in the intensity by surrendering into apathy or inactivity. Being aware of the gravitated influences at hand can allow you to manage them optimally, and prevent an uncomfortable emotional confrontation that can better be avoided. If issues surface, deal with them, seek resolution. Don’t bury them or they will simply fester and find another perhaps less manageable ‘uncontrolled & inappropriate’ release in this crucible energy. For in this phase, resolution is the better option, because what does not serve you is being percolated to the surface of your emotional & mental fields. Instead of harboring negativity, find a way to complete it, to convert it into clarity through resolution. Masters, focus on creating a better life and in so doing , a better world. And this Dearhearts, is absolutely the optimal way to use this magnificent crucible energy.

This solstice is teeming with a new influx of ‘life force’ and you can use it wisely, or you can amplify scenarios that should not receive your focus. Do not fall into self condemnation or depression as the retrogrades project their opposing wave-flow, rather use this to go inward and recalibrate into the great and greater you!

The potent magnitude of the ‘gravities are very real, if your auric field & emotions are not optimally managed or kept in balance, this can be a difficult time, the intensities are quite extreme. But the wise steward, can utilize this amazing energy to focus on intent, for the ‘life force units’ within these energies are absolutely amazing. It is a perfect time for ‘creating’ your benevolent desires. A perfect time for seeking ‘perfection’ !

The Sacred Wheel

Dearhearts, we have told you before that Love is required to master the ‘University of Earth…and that love is incomplete without strength. For the Divine Science of Creative Love involves all that you consider honor integrity, compassion, wisdom and determination. For you are learning creatorship !

The sacred must include the scientific and the scientific must include the sacred. As a person of faith your covenant must be bound to the integral circle, as a person of science you must embrace the the unseen Law of Belief in the Infinite Torus . Dear Human you are Sacred Scientists learning the Physics & Nurturing Intricacies of LOVE!


Completing the Earthplane is achieved not by strength alone but by perseverance. Persevering may involve failing 9 times, before succeeding the 10th. Masters, never forget that the Earthplane is a purposed illusion. One that humanity collectively co-creates. The University of Earth is a credentialed course. It has great value, and like all valuable curriculums, it requires effort to complete. Humanity in the mirage of the physical world wears filters that separate you from your higher self. You often feel so lost, so separated, so alone. In all of your searching you will eventually find that the only thing that makes all of this bearable is loving one another. Love ! In the interesting world of free will, you are capable of such beautiful dreams and such horrible nightmares. But this is the way of discovering your divinity, your true roles as responsible creators of your fascinating reality. The earthplane is an illusion, but a very real one. The emotions, the pain the lessoning feels very real because if it did not, you would not grow. But it is the beautiful moments, the love that will define and underscore your memories. It is the love that will last eternally.

So let us tell you that this all will have a happy ending, and let us assure you that in time you will know that there was a reason for everything. In time you will realize what an extraordinarily beautiful experience the earthplane provided you. A lesson learned, then another, and another. With filters removed, you will love, unconditionally love & cherish, every step of this extraordinary journey. You will remember the exquisite sunrises, the symmetry of the leaves on a tree, the colors of autumn, the laughter of children. Dear Human we honor you. We tell you that this is the way it has been done for eons of time, small moves, one step at a time on the way home. You are closer than you realize. And we of the Angelic realm lovingly await you, and are leaving the lights on for your return.

Masters we honor you & we bid you joy. You are beloved.

And so it is…and it is So